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Single Player

32 files

  1. The Ladder: Dragon Remix

    Original Author: Covax
    Basically this is SP skin/weapon modification, the 'hidden' sword styles and The Ladder level, which is a great way to test your swordsmanship. The Skins of Kyle, Luke and all the Reborn/Dark Jedi have been altered in several ways.
    First I was just going to do a skin pack for myself and my freind at the Writer's Block, dubbed 'WB: Tornament'. Then I stared throwing in dragon pictures on all of the skins and I realized that Desann would be an ultimate 'Dragon Warlord'. I figured the Ladder mod needed some spicing up, the fact that the mod seems to effect the SP game is a bonus. Seeing Dessan do a butterfly kick will make your jaw drop.
    Place in your GameData/base folder. Play as normal form the begining /or/ load up the exellect Ladder level from the Savegames or the console command 'map ladder'.
    This MOD is a compilation of several other MODs, those being edited/altered versions of:
    'The Ladder' by JediNight
    'MGS2 Ninja MOD' by SquallStrife
    'JediMoves 2' by Master D-Ley Asam
    'Ultimate Blood' by StrWrsXprt and Desann
    'Katana MOD v1.1' by Ages120
    'Shuriken Set 1' by Laghima
    'Swords' by Sephiroth__VII
    'Dragon Skins' by Paul Murrell
    'Grendel' by Blair Tarleton & Everette Hebert
    'Ultimate Shirtless Maul' by Septic Child
    'Lord Rive' by ??
    'Cerann' by ??
    'Dark Kyle' by ??
    'Xander' by ??
    1 - Blood is Pumping (Club mix) by Voodoo & Serano
    2/3/4 (you'll have to see..)
    1- I've been working on this for a week: I have no idea WHY but it seems that this mod no londer works in the single-player campain. I've narrowed it down to a possible problem with the modified Kyle skin/model, since replacing them with the 'plain' Kyle works fine. Fan-made single player levels (like The Ladder) seem to work ok, so it may just be a problem with the cutscenes. I'm working on it.
    2- This MOD will NOT work correctly with saved games - the katana seems to be bound to the wrong bone. It works fine if you start up a map through the console, or start the game from the beginning.


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  2. Jedi Knight II: Dragon Remix (Demo)

    Original Author: Covax
    First I was just going to do a skin pack for myself and my freind at the Writer's Block, dubbed 'WB: Tornament'. Then I stared throwing in dragon pictures on all of the skins and I realized that Desann would be an ultimate 'Dragon Warlord'. I figured the Ladder mod needed some spicing up and there are a TON of 'little' modifications that get ignored.
    So now I decided to 'Remix' the full game and create a MOD that would add a cool spin to a classic game. This demo is really the Hoth level from the Jedi Knight Demo. Only the MODs relevent to this level (Skins, sounds) have been added, the other skins, weapons and sounds will be released in the full version.
    - Kung Fu-type moves for the Jedi, as well as different Red and Yellow sword styles for Kyle.
    - Lightsabers replaced with different swords for characters. Reborn has have 'ninja' swords, Kyle has a Katana.
    - Different 'modern' guns.
    - Varous skins updates/changes. Dragons everywhere.
    - Bryar pistol replaced with a throwing knife.
    - Current versions of Jedi Moves and Blood mods added.
    Place in your GameData/base folder.
    Either load the game titled 'Demo' in the Save section or toggle the console and tupe the command 'map demo'.
    This MOD is a compilation of several other MODs, those being edited/altered versions of:
    'Jedi Knight II Demo' by Raven
    'MGS2 Ninja MOD' by SquallStrife
    'JediMoves 2' by Master D-Ley Asam
    'Ultimate Blood' by StrWrsXprt and Desann
    'Weapon Alterations' by Joruus C B'oath the 2nd
    'Flamethrower' by Dark Reaper
    'Katana MOD v1.1' by Ages120
    'Shuriken Set 1' by Laghima
    'Swords' by Sephiroth__VII
    'Minigun', 'M-41 Pulse Rifle', 'SPAS-12' 'Colt Cobra' by Lord Hartus
    'KISS Army Skinpack #1' by Kelvis
    'Dragon Skins' by Paul Murrell
    'The Daggos Siblings' by Shadow Blight
    'Lord Rive' by Jepman
    'Dark Kyle' by Digital Vapor
    'Grendel' by Blair Tarleton & Everette Hebert
    'Darth Vania' MiniBattleDroid
    'Mara Jade' by Mystery Knight
    'Zehn' by ??
    'Cerann' by ??
    'Xander' by ??
    1- This MOD will NOT work correctly with saved games - the katana seems to be bound to the wrong bone. It works fine if you start up a map through the console, or start the game from the beginning.
    2- I have NO idea how this mod will effect other MODS. It works fine with other Single Player levels.


