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Status Replies posted by Ramikad

  1. There's nothing sadder than a broken candy cane... :(

  2. Can 2016 just piss off already?

  3. Can 2016 just piss off already?

  4. Can 2016 just piss off already?

  5. Anyone know any JKA maps that take place on a train?

  6. What's' your fav map in the JK series?

  7. Secret Santas, make sure you will have your gift ready in time!

  8. WTF is going with the Hub?! Now my signature picture is gone, but when I open my profile and go to the Signature section it's there. I reuploaded it, still nothing.

  9. BOTHANS! WHERE WERE THE BOTHANS! Oh wait....Death Star II

  10. PSA: Don't PM a staff member asking for your file to be approved, unless it's been over a week or so. We get notifications for each file submitted. Sending us another is just obnoxious. This is not aimed at any specific person, becuase its a common problem.

  11. I think Faiorden has reached SW enlightenment.

  12. I think Faiorden has reached SW enlightenment.

  13. At last, you're back, Rookie One. Glad to play your adventures again.

  14. Okay, now I'm super pissed off at EA. I have defended and have been optimistic about the new Battlefront ever since it was announced, and probably much more than it deserves. But now they have stated they'll never add more skirmish content. Now the line is drawn. I am more disappointed at this than I have been with any other game for a long time. I feel cheated and insulted. I feel like they don't care about the players, and the only reason they added ANY singleplayer content at a...

  15. Any last second entries for Secret Santa?

  16. If you're a modder but haven't signed up for secret santa, do so by tonight! See the latest news post.

  17. If you're a modder but haven't signed up for secret santa, do so by tonight! See the latest news post.

  18. Existential question: when you join a jka server, there is "Welcome player n°XXXXXXXXXX!" on the loading screen. What is this number ?

  19. Existential question: when you join a jka server, there is "Welcome player n°XXXXXXXXXX!" on the loading screen. What is this number ?

  20. Is Faiorden even trying anymore?

  21. Is Faiorden even trying anymore?

  22. i want admins

  23. Shall we start a Christmas contest after Thanksgiving?

  24. .. But we all got a chicken-duck, woman-thing waiting for us.

  25. Shall we start a Christmas contest after Thanksgiving?

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