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Everything posted by Psyk0Sith

  1. That thing is gonna blow the poly budget quite fast.
  2. I know you're trying to stick with the design, but you should adapt some of the shapes for tastier baking. Example: the 3 inset bevels at the nozzle, bring that shit inwards even more, anything near 90 degrees is no bueno! Same deal with the brown part of the stock, even the trigger looks flat in sideview (because it is...and shouldn't) The ammo clip also has 90 degree angles that need some 45 degrees lovin'.
  3. I'll see what i can do, what's the target budget for mesh and textures?
  4. Well i can't find the rigged scene file i used for rendering purposes, so it's not rigged and there's no download link.
  5. I rigged it to a max biped but if there's something easier for UE then i might be able to redo it, if i have time.
  6. I like what you have done so far even if not PBR. There was a Movie Battles 3 project planned for UE3 that could have benefited from this workflow. I still have the Boba Fett model i made for them, maybe he could find a home in one of your maps XD.
  7. Or you could learn how to do it yourself.
  8. It would be fun to make but pointless for JA, they'd loose their essence by being turned into human proportioned versions.
  9. I thought you were the man for the job? I'm already way behind on Gorc and Pic but i'll see what i can do. I don't think i can pull off a Jason Court face without any sort of useful references tho.
  10. In max just use outline on the back faces of the shape to get a larger bevel, the depth of the shape doesn't matter as long as you can see the edges from the front like so:
  11. Nice, if possible you should add beveling to that big Y shape, 90 degree angles = no good!.
  12. @@AshuraDX If i can't finish, i will send them. So which maps will be supported? Albedo, Metalness, Roughness, Normal + ?
  13. I would need to rework the whole thing in quixel since the original textures weren't supposed to be PBR (i guess i will have to redo at some point anyway)
  14. I always leave animation unchecked for characters and leave time frame 0-100. Frame 0 is what's needed. For vehicles it's different when animatons are present of course, simple flying ships don't require animation from what i remember.
  15. No fair, he did it all by himself! see his detailed response: You can tell its his high quality work by the karate chop hands / bear claws, looks like someone doesn't like rigging fingers!
  16. @@SomaZ Mind taking a look at this.GLM test?: https://jkhub.org/topic/5120-feature-opengl-2-renderer/page-16?do=findComment&comment=129065 needs shader added tho.
  17. I thought .glm was the reason why we needed xnormal in the first place, to see if dotXSI>glm yields good results. We want to know if carcass could do the job currently without any modifications.
  18. It was ok for the purposes but would've taken additional work. @minilogoguy18 You can get the boxes here if that's what you want to use.
  19. No vertex color has nothing to do with normal maps. It's used for baking colors from polypainting.Irrelevant!
  20. -XSI exporter 1.9 -Normals set to smoothing groups -Xnormal baked with a cage and checked the binormals box in the mikkt plugin. Swizzle was set to -Y just because its standard for max shader, don't know what rend2 uses. Download the box here Type npc spawn xnbox to load. Shader will need to be written added for normals and AO and swizzle changed if needed.
  21. Yeah what Lee said!, forgot to mention, thanks for clearing that up. Another thing to note, the silhouette of the low poly box doesnt match the highpoly so there will be some *funky* corners on the box but it is doing what it's supposed to. I got the box spawnable now, just need to make it spin, doesnt work for some reason.
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