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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. I might release Phasma as she is at the moment now - I can't for the life of me come up with a good-looking "finger gauntlet" armour. Modelling it on looks too blocky and weird with some animations. Might just texture the finger armour on and be done with it. Other than that she is practically done. I'm also keen to get her out there in the near future as I won't have much JKA time for the foreseeable - most of my modding time is going on my Skyrim mod.

  2. Frankensteining and kitbashing, for me, has been a great stepping stone in familiarising myself with 3D modelling tools - specifically Blender. Folks might have noticed me being pretty quiet around here these days - that's because I'm actually using the Blender skills I built up in JKA and am using them to mod Skyrim a lot these days. I wouldn't know my arse from my elbow in Blender if it wasn't for first learning how to use it via JKA - all of which starting from frankensteining.


    Back to OP's point - naturally, as someone who uses all sorts of work to put these mash-ups together, I have a more tolerant view when it comes to this sort of thing (porting and the like). However there is something I would like to echo my support for in this thread - and that's the idea of basic-level courtesy.


    @@ChalklYne absolutely captures my own sense of distaste when it comes to viewing the Mod Requests forum and seeing it filled up with specific requests to port characters like Luke from Battlefront or whatever. The Hub has a stated policy on porting, and it offers modders a great deal of flexibility so long as they are willing to accept accountability, but I don't believe people blatantly requesting ports should be acceptable. But what really grinds my gears, and it's something mentioned in the OP, is when people compare original JKA modelling work to ports or potential ports in a disparaging way. That really gets to me.


    e.g. "That Jar Jar Binks model you've made looks bad, why not just port it from ____?" is not constructive criticism. It is not helpful to the modder and is very disrespectful. When people put themselves out there and take up something like modelling - something that has a steep learning curve - then criticism is to be expected, but negatively comparing people's original work to ports just shoots down any motivation for that modeller to continue to learn, work and improve their finished product.


    I've never received these comments myself (so far as I can remember) but it disheartens me to see them in other people's threads as I have no doubt it must drain them of any incentive to continue. It needs to stop.

  3. Here you are guys, as promised - the Kualan Mega Pack.


    Bear in mind, most (if not all) of these models are WIP and in their raw /model folder format, so don't expect anything too sharply polished or perfect. Everything I've put in this thread should be in there with a few exceptions - models using SWTOR heads (because I'm still uncertain about sharing meshes from that property) and the Captain Phasma model (as I intend to give that a full, proper Hub release).


    Let me know if anything is missing - I'm pretty sure all the file paths are correct:



  4. Here you are guys, as promised - the Kualan Mega Pack.


    Bear in mind, most (if not all) of these models are WIP and in their raw /model folder format, so don't expect anything too sharply polished or perfect. Everything I've put in this thread should be in there with a few exceptions - models using SWTOR heads (because I'm still uncertain about sharing meshes from that property) and the Captain Phasma model (as I intend to give that a full, proper Hub release).


    Let me know if anything is missing - I'm pretty sure all the file paths are correct:



    Luckxzs, DEVISS, Jeff and 11 others like this
  5. Lots of details...love it. One question Kualan, are you concerned at all about using assets from the game at all?


    Could you elaborate a little? I'm not sure what you mean by 'concerned'. As in, the legality of using game assets?

  6. alright kualan, time to get your hands dirty (pls?)


    there is just something about this robe and the way it fits palpy that is so much better then all of the sidious/emperor models we have.

    like you could actually use this model to duel without feeling like you're walking around with a bed sheet on your back.


    kinda boggles my mind that no one has made it (well that and ahsoka in rebels):


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    I feel you, man. But the truth is without proper cloth physics Sidious is never going to look the way we'd want him to in-game.

    z3filus and Scerendo like this
  7. WOW, that's a great Satine.

    I just need to adjust the headdress so that it joins up under the chin like it should. Then she needs her +4 sleeves added, not sure how to accomplish those.


    The plan is to have at least the Mandalorian police and their captain done as well and possibly/probably Satine's Royal Guard too.

    Jrue and Barricade24 like this
  8. I see you used some pieces of my Neo Crusader model for the Neimoidian Guard :D

    -Permission granted if you want to release it


    Much obliged, Ashura. It's going to be a task in itself chasing up on all permission/credits needed before I can release the pack so it's nice to have a head start :D

  9. @@Kualan Do you know if there's any update on Captain Phasma model you were working on, with @@Barricade24? I spoke to him on Steam chat and he said you had a coupla' things left to do with it or something, before release. It's just that with @@GPChannel doing his TFA mod, I'm sure he'd wanna use it in his mod (with both of your guy's permission)


    I've been letting Phasma rest for awhile - I'm still not wholly happy with the helmet and cape at the moment.

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