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Everything posted by Merek

  1. Merek

    Bespin Range

    Interesting, not my thing but 10/10 excellent work!
  2. This map needs to be hosted.
  3. I bet you @@Circa 10-1 they gave us the tools to mod because they were to lazy to finish the game. JKO was completed, JKA wasn't. The jetpack animations were screwed up in sp and mp. We need a fix for that is compatible with good ol' @@Raz0r's JA++ Client.
  4. @@Raz0r how do you know he's using a cracked jamp.exe? =]
  5. Merek


    Neat 9.999999999999999999999999999999999/10 great work!!
  6. We need to get rpg_wayland uploaded. Will contact the author ASAP.
  7. Merek

    Stargate SG-1

    If you have any issues trying to play this map in Jedi Outcast let me know.
  8. Merek

    Old Ben

    Don't kill me for saying this but it looks like a Count Dooku reskin bro.
  9. I have in my base folder and its never leaving
  10. I said that modding what illegal so I was referring to my first comment.
  11. Yea @@eezstreet, that is saying modding is illegal.
  12. OMG Thank you @@Circa. Yes that is it!! I love ya man!!
  13. so what modding has become illegal? what the hell is this world coming to?
  14. Okay, so I've been digging my brains out trying to find this saber and I know its somewhere but I can't find it. its the dual saber he uses at the beginning. her:e is an example
  15. Merek


    Finally this map is on this site!!!
  16. Yep, right here @@Botdra https://www.mediafire.com/?he7711askj5h6fm Enjoy
  17. I do and @ also could use that profile field (if he ever returns) here it is: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/111246955275084757096/111246955275084757096/about
  18. okay so recently I decided to go onto one of my friend's server and my settings like the JA++ stuff come with me but it didn't work. Apparently, he upgraded his server to japro (which i have no idea what that is) and changed his ip. So what is japro?
  19. What about the Google+ profile area?
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