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Everything posted by Psyk0Sith

  1. That's what happens when everyone is clueless about the whole process. The people giving "advice" have no idea what they are talking about, they have zero skills in creating game content, imagine giving proper art critiques ("This looks terrible" or "wow this is the best thing i've ever seen!" aren't helpful). The person receiving the critique doesn't have the knowledge to address the issues and is doing what he thinks looks good. Ben is right, you can't create a good looking piece by accident, it doesn't require the force either, there's lots of training needed!
  2. @@DT85 It's been on hold for too long.
  3. Because Gorc doesn't fit the skeleton and would look goofy as hell. DFII Mod will have Gorc and Pic as NPC...just don't expect the release date any time soon.
  4. I learned everything with 1 written tutorial, there was no such thing as video tutorials back then: https://www.3dtotal.com/ffa/tutorials/max/joanofarc/joanmenu.php If you want a no brainer video tutorial then watch this series: http://www.poopinmymouth.com/tutorials/massing-forms-video.html He's got a whole bunch of "retro" art making too: http://www.poopinmymouth.com/#tutorials Even if you're not a max user, the modeling is so basic that you can follow along and do the same in any other software. #NoMoreExcuses
  5. https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/34-how-to-make-a-singleplayer-species-with-variants/ Find a player model that has species support and look at the files if in doubt.
  6. For nostalgia factor and actually learning something useful in the process.
  7. The model doesnt import correctly for me. It's just a tangled mess. Managed to load it in another software, anyone wanting to learn how to rig should practice on it, very simple!
  8. Your rig is not too old, we used to mod this game on machines from early 2000's so you could do it yourself, as you said, "it's pretty simple" so a great project to learn the skills.
  9. Did you paint the alpha channel of your .TGA where you want transparency (and saved as 32 bit?). Also try this code. models/players/yourmodel/"diffuse_texture" { q3map_nolightmap { map models/players/yourmodel/"diffuse_texture" alphaFunc GE128 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA depthWrite rgbGen identity } { map models/players/yourmodel/"glow_texture" blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE detail rgbGen identity } }
  10. Personally i would paint the texture with layers in photoshop (or app of choice), where you paint the top layer as the glowing lights, layer below would be city skyline. Once happy with the look, swap the skyline with a pure black color and save as your glow. So you only have glowing lights on a pure black background. Oh it's possible the first stage is not mandatory, i took out a reflective stage when i copy pasted it so i probably messed up. What i posted is more of a road map, experimenting with shaderED will give you instant feedback.
  11. You'll need a shader that combines a diffuse (with transparency) and glow map (paint on a pure black texture the parts that are glowing). Here's what i would use for a player model, swap with proper texture paths: models/players/yourmodel/diffuse_texture { q3map_nolightmap { map models/players/yourmodel/"diffuse_texture" blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/players/yourmodel/"diffuse_texture" blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/players/yourmodel/"glow_texture" blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE detail rgbGen identity } }Stage 1 of "diffuse texture" is what your basic diffuse texture should display, in your case, a city skyline without glowing lights. Stage 2 Is the alpha channel transparency, the part your want to remove obviously. This is the same diffuse texture, only at this stage, the shader is using the alpha channel to know what is transparent. Stage 3 is adding glow on top.
  12. @@Langerd Sadly this is what the internet does to content when it's released in the wild. I gave permission to have eg-5 ported to garry's mod and the person who did the porting is getting all the credits on steam, which is not his fault, people assume its his work, they could care less about reading credits, they just want the end product.
  13. -On the contrary, sharp edges are usually a result of unwelding verts, it's like creating smoothing groups manually. -If you are using .OBJ when exporting from LW to blender, it could be the issue: i've seen instances where the model's appearance was "locked" into its exported state, what i mean by that is the model looked like garbage and you couldnt reset the smoothing groups unless you applied a reset xform (not sure if there's something similar in blender). -The other thing to check is how UV mapping is laid out, games like to break models at UV splits. GLM from blender have issues when it comes to UV splits, at least with player models, same could be happening with .md3. Show screengrabs and describe your export/import process between the 2 apps.
  14. @@Liam Don't forget to check my signature for Paul Greveson's video tutorial on skin weights, very straight forward and explained perfectly.
  15. Because at the time it was used as a portfolio piece for freelance jobs. Releasing it into the wild could make the employer wonder if you made it or stole it. I also never created LODs, which would be needed for such a high poly model.
  16. No, i push the make art button!
  17. I took the basic saber design from the comics and did my own interpretation. I thought golden color would match his armor better. https://skfb.ly/6txCo
  18. Without additional work, not possible. To do this you would need to import the character into a 3d app, remap the UV's to use 1 texture sheet and export back into engine.
  19. Ask one of them dudes in the kit bashing threads.
  20. The skeleton's root controls the "walking" around if you will, you don't animate the skeleton itself to move around, only the root (and even then it doesn't need to move that often and doesn't go very far) Load a player model from raven and look at the root and you'll see what i mean. So you'll need to remake your animations "in place" instead of actually moving around.
  21. There's a script that you can use to take screenshots, it uses the numpad as navigation so you can rotate and zoom around your character in real time. Might not be what you're after since you'd be restricted to your character's location but could be helpful.
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