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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. Enjoyed reading this issue a lot. Introducing new senators and a new Assassin – I would really like to know, where this one goes to eventually.


    Glad you enjoyed it! There are a lot of twists and turns to come with the mystery as it unravels - what seem like answers in this issue are just scraping the surface.



    Really enjoyed this one, glad your back.  :D


    Thanks man! Good to be back in the swing of things.

  2. And to think you were telling me you didn't have the head :P

    Looking good.


    I still have the .glm, yeah. The original .gr2s are what I'm missing. Same goes for the Sullustan, Ishi Tib and Bothan.


    That version of Mas Amedda is pretty crap though - the head is just weighed entirely to the cranium bone, so not very good for in-game use.

  3. It's crazy how long you've been doing this @@Kualan! I've been following your stories since you've been posting imperial shipyards, I was surprised when I came here to find you posting here as well. Keep up the good work I guess lol. 


    I know it's lasted years now, never thought I'd still be doing it as a hobby when I first started throwing the comics together.




    Seeing a Faleen Bounty Hunter (or Assassin) makes me wonder, if the new stories would involve something of other EU stories, like Shadows of the Empire (possible appearance of Black Sun, young Xizor, his family killed by later Vader), something from the Dark Forces (General Rom Mohc was believed to be a veteran from the Clone Wars, very loyal to the Empire and responsible for Dark Trooper project), as well as many others. I wouldn't mind seeing something from Star Wars Galaxies, and even less known legends of Star Wars.

    There are definitely references to the old EU coming in the volume, but the main thrust of the story is original. I'm not opposed to bringing in more stuff from the EU so long as it suits the story, however.

  4. The Droids on the left remind me of Tarisian Mechanic Guards (actually Droids), who are encountered in the Lower levels of Taris near the Tarisian Administration Archives some 300 years after the attack by Darth Malak. Are these actually from that era? And I see several new characters, which I am curious about seeing in the story. :)


    The droids themselves are not from that era, however in-universe their design is based around that of 'classic' war droids from periods like the Jedi Civil War. This is a link that will be remarked upon in the story itself.


    There are a lot more characters that will become involved in the story as the comic unfolds, with the teaser above mostly featuring returning characters - like the Republic Intelligence officer Sarella Drayson, who returns from Volume Four. The figure next to her is an updated Admiral Tarkin model. And of course Hondo Ohnaka makes the leap from the Clone Wars/Rebels TV show to the comic!

  5. So, thanks to the passage of time, the frustration at having to re-do some much work due to my PC crash last year has waned. As such, I felt a new urge to complete Tales From The Clone Wars Volume Five before I move on to Tales From The Rebellion (which is still coming, just further down the line).


    The adventures of the clones Asher and Corliss are far from over, and Issue Two is just around the corner. As with previous volumes, I've created a mock-poster to commemorate the upcoming issues:






    That's just a small glimpse of the characters that will be featured throughout the volume - I've got some ideas I'm really keen to kick around as the story unfolds. Hopefully you guys will enjoy them.

    Bek, Jeff and therfiles like this
  6. Good idea, but it has one small flaw. I don't have a scanner. In fact I don't even have a printer.

    I like to draw. I have a lot of different drawings that I drew over the years. If I could, I would put them all on internet.


    Well, I think I got something else. It's just an idea, but it can work. 

    What if I put here pictures of every thing with a description of how it should look like.

    I found some pictures on Google of several things that are applicable to this character.

    These pictures with a description of how it should look like on this character could be enough... maybe. :)


    However, if I ever get to some scanner, I will rather scan my drawing.

    You can try that, but to be honest original character model requests have a very slim chance of being fulfilled anyway - the odds worsen when there isn't even any good reference material. A bunch of scattered references is unlikely to achieve what you're hoping for. To really engage an individual modeller's interest, you need to have some impressive images of what you want and how you want it.

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