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Everything posted by Circa

  1. They are saved to the OpenJK folder, in My Games. Go to your Documents folder, then My Games, then OpenJK.
  2. It's an issue with vanilla SP. I don't think there's a way to fix it. I remember my game always had that issue.
  3. You could fork the project and if the OpenJK gents like what they see, I'm sure they'd be willing to merge your stuff into the main project. Maybe.
  4. You said seeing the Jedi training was boring, and I was disagreeing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's boring now, sure. Compared to modern games it's super boring.
  5. Seeing NPCs do more than just one animation was kind of huge back in 2002, to be fair. It was very immersive back then to see those Jedi training like that.
  6. The trials was by far one of the best parts of JK2 for me as well. I've always been a fan of Jedi training related stuff, so playing through that was awesome.
  7. I assume you learned how to achieve what you wanted?
  8. JK2 My favorite is by far Cairn Dock, like mini said, because it's a stealth mission. It was kind of interesting how the devs were able to pull that mission off in that engine, seeing how the AI works normally. My least favorite is one of the last Yavin missions when you're in the AT-ST. The design of the map really didn't age well. JKA I love the vjun missions and the hoth missions. Pretty much all the missions in between the tier missions, because you felt like the story was actually progressing, rather than just doing random things partially related to the Cult. Wasn't a fan of t2_trip either. If the entire mission wasn't the same, then it would be cool but going as fast as you can on the swoop bike just got boring after awhile.
  9. Or just have the droid a bit darker. Right now he's unnaturally bright. Hopefully these critiques aren't scaring you away. It is a really cool image!
  10. The issue is just that it's so dark you can't tell it's there. I just recommend lightening it up slightly so you can see some detail.
  11. You merged with the existing gla that had those poses, right? The base humanoid skeleton does not have the ledge animations, I think only JA+ does. So if you merged with the base skeleton, the JA+ ones won't be there. You have to merge with that one, which means your animations should end up at the very end of the animation count.
  12. Laziness, really. They probably don't think about the nails and knuckle wrinkles being seen. But it's not hard to just use Kyle's gloved hands or Luke's instead of Jaden's gloveless ones. But yes, in the above image, he's wearing black gloves, but it took me a sec to realize that. If I didn't see the other hand tucked into his armpit, I probably would have assumed he was missing his hands. Maybe it's just my monitor I'm using atm.
  13. Circa

    Jedi Temple

    Works fine for me. Try downloading it again. Maybe it was corrupted on download.
  14. Is that his hand under the saber hilt? It looks completely black, like he has no hand. Maybe try lightening it up a bit so it shows details in the hand a bit. That's the downside to using Modview screenshots: no lighting.
  15. Circa

    Jedi Temple

    I actually had planned to upload it a few months ago, and even tried contacting the author but got no response. Then I forgot about it. Luckily the readme says it is okay to redistribute.
  16. Circa

    Jedi Temple

    It has an entirely different layout and a couple different rooms, yes. This one has the hangar, and I don't think the new one does. Can't remember exactly, but I used this map for a clan project and noticed the differences in both versions. The new one has some more polish in certain areas too, and brighter lighting I think. This one is very dark.
  17. Circa

