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Everything posted by Circa

  1. They should, yeah. Assuming it's running a pre-iOS 7 version of iOS, you'd have to go into the settings and enable the additional keyboard layout.
  2. Well they came about in Japan originally back in the 90's. But the reason they became popular was when Apple had them as an additional keyboard built into iOS back in like...2009 I think? It wasn't a default function, but you could easily add it as an additional "language" keyboard layout. Over the years iPhone became more and more popular, the emoji keyboard kinda went viral and everyone that had an iPhone wanted those emojis to use in texting to other iPhone users. Eventually other smartphone OS makers also built it into their OSes so you could see the emojis no matter what phone you used. Now desktop OSes have them as well. So basically it's a universal solution to the smileys/emoticons that people used on forums and such from back in the day (like here on our ancient forum software).
  3. They look different on each OS. The image you showed are how they look on Apple devices. Windows and Android have different looking ones, as does Discord.
  4. Emojis will be supported in JKH 2.0. I don't think it would be worth implementing more than what Unicode emojis will already have built-in to every modern OS.
  5. Good suggestion. I added both of those features back in. The "fulfilled" tag option was almost never used so that might be why it was removed. But now you can also set it as solved.
  6. helpusobi 1 should just be added to an autoexec.cfg (or autoexec_sp.cfg if you're using openjk) in your base folder. Just create a new text file in your base folder, name it autoexec_sp.cfg and put the following in it: set helpUsObi "1" set g_saberMoreRealistic "3" set g_dismemberment "3" set g_dismemberprobabilities "100" set broadsword "1" But keep in mind that g_saberMoreRealistic 3 will do damage even when just touching the blade. It's the most realistic of course but can be annoying in some instances.
  7. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to Modding Assistance forum. What exactly is advanced about it? Because it has multiple skin versions? Are you wanting all of those versions in the SP menu?
  8. Did you put in all the commands in that tutorial? You have to put all of those in for dismemberment to work in SP.
  9. If you set it in the console it should apply to your cfg
  10. Yeah that shouldn't be happening at all. I just tested on vanilla and on openjk and it should just be the blur effect. I'm not really sure why yours looks like that. Almost like its the MP effect.
  11. Smoke stuff? lol. I have no idea what you're talking about. Are you sure you don't have a mod that adds effects or something? Dismember should work the same in OpenJK as it does in vanilla. Read this tutorial for all the settings: https://jkhub.org/topic/9974-model-dismemberment-realistic-lightsaber-combat-by-cerez/
  12. The blur effect? That isn't from OpenJK, that's in the base game too.
  13. Don't listen to people that say go for MP. JKA MP is at the point now where if you introduced another MP mode, you either won't get enough players to make it worth it, or you just further split the already small playerbase. Not just you, but I say this for everyone.
  14. What effects? Show a screenshot.
  15. OpenJK doesn't add any new effects. Are you sure you didn't download JK:Enhanced instead?
  16. What "features" of openjk don't you like? It's nearly all bug fixes only.
  17. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to OpenJK Discussion forum.
  18. Here's the original one that MBII used as a base for theirs: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Maps/Free%20For%20All/80524/ The layout is pretty awful in this one, but the look of it is accurate.
  19. Its in the name of the program: WinRAR was originally for RAR files, and now supports many other compressed formats. But yes, we require ZIP files so people don't need to download external software to use mods downloaded from us.
