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Everything posted by Psyk0Sith

  1. Only blaming myself here btw, because it was an initial draft i didn't achieve what i had in mind. The leg wraps looked alright tho.
  2. The textures still look like total crap, quixel workflow didn't sync well with the engine but eh we'll get there...i think.
  3. Looking forward to testing that map, i might update some of the textures if you want, keeping the style but better resolution.
  4. Nah, i'm just too busy to wrap this up.
  5. You can also use .zip files, simply rename to .pk3
  6. What about rend2 man?! Doesn't that support normal mapping?! I was assuming normal maps when i saw the high poly!
  7. I will repeat myself again...BEVEL those edges, don't leave them flat at 45 degrees! The low poly version, if it's the actual game mesh, should have tons of details removed that's why you're using the normal map in the first place to "fake" details on a model without the added cost. The normal map will be enough to fake the details IF you bevel and model your details properly.
  8. Well, baby steps and you did a basic block out of what could become a warcraft hand painted asset. The reason it looks like it does is because you have a very restricted color palette. You say it didn't end up looking the way you wanted...and that is a very important statement: what kind of reference did you gather? Was it your goal to make it look realistic? If so you need to get as much references as possible and break down how you can replicate the different materials of the object. Something like this for example, lot's of interesting details going on: Once you have done the clean version, you can really go to town giving it personality with wear n' tear and surface details that aren't modeled in. If you don't have photoshop or something equivalent it will take an insanely long time to master painting at a realistic level. That's where photo manipulation comes into play and i don't mean slapping on a picture you pull off google and calling it done.
  9. @@Noodle you need to add highlights and shadows (remember shadows are not pure black!) to your textures, your textures are all flat colored so need the extra steps! This example is a stylized texture but the goal is the same for "realistic" assets...specularity and shadows is what sells the illusion!
  10. Could be an issue with JA and Intel graphics.
  11. Add some highlights to his beard too so it matches the hair better, it looks too uniform and flat now, looks great otherwise.
  12. I will make this bastard for you. I will provide the .glm for JK3, no caps on first iteration. You will add bot and all the other things you want him to have. There you go (type spiderodian to load) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lGtFQeZq19aRLS5Jtf4YkPgjDUxc79Li
  13. 1)99% chance it's been ripped, no one makes models anymore. Apparently 3d modeling is not a rewarding process, it's hard work and being creative sucks! 2)OBJ is fine it's pretty much standard across all 3d apps. 3)XSI Mod Tool, Blender or 3Ds Max Check the tutorials section for guides. Advice: before you start working on a ripped model, start by rigging a simple model made out of primitive objects, it'll keep frustrations low as you learn the process.
  14. Doesn't matter, the hand bones are not attached to the radius anyway Like i said super easy!
  15. Nope, easy, it's all "hard surface", in fact it would be perfect for beginners. Each bone rigged as a separate object (except some blended weights on the spine) to the corresponding bone on the skeleton. Like rigging robots.
  16. Learn the ancient mysterious art of 3d modeling. Software such as Softimage Mod tool, Blender or 3d studio max. Of course it will take a fair amount of time.
  17. Yesterday i made a prototype version of the helmet, yes i know it's not 100% movie accurate, it's a prototype.
  18. Around here i'd say we use 3Ds Max, Softimage XSI (XSI mod tool) or Blender. The actual modeling could be done in any 3d software...Maya, C4D, Modo, Lightwave etc. The process of getting a model in the game however (rigging) requires Softimage or 3Ds Max or Blender (i think blender can do more than kit bashing).
  19. I tested in JA+ with 3 bots in the same map and they were fine.
  20. I cleaned up the leftover crap, sorted the .skin file and added his face in the icon. Besides a few glitchy weights and clipping it doesn't crash my game. Download Here.
  21. Agreed, it's a loooong time! Maybe we get to see him escape after a few months and he somehow ends up trapped in carbonite for 30 years!. I would also assume his clothes and armor to be a lot dirtier and shredded after 30 years in that thing.
  22. vimeo.com/137925493 After being trapped for 30 years in the Great Pit of Carkoon, infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett makes a death defying escape and finds himself fighting alongside the Rebellion to establish a New Republic. Director: Eric Demeusy Producer: Demeusy Pictures Writers: Eric Demeusy, Jason Mitcheltree Director of Photography: Jason Mitcheltree Assistant Camera: Melissa Kohler Jib Operator: Jose Diaz-Oldenburg Visual Effects: Eric Demeusy Compositor: Evan Langley Special Thanks: Skyward VFX
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