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Everything posted by Merek

  1. Yes, I quite agree. However I was unable to install the new version but the old version still works for me and is nothing short of excellence. Thanks @@Raz0r!
  2. Hey man, I can hook you up with all the stuff for jka and we can play sometime.
  3. Got damn man good work. I will download this later when I get on my computer currently accessing the jkhub through another computer that does not have jka installed.
  4. I'll consider It. I myself am a Clone wars fan but I would also like to see a Stargate RPG since there are so much stuff out their for one.
  5. Yup, that's what I was referring to. I guess I could give it a chance, but I'm not so sure I guess it would depend on the graphics and the way it looks. What the heck, I'd give it a shot but who has the time to make a game like that anymore?
  6. Congratulations @@MoonDog you've just earned the title of "Enemy"
  7. This is why we don't get along is because you are incompetent and you seriously enjoy pissing me off.
  8. Like that will solve it @@Circa. Rofl.
  9. None, if the game hasn't been where it is today we probably wouldn't have the JKHub now would we?
  10. I found every person except for Thor unfortunately. Not the best skin I've seen but give it a try they look terrible but its all i could find lol: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/The_Incredible_Hulk;43475xhttp://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/The_Hulk;45335
  11. Excellent! Great work I will give it a go and get back to you.
  12. Side Note: Nobody cares about LucasArts. Disney has ruined star wars and dragged the name into the mud.
  13. Greetings Zappa, welcome to the JKHub. I wish however, the game was much more active than it is. I have witnessed clans rise and fall as well as many servers disappear permanently off the grid. I do hope activity picks up in the following year.
  14. So does this decrease the amount of entities by using this? I always do "Classname" "Trigger_always" I didn't know there was another way.
  15. Requesting topic to be closed.
  16. He is working on it I talked to him about it and should be ready for beta testing soon.
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