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Everything posted by Lancelot

  1. https://jkhub.org/forums/forum/12-mod-requests-suggestions/
    One of the best skins for an original model I've ever seen. As if the character was supposed to look that way.
  2. The only campaign map files we've got are the ones that came with GtkRadiant, which are the first part of Korriban, Tanaab (the mutant Rancor mission), Chandrila (the Sith tomb) and Corellia (the train mission). But if you want to edit other maps, try the Blender BSP importer by SomaZ. The best part is that the textures won't get messed up.
  3. That's right. Before everything goes way off-topic, I think that we should stop there and move along.
  4. You know what Boba Fett and the Knights of Ren have in common? They started off as minor characters in the films, but their stories were expanded in other works. Especially Boba Fett not only got his own stories in a variety of forms (both canon and non-canon), but also gained an immense cult-status. Even George Lucas admitted that he had no idea that the character would become so popular. Maybe the Knights of Ren need their time to unfold themselves like Boba Fett did, albeit not on the exact same level. Marvel did some nice comics called The Rise of Kylo Ren, which explores their backstory a bit more.
  5. In the name of the Galactic Senate and the Republic...
  6. I have a better idea. The download link! https://www.dropbox.com/s/ok15hqrlr33jt4m/Taron_Malicos.pk3?dl=0
  7. He resembles Taron Malicon from 'Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order'. Sirius has made a model of Taron and even uploaded it on Dropbox. It could be reskinned to make him look like Kirak Infil'a.
  8. Every project keeps the community going, even if something has already been made by someone else. I mean, back then, nobody said to HapSlash "Good job, but Neomarz has already made a decent Anakin model".
  9. @Hephaeon Still a very good job. I think it's actually a good idea to "trace" a lower poly model from a higher poly model. There are a lot of ways to learn modeling, and if this method is the right thing for you, continue that way until you think that you no longer need it. Just give your best in all your projects.
  10. This model is so great! I have to ask: Did you do the model from scratch? (if not, that's okay, because at least somebody made the character for this game) Are you also considering making the unmasked version of her?
  11. The launcher has been discontinued by the team in March. You have to download the files individually. Also, it must be mentioned that Knights of the Force has split into two individual mods, because the team has split following creative differences. Now you have the choice between: Knights of the Force: https://www.moddb.com/mods/knights-of-the-force-21 Galactic Legacy: https://www.moddb.com/mods/swgl
  12. @bigphil2695 ??? You've already posted your requests in the approriate section. Was it really necessary to post them here again?
  13. @50V3R31GN Take a look at https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi Academy/Maps/ There are tons of maps. If it's an old map, there may be a chance that you can find it there.
  14. Just change the screen resolution in the game's menu. And you can keep all the characters in the base folder as usual. OpenJK is still able to access them.
  15. Yes, but it was made by the old team. You can download it here, but keep in mind that it's from 2008 and therefore outdated.
  16. There is a limit, yes. Remove any character you don't need right now. But if you really want all characters, try OpenJK, which you can download here: https://builds.openjk.org/openjk-2020-05-04-52030235-windows.zip . As far as I know, OpenJK can handle more NPCs.
  17. I think that it shouldn't be the first level again, as it was already used in the original demo. It should be something else. You could take a level that is mostly finished.
  18. Yes, the community is still going. It may not be as strong as it was back then, but still. People are still playing it and create mods for it, which is actually really awesome. Welcome to JKHub, @AmosMagee!
  19. You can find Tulak Hord here: https://www.moddb.com/mods/tulak-hord/addons/tulakhord
  20. I also understand your point. But you must also keep in mind that topics like this one, and with that the entire WIP section, are specifically for creators displaying their work. Sure, you can also add some minor suggestions if you like, but for specific requests, it's better to use the respective section. It keeps the forum a bit tidier.
  21. @Botdra Take a look at Ramikad's reply in this topic:
  22. May I remind you to use the Request & Suggestions section for that? https://jkhub.org/forums/forum/12-mod-requests-suggestions/
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