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Everything posted by Merek

  1. Ha! I knew it was you @. You sent me that same image for your new book cover. That proves it.
  2. I was also thinking the NX-01 Too. But this has more locations and would take more time to construct. I might begin the basic work this weekend if I get around to it. and just a reminder those were just examples of what I would create. I didn't create nuthin yet.
  3. he is making the NCC-1701 the first enterprise ('also known as Captain Kirk's Ship') I never really got into it like I did Star Trek: The Next Generation. You should watch it if you haven't already.
  4. sorry man, been to the DGS-Clan site already. I believe I already mentioned that and so did others, sorry if I forgot your names...
  5. Merek

    New Staff

    somehow i knew this would happen... ah well congrats both of you.
  6. to ask him if he has it? does anyone here have any files from pcgamemods.com? and can someone remind me why it was shut down in the first place?!
  7. I wish. Try pming everyone on JK3files and the JKHub or continously search bing, google, yahoo, etc. etc. your bound to find it like I found the bitvalue calculator and several rare stargate maps + files...
  8. http://z10.invisionfree.com/GalacticOrder_RPG/index.php?showtopic=9 also here
  9. Dude the filename is dreshae.zip if you can find that file you'll find the map. Sources: http://web.archive.org/web/20060414003733/http://pcgamemods.com/mod/7422.html http://robo2.net/preview/52496/mod/7422.html
  10. i am uploading some stuff to my site primarily for the {UFP} Server but if there's something ya want maybe I got it (and no I don't have the Dreshdae Spaceport and I know of DGS-Clan) I will post a link to the site once i'm done uploading but a notice to all: if your gonna download something do it one at a time or the server could crash (going over my bandwith limit of 100 GB). Just saying
  11. I've played nearly every map on JK3Files and JKHub and I am looking for suggestions for maps not released here or on JK3Files, preferably files from pcgamemods that you've saved on your Hard Disk and forgot about after all these years. But if you got any suggestions for maps from JK3Files hit me with them.
  12. hmmm, don't even recall a bowcaster in the movies at all. Can someone provide me with a clip of this? Bowcasters in one of the six movies?
  13. Dammit Deviance, CHOOSE THE PATH ALREADY!!!
  14. Yes, I am still interested send me the server details. Also you should get some maps and stuff for the clone wars I can hook you up with many maps and files.
  15. Thanks for uploading this to: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/ScorpDeathKnights_Complete_Saber_Pack;122154 I spent a long time looking for it but never found it. Glad you had some better luck =)
  16. nah windows xp is fine. so is windows 7. The ones i don't like are vista and 8.
  17. The loss of the start menu IS A BIGGIE FOR ME. The start screen is utterly useless.
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