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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. Pre-production is going well, got lots of new Rebel characters being made. Also updated the Sullustan featured in the teaser:






    One of the challenges of doing an OT-era comic compared to a Clone Wars one is that the 'grunt' troops for the heroes are all individuals rather than clones - which means there will be a whole army's worth of kitbashes being created to fill out the ranks of the Rebellion.

    NumberWan, Jolly, Cerez and 1 other like this
  2. I was just thinking on this idea, but it might be better if you give it a try, since I will more likely make another "horror-ish" frankie :D


    Just use 'Edit Mode' in Blender, make sure you're in Face Select mode and by selectively editing certain parts of the model you can create a decent enough feminine form. It won't match up 100% compared to a fresh model created with Leia's exact proportions in mind, but in this particular case you can use the fact that Leia is wearing a jacket over most of her torso to your advantage.


    Practice makes perfect.

  3. Due to my recent PC crash, I lost all my WIP files on Volume Five - so much so that despite several efforts I can't really find the energy or enthusiasm to re-do it all again. As such I'll be quietly closing the most recent volume of the webcomic before it really begins.


    I have, however, used the opportunity to start an entirely new comic project set during the Rebellion-era, and have already begun work on producing some content for it. 


    A sneak peak:






    No ETA on when this new project will complete its first issue.

    Jeff, DarthStiv, Bek and 2 others like this
  4. So although pretty much everything in this thread was backed up and saved, I did lose a huge amount of JKA models when my old PC died which is a real shame as I had quite a collection of obscure pieces that are no longer available for download on the 'Net. As a consequence it took a little while to get things fired up on the WIP front, but this is what I knocked up earlier today:






    Needs a little more texture work (particularly around the hairline) and the rank insignia is currently incorrect, but he seems to be coming along nicely enough. Versions wearing a hat, cloak and battle armour will also be included.

    Srethem, Rayce, krkarr and 6 others like this
  5. Maybe there just isn't the playerbase for a new JKA RP scene these days. Everyone seems to head to the few remaining established RP clans, and those that don't have probably long since fled to the flourishing SWTOR RP scene.


    I wouldn't recommend sticking with the TOR -era if it hasn't worked out so far. After all, I suppose if people want to RP in SWTOR's time period, they'll just play SWTOR?


    Whatever era you choose, I recommend detaching it slightly from the movie era. That's why most RPs take place centuries after ROTJ - it's the same universe, but you're not bound by restrictions like no Jedi during the Original Trilogy or no non-canon Sith during the prequels, etc.

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