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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. If I'm understanding you correctly, you can try the following:


    - Change the view mode from Solid to Wireframe (this is to the immediate right of the dropdown menu that lets you change from Object Mode to Edit Mode).

    - Then, press 'B' to allow you to drag a selection box across the area you want to select all vertices/edges/faces in. Because you are in Wireframe mode, this will allow you to select all of them, including those that are overlapped via creases and folds, or hidden 'behind' others.

    - You can also try switching from Vertex Select to either Edge Select or Face Select if this makes it easier to manipulate a certain area. This option is found further along the same list of options where the Object Mode and Wireframe tabs are.

    - You can also activate a combination of selection modes by CTRL+clicking then.


    Personally I tend to use Face Select over Vertex or Edge, but it depends largely on the specifics of what you are trying to achieve.

    Delmi likes this
  2. Apologies for the multi-post, but just want to ask - is there any interest in a Sian Jeisel ( http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sian_Jeisel ) model to go with the K'kruhk one  in a two-pack? She's a reasonably straightforward kitbash/reskin to put together that I'll be making for the webcomic anyway (probably) but just wondering if there's any need for a public release - otherwise I won't bother making the model too player-friendly when throwing it together.

  3. WIP Update:


    I'll be revisiting the Bric and El-Les two-pack shortly to significantly improve the El-Les model - namely I figured out why he looks okay in Modview but so 'blocky' in-game, due to a mix-up I made when tidying up some seams in Blender. This will be redone and corrected soon. The same breakthrough means that the K'kruhk and Ima-Gun-Di models that are upcoming won't suffer the same fate.

    Noodle, Jeff and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  4. @@Kualan Any news on that Captain Phasma co-project, with you and @@Barricade24? Really hyped for the release of that, more than anything else.


    At the moment @@Barricade24 is working on a shader/texture, and I have some more editing of the model to do to finalise the smaller details in her armour that distinguish her from the mainstream stormtrooper. When there's significant progress, I'll post something in this thread. 

    Darth Sion likes this
  5. The Warthog-style pilot was fairly easy to throw together. Just need to do a little more fine-tuning on the weight-painting for the breather tubes. Would also like to give him higher-resolution helmet textures:




    I have some ideas on how to tackle the difficult ones like Pong Krell and Tera Sinube, but I wouldn't anticipate having anything worth showing for them in the near future - it's still more likely than not that I won't be able to produce anything.


    I'll also get around to finishing the robe textures for Ima-Gun-Di soon, so he can be released.

    Delmi, Jeff, swegmaster and 2 others like this
  6. What are the differences exactly? If there are differences, they would be very minor and not really worth making a whole new model for.


    So far as I can see, the proportions are more exaggerated in the TV version as a way of making him look bulkier. The nearest pictures I can find to compare...








    TV version:






    So whereas the film version is more skeletal, and moves like a scythe, the TV version is all brawn, with large clawed feet, huge shoulder blades and a head that's in smaller proportion to his bulked-torso.


    To be honest, it would probably be possible to create a similarly-proportioned model by editing the current one. These changes could be made quite easily in Blender - OP, have you considered taking this route if it's for private use?

    therfiles likes this
  7. Oh,that's the way. I know what to do but it turns out as a big t*rd.


    Maybe try making a one-page comic or two, and post them in the Art & Media subforum for feedback? Some of the best improvements in my series have come directly from feedback given by members here on the Hub (heck, in the first two volumes none of the characters changed facial expression!)

  8. Teach me how to do those comics,master!


    Seriously,these are good,don't abandon making them!


    I don't want to hijack Jeff's thread, but if you're genuinely interested in making comics with JKA the first step I'd suggest is getting familiar with both Modview and Adobe Photoshop. They're the bread-and-butter tools for putting together any machinima series.

  9. I know, any plans on the comic? I'm missing it.


    I very recently (the day before yesterday, in fact) decided that I would finish Volume Five of Tales From The Clone Wars after all, instead of moving straight to the OT-era comic. When I initially made the decision to abandon it it was out of frustration of losing so much work through a PC crash. Now I want to see the story through, so expect something in the near future!

    Jeff likes this
  10. Might be best to stop giving suggestions for things DT can port, guys. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he's made it clear that he doesn't do that and always makes things from scratch and it can come across as disrespectful to suggest the hard work a modeller puts into their projects can be supplanted with something that remains a mildly controversial grey area.

    Jolly and Jeff like this
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