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  3. Dragon Remix: EndGame Edition

    Original Author: Covax
    The final Evolution of the Dragon Remix MOD, combining the BEST Single-Player mod for Jedi Outcast. If interest is high enough I'll release the updated multiplayer game and weapons add-ons. Now I can get to work on some Jedi Academy mods...
    This is a 'total conversion' of the Single Player experience. There are no new maps, although it's a fun mod to use in conjuction with fan-made SP maps.
    - Vanguard and Anatares (aka Kyle and Jan) have sabers and force powers at begining.
    - Most of the skins, weapon models and effects have been changed in some way.
    - You'll see a bunch of cameos from Writer's Block Media and the original Blade Mod crew.
    - Red and Blue sword styles are now Desann's and Tavion's respectively
    - Sparks and smoke replaced by blood. Stumps are dark red rather than yellow.
    - Better acrobatics: Cartwheel and Butterfly Kick relaces the rolls.
    - Cooler pistol-firing animation (in my oppinon)
    - Jump: 'Force Jump' style and 'Force Getup'.
    - Dismemberment is now fully enabled. This also has the effect of making the swords very lethal.
    - Every one of the weapons leaves the cool glowing mark that the disruptor usually leaves.
    - Force Lightning replaced with a Fire effect.
    Unpack in your /GameData/ folder. A DragonRemix folder should be created. Either use the attached .BAT file or activate under Options->Mods in the starup screen.
    [Weapons and Effects]
    'Mach Pistol' by Magnetixxx
    'Colt Pistol' - by Lord Hatrus, replaces Imperial Pistol
    'AK-47' by Lord Hatrus, replaces Blaster Rifle
    'SPAS-12 Shotgun' by Lord Hatrus and Master Cheif replaces G.A. Flechette Weapon
    'SIG Sniper Rifle' by Master Cheif, replaces Disruptor Rifle
    'M-16' by Master Cheif, replaces Imperial Repeater
    'Bullets' and 'Arrows' based off of 'Shuriken Set 1.5' by Laghima
    'Flamethrower Effects' (for Demp2) by Covax and David B
    Melle Weapons and Saber Energy Blades::
    'Bokken' based off 'Katana MOD v1.1' by Ages120, reskin by Covax
    'Daywalker Sword' by Magnetixxx, shader by Leper Messiah
    'Shadow Sword' by Sephiroth__VII, reskin by Covax
    'Zatoichi' by Laghima
    'Progressive Blade' by Covax
    'Samurai 3000 Hilt' by Chrono
    'Burning Saber' by Wendel Crow
    'Samurai Lightsaber' by 66sith
    'Valsabers' by Val(?)
    Character sounds come with repective models
    Gun Sounds by Psycho Mantis and Magnetixxx
    'Katana' by Ages120
    'Buster Sword' by Nick D
    'Tusken Raider' by Major Clod
    [Good Guys]
    Vanguard - Kyle Katarn
    - Original Skin by Graves, tweeked by Covax
    Anatares (v2) - Jan Ors
    - Original Model by Edward Peretti, reskin by Leper Messiah
    Covax - Luke Skywalker
    - Original Skin by Renix reskin by Covax
    Whistler - Jedi Trainer
    - Original Skin by Leper Messiah
    Blackwolf - Jedi
    - Original model by SithlordII and skin CyberX, tweeked by Covax
    Dax Strife - Jedi2
    - Original Skin by Sanj, reskin by Covax
    DR Kyle (v2) - Morgan Katarn
    - Original by Mr.Sinister, reskin by Covax
    [New Republic]
    Shaft! - Lando Calrissian
    - Skin and model by by Mehab4
    Nyles (v2) - Rebel
    - Original model by Infinity Blade, tweeked by Covax
    Allery - Rebel2
    - Original model by Edward Peretti, reskin by Leper Messiah and Covax
    Born 2 ReSpawn - Bespin Cop
    - Original model by Major Clod, reskin by Leper Messiah
    Warrick (v2) - Bespin Cop2
    - Original skin by Lee Wright, tweeked by Covax
    Lee Wright - Prisoner
    - Skin by Lee Wright
    Shadow Blight(v2)- Prisoner2
    - Skin by Shadow Blight
    The 4th Man - Admiral Galak Fayar
    - Skin by Covax
