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Omega Skincare Workshop

Message added by Circa

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Hello everyone, thought I would post my skin work for the first time. Skinning seems to be my strong point, some may say skins are just skins but I think skins can really make a difference making a model look like a whole new model. Here I will be posting my work that I have done, if any of you like my stuff and want it for yourself just leave a comment and I'll send you a message with the file. Some stuff is ported material along with models that have been made by people on here. This is just my own personal skin collection, so don't come busting down my door if you see something that's yours that I skinned up. I will be posting pictures very soon as soon as I get good shots and cropped up. :)

Droidy365 and DarthValeria like this
Posted (edited)

Here are some of my re-skins/skin-swaps, some are head swapped thanks to some of you. I will be posting more, hope you like them and thank you for those who have helped me complete my ideas. :) 


Boba Fett


Blackhole Stormtrooper

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Noodle, Smoo, Dark_Reaper and 9 others like this

Here are some of my re-skins/skin-swaps, some are head swapped thanks to some of you. I will be posting more, hope you like them and thank you for those who have helped me complete my ideas. :) 





Boba Fett






Blackhole Stormtrooper


Suggest showing the original models and also picking envoirment where characters are bright and we can see details :) 

PierceDoughty and Omega like this
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

So being able to use Blender on my woman's laptop, I watched video tutorials and started to learn my way through. Here is my first ever kitbash, still a W.I.P. but I'm trying to create and skin up the concept Boba Fett.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It would actually be really easy to do, all you have to do is get the cape texture and crop the beach towel picture on it and bam, done.

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

It has been a long while since the last time I have posted, doesn't mean I have stopped working on things I just haven't really posted what I've been working on. Anyway thought I would share one of my kitbashes, an updated tie fighter pilot. :)

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do you take suggestions? Because I know you've done the Prototype Fett, but have you ever included the beach towel cape? lol




I like how that figure of Fett is holding an UZI 9mm. lol


Also, Omega, very nice TIE Pilot.

Omega likes this

You are one...ugly...motherf***** for any Predator fans out there, here is a skin I did.


Is this from that one old Predator pack released ages ago? Unless I'm thinking of another game. Great job. I'm also thinking of I.M.P.S. The Relentless when Boba Fett and a Predator fought each other over a bounty. lol I always thought Predators could fit in.

Omega likes this
  • 2 weeks later...

Lol is that ported from or based heavily off of the mandalore the ultimate model from the upcoming kotor mod for battlefront 2?

It's kitbashed, I just so happen to come across the Mandalore The Ultimate model for BF2 and gave me an idea to put this together. The mask is actually ported from Galaxies and the rest is ported from KOTOR/TOR and with skin editing. I might try and make a more accurate one, this is the closest I can get with what I have to use so far. I do plan on kitbashing Mandalore The Indomitable next. I will try to keep up with the updates on here, I know I don't post much.

Basil Bonehead likes this

It's kitbashed, I just so happen to come across the Mandalore The Ultimate model for BF2 and gave me an idea to put this together. The mask is actually ported from Galaxies and the rest is ported from KOTOR/TOR and with skin editing. I might try and make a more accurate one, this is the closest I can get with what I have to use so far. I do plan on kitbashing Mandalore The Indomitable next. I will try to keep up with the updates on here, I know I don't post much.

More Mandalorians are always welcome. A very honorable people and an extremely reliable challenge in combat.

Omega likes this

It's kitbashed, I just so happen to come across the Mandalore The Ultimate model for BF2 and gave me an idea to put this together. The mask is actually ported from Galaxies and the rest is ported from KOTOR/TOR and with skin editing. I might try and make a more accurate one, this is the closest I can get with what I have to use so far. I do plan on kitbashing Mandalore The Indomitable next. I will try to keep up with the updates on here, I know I don't post much.


k, i could tell the influence minus the Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's revenge mandalore mask


funnily enough i've actually contributed to that project by providing audio for that mod


also on your bossk and mcquarrie boba fett: their heads could use a bit sizing up because their heads are a little too small


also what jka mod had the kotor trandoshan head that you used for bossk or did you port it in your?


also on your bossk and mcquarrie boba fett: their heads could use a bit sizing up because their heads are a little too small


also what jka mod had the kotor trandoshan head that you used for bossk or did you port it in your?

The Bossk model was a kitbash done by someone else that I skinned, the white Boba Fett was my first kitbash and I didn't know how to do everything. That's why it doesn't look the best, I have improved by a lot but don't show most of my work but will work on that like I said.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

it's nice to have variations of death (zombie storm)troopers than just the bloody helmet and exposed mouth. shows that the stormtroopers armor were torn and damaged in different areas when attacked during an outbreak.


makes me want a total conversion mod about project blackwing lol

Omega likes this

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