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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. Are you using shaders whose names differ from the texture names? ModView will only look for loose textures, it doesn't load shaders. It also needs to be able to figure out the base path from the model's location.

    Haven't made any shaders for the vehicle yet so can't be that. The folder path and .skin file is all set up correctly as well (base/models/players/[model]) and I've triple- and quadruple-checked to make sure I've not made some stupid typo or anything.


    It's worth noting that I get no error message when loading the .glm in ModView, as is the case when a mistake has been made with the folder paths or .skin file set up. It loads up right away just all white (similar to when one uses the 'force all surfaces white' option) yet is completely textured in-game which makes me wonder if this is some other limitation Modview has about loading certain files.


    I've tried converting the texture file into .png, .tga and .jpg respectively and that doesn't seem to have made a difference. Perhaps I've missed something Blender-side that might contribute to this?

  2. Hi folks,


    I've been tinkering with some custom vehicles this evening, and have managed to successfully get them working in-game. However for some odd reason the .glm appears untextured (all white) in Modview despite appearing fully textured in-game itself. Ideally I want to be able to play around with the skin and stuff in Modview, so I was wondering if anyone knows of any texture-related restrictions that Modview has that might explain why the model is appearing completely white in that program despite having no issues in the game itself?


    Thanks in advance,


  3. I would say building new missions would come first.


    A new tier of missions and an 'academy' hub would be a good start.


    After that modifying the original story arc and characters would be a reasonable goal.


    Yeah, as suggested for the Saga Mod, I'd recommend we settle on a consensus for a single mission everyone feels they can contribute to - then focus on bringing that to fruition as a proof of concept. If a single, polished SP mission can be put together, then it makes it easier to expand that to more and more missions in the future as we would have (hopefully) ironed out most of the creases in the process the first time.

    afi and Xycaleth like this
  4. Minor suggestion - for any potential update, could we change the icons for 'Featured' and 'Latest' downloads to screenshots from the respective mod's download page, rather than the uploader's profile picture? Like we have for the 'Latest Files' section when viewing it via the forums.

  5. Hey Nozy!

    I was always more of a lurker than an active member on JK3Files during it's golden age, but I remember reading many of your reviews from some of my favourite downloads. Glad to see you make your way to the Hub! Welcome to the crew.

    Mert-K likes this
  6. This looks amazing... especially interested in that shot with the Reborn's at the valley of the Jedi!


    Yeah, I love how this project isn't just transcribing what we saw in JKO to machinima form - but also expanding it to areas of the story we only heard about in passing. The Reborn locating the Valley of the Jedi, the Imperial Remnant mobilising for war, Mon Mothma and the New Republic reacting to the situation, etc.

  7. Yeah, I think people - enthusiastic as they are about the possibilities - can often underestimate the time, effort and committment needed to make even the smallish of changes to a video game.


    As someone who made a total conversion mod for Skyrim, trust me - a project of even modest scale takes hours, weeks and even years to complete. Granted, we're not talking total conversion here, but JKA also isn't as easily moddable as Bethesda games, so it balances out.




    Replacing Tavion with Hethrir or someone else, for example, is not undoable so long as we have a good voice artist. We would essentially just do a model-swap from Tavion to the new character, then re-record all of Tavion's lines with the new characters. So long as the new lines match up one-for-one with the vanilla ones in terms of quantity and placement (and file names), we won't have to edit scripts or cinematics as they would draw automatically from the new voice files.


    However, then comes the butterfly effect.


    Okay, Tavion is gone. Hethrir is here. All the lines now speak with Hethrir's voice. But what about all the occasions where other characters talk about Tavion? Are we going to re-record Luke's dialogue? And Kyle's? And Jaden's, Rosh's, Alora's? From one replacement we already have a vast web of corrections and alterations to make - and that's even without changing the actual story. I'm sure @@Circa would attest to similar issues with his Prequel Conversion mod (that I still play from time to time when I fancy an SP run).

    Bek likes this
  8. Production is ongoing with Issue Two at the moment. Been busy populating the Galactic Senate. These are all canon characters that will filling up the Rotunda at some point or another:






    From left to right they are Senator Saam, Senator Chuchi, Senator Mothma, Senator Aak, and Senator Concorkill.


    There will be a few original creations as well, but I'll leave them until the actual issue to reveal.

  9. For any major character replacements, we would need a voice actor with both the time (and more importantly, the talent) to record the large amount of dialogue for the character in question.


    Granted, we're not talking Skyrim-quanities of voice acting - but it's still worth noting that the more major the character, the larger the commitment needed from the potential VA.

    Darth Sion likes this
  10. Absolutely brilliant!


    Shaak Ti in character at her finest. Superb location/scenes and endearing original characters. Intriguing mystery, and a brilliant new formula for storytelling. This fan wants more!


    From a critical perspective, a little ambiguity in the connected details to the plot regarding how a DNA sample/template can degenerate over a short time -- not really clear, but it doesn't detract from the story experience.


    Thanks for the feedback, Cerez. Glad you liked Shaak Ti's portrayal. I ported a Togrutan head from SWTOR specifically for this issue so that I could give her more expressive features so I'm glad you think it's consistent with her canon behaviour.


    The ambiguity surrounding the degrading Jango DNA is something that will hopefully become a little clearer in Issue Two as we move to Coruscant - where the Senate is in full-swing debate about the issue. 

    Cerez likes this
  11. I would be more than happy to offer what I can to a larger project - I guess at the moment that would mostly amount to characters, skins, and probably help with the graphical side of promoting the whole thing - banners, and so forth. I'd definitely favour an SP project over an MP one though. That's purely down to personal preference rather than a judgement of which is the more 'worthy' option.

    therfiles likes this
  12. The Battle Damaged Stormtrooper is the same model so you can check out that one.


    But if you want the Sandtrooper files in particular I can send them to you.


    If it's no trouble, the Sandtrooper might be easier. Just so I can make sure the textures of the new piece match up - unless you'd rather I adjusted the knee on the base model and let you texture it?

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