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Everything posted by Merek

  1. Somehow I have no idea who that is (Slash me with a saber I need it) but I will add him to the list @@therfiles
  2. Okay the list has been updated. Be sure to edit your votes once I edit the poll. Let me know if I missed anyone. I hope to see more recognition than i am seeing @@Stoiss @@Circa
  3. I originally meant to give these modders of JKA recognition and it turned in a disappointment for me @@Stoiss apparently the list was more important the recognition these modders deserved.
  4. Anyways, I will add the people that all of you think should be added. But remember what I said a few comments ago @@Stoiss.
  5. @@eezstreet I already knew you were selfish, I'll admit I'm selfish at times too.
  6. Which one? The clone wars stances? Well I wish the stances to be the breathing one where when you have your saber off.
  7. Selfishness will be the end of us all @@eezstreet
  8. Selfishness will be the death of us all @@katanamaru
  9. Way to be selfish @@katanamaru. But whatever this thread needs to be locked.
  10. This thread isn't about ME its about the recognition these modders earned, if you LOSERS can't see that then there is no point for you to be posting in my threads. I have been around for about a year, you should know me by now I don't take garbage like this nicely.
  11. This thread has turned into BS instead of its main intent. Recognition is EARNED not given freely. I think the modders I've listed deserve more credit than you losers are giving them.
  12. We need more mappers like you in the JKA community.
  13. Here's what I think: list them yourself. What was supposed to be recognition turned into a big stink over nothing.
  14. I was extremely excited when I learned you were going to release it.
  15. Yeah Ok, I am leaving this conversation. As it is not going as expected...
  16. I have no idea but Slider is not being put on the list like EVER. He was a jerk...
  17. Okay, added you. Well truthfully I forgot most of them. Fixed it. For now...
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