    RX-178 Suit - Galack Mech
    - Original Model by Gemini, reskin by Covax
    Mechs - Mark 1&2 Attack Droids
    - Original conversion by Chairwalker
    Rx-93 Mech - Probe Driods
    - Original Model by Ravenxg, skin tweek by Covax
    David Saul - Imperial Comander
    - Suit by Kingpin, head by Jimmy Iu
    Agent - Imperial
    - Original skin by Kingpin
    Black Ops - Strormtrooper and Storm Trooper Officer
    - Reskin by Covax
    Flame Trooper - Swamp Trooper and Rocket trooper
    - Original Skin by Leper Messiah
    Dante - Imperial Pilot
    - Original skin by Mike Cantwell
    Vampire Officer - Storm Trooper Officer (alt) and Storm Trooper Commander
    - Original Model by Madjai, reskin by Leper Messiah, tweaked by Covax
    [Dark Jedi]
    General Kingu - Lord Desann
    - Skin by Shadow Blight, tweeked by Covax
    Andraste Mordon - Tavion
    - Skin by Shadow Blight, tweeked by Covax
    Nergal -
    - Original Skin by Leper Messiah
    Male Sebetti - Shadowtrooper
    - Original Skin by Leper Messiah
    Female Sebetti - Shadowtrooper2
    - Original Skin by Leper Messiah, tweekd by Shadow Blight
    Seth - Reborn Boss
    - Assembled by Covax
    UVX - Reborn Acrobat
    - Assembled by Covax
    Shadow Blight(v1)- Reborn Force User
    - Skin by Shadow Blight
    Lord Rive - Reborn Fencer
    - Original Skin by Jepman
    Bouncer - Reborn
    - Original Model by Madjai, reskin by Leper Messiah, tweaked by Covax
    Katalist - Reelo Baruk
    - Original Skin by Kazzz, tweeked by Covax
    Snowman - Rodian
    - Original Skin by Leper Messiah
    Merrk Dengar - Rodian2
    - Original Skin by Kazzz
    Kazz - Weequay
    - Original Skin by Kazzz
    Rasat Vamp - Weequay2
    - Original Skin by Magnetixxx, tweeked by Covax and Leper Messiah
    Stern - Trandoshan
    - Original Skin by Kazzz
    Rawg - Gran
    - Original Skin by Kazzz
    Zombie - Gran Boxer
    - Skin by Lee Wright
    Thresh - Chiss Bartender
    - Based on skins by Kelvis, tweeked by Covax
    - Original Skin by Leper Messiah
    Spiders - Mine Monsters
    - Original model by Keto
    Misc Skins credits, for 'peices used':
    'KISS Army Skinpack #1'
    'Dragon Skins' by Paul Murrell
    'Lord Katarn' by Jepman
    'Black Kyle' by Mr.Sinister
    'Grendel' by Blair Tarleton & Everette Hebert
    'Darth Seth' by Darth Amote
    'Darth Vania' by MiniBattleDroid
    'Mara Jade' by Mystery Knight
    'Sold Snake' by Evil Gonzo
    'World War 2 Solider' by JEDI_salvation
    'Shaft' by Mehab4
    'Count Dooku' by Steve Atkinson (?)
    'President Scroob' by Yar Cydoh
    'Kyle to Jango Partial Armor' by Lightsaber6458
    'Zehn' by ??
    'Xander' by ??
    This MOD is a compilation of several other MODs, those being edited/altered versions of:
    'Jedi Master Mod' by Osiris
    'JediMoves Basic' by Master D-Ley Amas
    'Han Shooting Animation' by tFighterPilot
    'Ultimate Blood' by StrWrsXprt and Desann
    'Hyper Weapons Mod' by WeedWhacker
    'Weapon Alterations' by Joruus C B'oath the 2nd
    'Flamethrower beta v.1' by Dark Reaper
    'DS-Reticles2' by Dreamstation
    1 - Like other models modification this MOD will NOT work correctly with saved games - the weapons will be bound to the wrong bone. It works fine if you start up a map through the console, or start the game from the beginning.
    2 - I have NO idea how this mod will effect other MODS. It works fine with other Single Player levels that have no conflicting skin/model changes. By default remove/rename the NPCs.cfg file in one of the mods and everything should work fine.
    3 - There may be a problem in the Besbin Streets level. The 3rd Reborn encounter, by the landing platform, dosen't seem to work. You may have to NOLCIP your way though the door to continue.


