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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. You should remove the requirement to register an account before being able to view the forums. Most people will skip over a site if they have to go through the fuss of an account before they even know if they want to join.


    Enable guests to be able to see everything, but restrict their posting privileges, that's my advice.

    Jeff likes this
  2. Honestly, the changes I made to DT's regular stormtrooper are so minimal that it really isn't worth uploading - it'd be a bit cheeky to make a whole new release of someone's work with the only changes being slightly larger shoulder pads and a small reshaping of the helmet. If DT wants to incorporate anything in a future release, he's of course more than welcome to but I won't be uploading it.


    As for Phasma, I tried to create some of my own sounds for her using Audacity and clips of Bastila Shan from KOTOR. