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Everything posted by Lancelot

  1. I did. But until somebody is doing another version, I can only offer the models we already have. Have you considered that maybe others don't even know about the old models that have been made 15 years ago?
  2. I'm locking this topic, for two reasons: 1. Dart Vader's request was fulfilled. 2. To prevent this topic to get out of hand. @Jeff and @Omega, there are many other places where you can settle your argument. PM or Discord may be some of them, but not this forum and especially not this topic. Anyway, I really hope that the tension between both of you cools down.
  3. @PsychoticSymbiote Carnor Jax has already been made. You can find him here. Also, may I remind you that this is a WIP topic? If you have specific requests, please post them in the Mod Requests & Suggestions section.
  4. It was already requested some months ago. Anyway, it could be interesting. Let's see who's the first to make this map.
    Once I saw the concept artwork, I was considering making a request topic for it. I'm happy that you were quicker.
  5. What should be NSFW about it? You just put a character in a metal bikini, which is Star Wars related. If we can feature screenshots of the Leia in her metal bikini in the file section, this artwork shouldn't be an exception. However, it would be a completely different thing if it would contain full nudity.
  6. @ClanKryze511 Merged your topic with your Thrawn Maps topic from the request section, as both are basically the same. Hope that's okay for you. I also fixed some of the WIP images you've posted, so everyone can have a direct look at your work.
  7. @JC Denton of UNATCO In the message, I see that your location for OpenJK is F:\OpenJK\base (correct me if I'm wrong). Did you put OpenJK in the GameData folder of the game?
  8. @z3filus There is probably some misunderstanding here. I wasn't going to de-escalate or demand anything, at least not in the way a staff member would. My point was that AngelModder probably has more important things to focus on right now, and that we should remember that mapping is not his main priority. Because of that, a soon release can't be guaranteed.
  9. No waste of time at all! We're here to help where we can. I'm glad you figured it out.
  10. You've downloaded a cgf file with tons of commands, therefore I assume that you were looking for a specific purpose. But which one? I can't tell what commands you need, or don't need, if I don't know what you were looking for. If you don't need the cgf file, simply remove it. Usually, that amount of commands isn't needed at all. But you can edit the already existing autoexec file and add some commands to it.
  11. I have taken a look at the file. There are so many commands you don't really need. Just edit the file by removing all the commands that are not necessary for you. If that doesn't work, remove the file and see if it works. Also, make sure to rename the file as autoexec.cfg.
  12. That's correct. But within one and a half years, so much can happen. He probably had, and still has, so much going on in his life that mapping has become a minor matter. After all, it's just a hobby, not a full-time job. I admit that my statement (which you conveniently quoted and marked) is not really correct, since his status reports have been vague recently. He may have raised hopes for a soon release, but those weren't promises. He merely reflected his current status, which can change. Maybe we should wait until he comes back and gives us a proper update, before this topic gets drowned in speculation. Until then, let's hope that he is well.
    This reskin may not be perfect, but definitely an improvement compared to the original. Especially her white robe looks better.
  13. Because AngelModder has a life outside of this community, like all of us do. And we should respect that. Once he finds the time to finish, compile and upload the map, he will let us know.
  14. Because your list contains some races that haven't been made, I moved this topic to the "Requests and Suggestions" section. @kathleen10 Many of the races have been made, and there are some big mods that give them SP support. You should check out Galactic Legacy, which has tons of characters. https://www.moddb.com/mods/swgl/downloads Just download Part 1, Part 2 and the update, but not the launcher, since it has been discontinued.
  15. Welcome to JKHub, @Sam Samarn!
  16. @darth rexie The images aren't visible. Check your image links, make sure they're the correct ones and edit your post.
  17. Lancelot

    Autoexec help

    Exactly. Do it just like that and see if it works.
  18. Maybe we shouldn't bother Doughnut with requests, unless he asks for them. He has already made several great models for us (especially the Second Sister and several lightsabers), so we should leave it up to him what to do next.
  19. @dg1995 This mod is still up and running. Just take a look at the ModDB page. https://www.moddb.com/mods/movie-duels
  20. To be honest, I think the chances that a request gets noticed AND fulfilled are low. But still, so long as the request section is here, it should be used. Just imagine it as some sort of pin board, where people can write down what they would like to see in the game. And once the right people notice a certain request and have the time and skills, they can go for it. Some requests may be unnoticed, but they don't disappear.
  21. https://jkhub.org/forums/forum/12-mod-requests-suggestions/
    One of the best skins for an original model I've ever seen. As if the character was supposed to look that way.
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