  20. The conclusion of the Asia Mod Contest has arrived! This contest was very unique, and we got some really nice-looking submissions. Asian themes translate quite well to a Jedi-themed game, so surprisingly a lot of these mods don't feel completely out of place like I was expecting them to. You guys voted for what you thought was best, and the winner is... ARTEMIS FFA_China Category: Chinese New Year 2018 Last Updated Mar 11 2018 07:01 PM Artemis swept the votes with her FFA_China map! The design of this map is quite simple, but the detail and atmosphere is beautiful. Not only does it look good, but it feels right. The size of the map is perfect for large FFA or TFFA matches. Fashion + function are the two things that every map should have, and this one definitely has both. The first thing you will notice on this map is the glowing water. Or at least we assume its water. I suppose it could be some kind of magical or spiritual fluid of some kind. To me it looks like Mountain Dew Baja Blast. The glow can be quite blinding if you have dynamic glow on, and I think that may be intentional. The water sits in shallow pools and also flows down shallow waterfalls across the map. The next thing you will notice is the detail in the architecture. I'm not sure what she used as her reference, but the design of the architecture is phenomenal. Especially the red puzzle-looking walls shown to the right, and the spikes on the corners of the building roofs. Very cool looking, and definitely look oriental in origin. The atmosphere itself is very spooky in a way. There is fog, but it isn't dark. It has a very mysterious feel to it. It also appears to be on a mountain or hill, excluded from anything else visible in the distance. I think that if there was a night time version, seeing the place lit up by the water glow and the lanterns would be really cool. It would also make for a great opportunity for events that involve hiding! Just a thought. *nudge wink nudge* One of the coolest little features that Artemis added was the Howler creature statues shown to left. This is the only connection to the Star Wars or Jedi Academy world in the map. It's subtle but it's a nice touch, and actually fits in well. The way they are posed look exactly like how you'd picture them to be posed for a statue. Overall, this is a really great and unique map. I recommend adding it to map rotations or used in some way on servers around the community. It's unique, and may not be pure Star Wars-themed, but it fits well and serves as a good map to switch things up from time to time. Nice job, Art. You are the winner of the 2018 Asia Mod Contest! The other submissions definitely deserve lots of praise as well, so be sure to check out each of them below! Asia Temple Duel Category: Chinese New Year 2018 Last Updated Mar 09 2018 09:09 PM Bayon Category: Chinese New Year 2018 Last Updated Mar 11 2018 05:39 AM China Beach from Neighbours from Hell 2 1.0 Category: Chinese New Year 2018 Last Updated Mar 11 2018 06:31 AM Droidy's Chinese New Year Flags Category: Chinese New Year 2018 Last Updated Feb 19 2018 02:55 PM Jedi Academy Japanese Overhaul WIP alpha1 Category: Chinese New Year 2018 Last Updated Mar 11 2018 08:59 AM New Year Dojo Category: Chinese New Year 2018 Last Updated Feb 26 2018 05:46 PM Very nice job to everyone that participated in the contest! If you didn't have time to make something for this one, don't worry! We will be having more contests in the future. Thanks to all who voted! Click here to view the article
  21. The conclusion of the Asia Mod Contest has arrived! This contest was very unique, and we got some really nice-looking submissions. Asian themes translate quite well to a Jedi-themed game, so surprisingly a lot of these mods don't feel completely out of place like I was expecting them to. You guys voted for what you thought was best, and the winner is... ARTEMIS https://jkhub.org/files/file/3434-ffa_china/ Artemis swept the votes with her FFA_China map! The design of this map is quite simple, but the detail and atmosphere is beautiful. Not only does it look good, but it feels right. The size of the map is perfect for large FFA or TFFA matches. Fashion + function are the two things that every map should have, and this one definitely has both. The first thing you will notice on this map is the glowing water. Or at least we assume its water. I suppose it could be some kind of magical or spiritual fluid of some kind. To me it looks like Mountain Dew Baja Blast. The glow can be quite blinding if you have dynamic glow on, and I think that may be intentional. The water sits in shallow pools and also flows down shallow waterfalls across the map. The next thing you will notice is the detail in the architecture. I'm not sure what she used as her reference, but the design of the architecture is phenomenal. Especially the red puzzle-looking walls shown to the right, and the spikes on the corners of the building roofs. Very cool looking, and definitely look oriental in origin. The atmosphere itself is very spooky in a way. There is fog, but it isn't dark. It has a very mysterious feel to it. It also appears to be on a mountain or hill, excluded from anything else visible in the distance. I think that if there was a night time version, seeing the place lit up by the water glow and the lanterns would be really cool. It would also make for a great opportunity for events that involve hiding! Just a thought. *nudge wink nudge* One of the coolest little features that Artemis added was the Howler creature statues shown to left. This is the only connection to the Star Wars or Jedi Academy world in the map. It's subtle but it's a nice touch, and actually fits in well. The way they are posed look exactly like how you'd picture them to be posed for a statue. Overall, this is a really great and unique map. I recommend adding it to map rotations or used in some way on servers around the community. It's unique, and may not be pure Star Wars-themed, but it fits well and serves as a good map to switch things up from time to time. Nice job, Art. You are the winner of the 2018 Asia Mod Contest! The other submissions definitely deserve lots of praise as well, so be sure to check out each of them below! https://jkhub.org/files/file/3418-%7B%3F%7D/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/3421-%7B%3F%7D/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/3422-%7B%3F%7D/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/3406-%7B%3F%7D/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/3431-%7B%3F%7D/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/3413-%7B%3F%7D/ Very nice job to everyone that participated in the contest! If you didn't have time to make something for this one, don't worry! We will be having more contests in the future. Thanks to all who voted!
  22. https://jkhub.org/topic/10030-creating-a-dedicated-server-home-run-for-windows/ If you're on Mac, you'll have to Google how to set launch options for Mac apps, but the rest of that tutorial should apply.
  23. Read that tutorial above instead. func_door_rotate is probably exclusive to other games.
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