    Jedi Temple

    To be clear, this is the original map from 2007 that was made for MBII, but released separately. The MBII team later redesigned a lot of it to work better with their game modes. The current MBII version is vastly different than this one. However, this one is still amazing, and definitely one of my favorite maps of a movie location. I just wish it was bigger.
  18. It was posted back in 2013. https://jkhub.org/topic/2370-list-of-lucasarts-canceled-games-includes-jedi-knight-3/
  19. That's a common progression as well, but I've found that most people start with playing around with cheats, which then lead to messing around with NPC's to create your own variations of characters, then into creating new characters. Plus NPC's are super easy and get you familiar with the basics of PK3 files without diving too much into the creative side which not everyone is able to do.
  20. This is just a quick guide of how to get started with modding Jedi Academy. Or rather, a list of guides and resources to get you started. These can be found in this tutorial forum on your own, but this is the best way to start, from the easiest to more complicated. Start simple and work your way up. Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy run on the same engine, so most of what you learn here will translate to both games. Only a couple things are slightly different in the assets and mapping side. If you dive into the coding side, there will be many more differences. If there are topics not covered here that you wish to learn, my best advice is to download a similar mod and look at how they did it. File and folder structure are what you need to look at for simple mods. PK3 Files Both games use PK3 files for assets. If you have downloaded a mod, it was hopefully a .pk3 file that you put in your base folder. You may have noticed that the game's base folder has 4 pk3 files already: assets0-3.pk3.Those are where all of the game's assets and configuration files are located. Learn about pk3 files here: Installing, editing and managing PK3 files Basics of NPCs NPC is an acronym for Non-Playable Character. In the JK games, that means characters like stormtroopers, mercs, Tusken raiders, etc. Enemies and friendly characters that aren't the player. The concept of editing or adding NPCs is very easy, especially if you've done any coding before. Both games have the same system, however in Jedi Outcast, all NPCs are listed in the npc.cfg file. In Academy, they are listed separately in .npc files. Learn about them here: The Basics of NPC Files Skinning In the modding world, skin is the term given to the textures of a 3D model, like a character or weapon. Skinning means changing or creating your own textures for a model. It's as easy as opening one of the textures in MS Paint and drawing on it (as a simple example). You can learn how at these tutorials: Inyri's guide to how to compile a skin Milamber's skinning guide Rooxon's quick re-color tutorial Omicron's skinning tutorial #1 Omicron's skinning tutorial #2 MUG's guide to skinning Mapping Most people would say to move to modeling after skinning, as a natural progression of knowledge, but I think mapping is easier to learn than modeling, personally. The biggest thing that will set you back with mapping is the program used to create maps: GTK Radiant. It's not the most user friendly program, and it's still very dated compared to modern tools. I already made a list of good guides. I recommend starting with RichDiesal's guide. JKHub Mapping Resources Modeling This can potentially be the hardest to learn, simply because it takes a long time to gain the skill to create something worthwhile. It takes lots of practice if you've never done it before. I recommend starting with the free program called Blender, mostly because it's free, but also because there is a plugin that makes it easy to import and export .glm files. Otherwise the main program used is 3DS Max, which you can get the student version for free, as well. A term you will come across is often is "frankensteining" or "kitbashing" which essentially mean taking parts from models and combining them into one model. It's a great place for getting to know how modeling works. Rooxon's Basic Saber crafting tutorial (3DS Max) Rooxon's Advanced Saber crafting tutorial (3DS Max) Maui's Frankensteining tutorial (Blender) Milamber's modeling tutorial Boothand's modeling tutorial Coding Coding is difficult. You're not going to be able to read one or two tutorials and know how to achieve what you want. It takes time to learn. In the early days of JK2 and JKA, the only code we had access to was the multiplayer source code. In 2013, Raven released the source code to the whole game, of JK2 and JKA, so you can essentially do whatever you want to the game (essentially). I'm no coder, so any coders that want to give me good resources to list here, please do so. eezstreet's C and C++ Primer Compiling OpenJK
  21. Merged threads and renamed the thread to be more transparent about the topic. Spoilers no longer apply 10 months after a movie comes out. If you haven't seen Solo, go see it if you care about spoilers.
  22. There was LucasFiles, FileFront, JK2Files (technically part of the FileFront network but different), modDB, and pcgamemods.com (which was shut down around 2005ish). JKHub was created in 2011 and went live in 2012.
  23. Funny this is, JKHub has only existed since 2011. Impressive stats.
  24. Han and Leia's relationship is the one we see the most of in the films, and it's by far the most interesting and entertaining. I love it. Had to vote for it. I also love Hera and Kanan. Although the Twi'lek + Human baby they made is really strange. However, this made me realize there are some great relationships in Star Wars, and most are barely touched on. Kyle and Jan is one of those. Kanan and Hera remind me a lot of Kyle and Jan (I think that was intentional, they are clearly inspired by those two). Obi-Wan and Satine is also a really interesting relationship, because in the films we saw Obi-Wan as a huge rule-follower, but here we see him falling in love with someone just like Anakin did. It makes his understanding at the end of ROTS make sense. I'm sure he suspected it too, but he probably understood a lot of what Anakin defied about the Jedi Order, including romantic love. Luke and Mara is a great relationship too. One that I hope is featured somewhere in the new canon. It'd probably have to be in a cartoon or book or video game though, unless they finally get around to casting Sebastian Stan as a young Luke for a film, which I'd love.
  25. If you're using an iPad one, then you're using a severely outdated browser. That's the issue, and there's nothing we can do about it. The first generation iPad can only go up to iOS 5. That was released in 2011. It's great that it still works for what you use it for, but more and more websites are going to give you errors like that, as security and web standards continue to change. Web security today compared to 2011 is vastly different. Also, once we move to the new forum software in the next couple of months, you may run into more issues. I know you don't want to hear it, but I recommend upgrading to a new tablet soon if you plan on using it for browsing, simply for the sake of your personal information being at risk as it continues to age and be vulnerable to security breaches.
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