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Everything posted by Psyk0Sith

  1. Hahahaha good point, i still have my mind in non packed workflow it looks like!
  2. That fixed the crashes, thanks. @@SomaZ Is color supported for the AO channel or will it look silly? (not implemented yet or useless?) Spawned in 11gorc.
  3. Hmm yeah i will try, however i get frequent crashes when i get attacked or force powers are used or something else.
  4. That's fine, i'm aware it's not final, i'll dump the model somewhere so you can take a look. Vanilla shot...
  5. That's the thing, there are many ways this can look based on the engine settings, just an observation that i will need to adapt for rend2. My AO pass for instance will need to be tweaked, i knew this going in but eh whatever. I will take a look at vanilla too.
  6. After encountering a bunch of glitches i got the place holder in-game and able to preview some PBR tests. The renderer appears to hyper chrome everything but it's a start.
  7. Lol, get outta here, Scerendo doesn't need to steal game meshes for his work! Technical note: her arm wraps need to be bulkier and beveled quite a lot in the modeling stage or else you get a thin jaggy result.
  8. I tweaked the spec a bit, hopefully it's less boring. @@Lord Of Hate that's going to be the OP's choice, as well as sounds and whatever he wants to customize.
  9. Here is one of the latest versions, i also made one with a rounder top part at the expense of more polys.
  10. Here's the high poly, i tried to stick with the design but it's probably diverging a bit.
  11. You get the results when you put the additional effort in, quixel or substance shouldn't have anything to do with the outcome, if you treat your textures as PBR for a diffuse game it won't look right. There's a tendency to just click the "make art button" with those tools and it doesn't always work .
  12. Looks simple enough so i'll get something started, if my version sucks you might get a better one from AshuraDX!
  13. Pretty good job overall. You should try to photosource / paint with projection painting instead of 2D only (i'll assume you used gimp or photoshop). Projection painting on the actual model will fix a lot of anatomy errors you're getting.
  14. You don't absolutely need a tablet for this kind of texturing. If you were hand painting textures for let's say a game similar to warcraft, then you would be wise to invest in one, just for productivity, ease of color blending and comfort it would be worth it. The modern way to texture is to model your details and bake them down to a lower poly version, it's like doing procedural texturing. Once you have baked the maps needed, you can do all sorts of blending to get different looks (You could even get results similar to hand painted assets), it speeds up the whole process because you can manipluate all those details a lot faster with a baked selection mask. Tablets are mandatory for sculping organic subjects however.
  15. Great result, clever use of modular assets. Photo sourcing, some hand painting and AO bakes...whatever gets the job done.
  16. Haha dude i don't know if you remember me but i was also part of AOTC while it lasted. Nice to see you here.
  17. Nice to see a fan lol. When i say a problem with the tags i'm talking about how the skin modifier is setup. Tags need to be assigned to bones through some kind of envelope (skin modifier or whatever its called in blender) if for some reason a tag has been assigned to the wrong bone, it can create unwanted behavior. It's difficult for me to tell without having that information. One thing that is crucial, the imported tag's orientation should not be changed: you should not ROTATE them, unless you understand how things work and looking to do something specific. If you can share the models i could try them in the game / modview to see what's happening.
  18. Lookin' good, but needs more 45-ish degree bevels, i don't know why you keep doing them at 90 bro?! Well at least it ain't a port, would suck even more wouldn't it?
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