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  4. Ultimate Outcast

    So here is my 'map pack' called ultimate outcast, which is not
    made in a simple way. It uses the original JO multiplayer maps,
    i modified them, so they're now full with opponents.
    You won't find a complete storyline, there is no connection
    between each map.
    I didn't use any weapon or npc modification, this is some kind
    of 'oldschool' mappack with the original jedi knight 2 atmosphere.
    There is no ending area in any of the levels, you just have to
    eliminate every enemy, which is in your sight, but i will give
    you some short objectives for every map.
    Thanks for Raven Software for the original maps. I only had one
    reason to create this, because the levels are fun to play this
    way also (:


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  5. Turquoise

    So.. these are my first real and released maps made with the jk2editor for this game.
    This mod has 2 normal levels and one testmap, all made completely by myself. They're
    random themed, i used quite strange design ideas inspired by abstract wallpapers and
    some weird dreams i had some time ago. They are made in some sort of ladder style,
    surviving waves and that stuff.. Fighting until it ends.
    I wanted to write a story for this and make it longer, but i'm not interested anymore
    in this theme, so i thought i'll finish them quickly and release. This is a final version,
    and there will be no updates (just a bugfix if necessarry, but it should work perfectly as
    it was planned). Have fun, slaughter all those remnant and sith guys there and write a
    review about what you've experienced! I have some experience with this kind of editor,
    but these are my first maps for this game made with the editor, consider that!
    Thanks for DarthStevenus for the lightning effect!


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  6. Stormtroopers are Gangsters

    This isn't really anything special, my friend asked me to replace the pre-placed stormtroopers in JK2 with the random gangsters seen in Nar Shaddaa and Bespin without actually replacing the stormtrooper NPC. NPC_Stormtrooper will now randomly choose between the Weequays, Rodians, Trandoshans, Grans, etc. Also, I gave the granboxer the DEMP2 since the regular grans double as boxers. The Imperial Officers and Stormtrooper Officers are unaltered. Enjoy! Or don't!
    Before you get this, back up your jk2sp.exe and jk2gamex86.dll! I cannot stress this enough.


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  7. A Plot Is Brewing In The Outer Rim

    A single player project for Jedi Outcast set in the after the Battle of Yavin and before the Battle of Hoth. You take on the role of a Rebel agent sent to the Bajic Sector to explore an unknown outpost that has the top brass at the Rebellion interested.
    *It is up to you, the player, to seek out the blank, "black textured" computer terminals to learn about what is going on here. Through this information you will be able to piece together the story. It is also up to you to take the time and look around to try and get an idea on what is going on.
    *This project is best played w/ the Ultimate Weapons Mod using Low Quality Effects. Also, Hapslash's Imperial Officers and Stormtroopers pack is recommended to spruce up it up a bit.
    *Weapons, ammo, health, and power ups are limited. There are no force powers or sabers. Ammo has also been reduced.


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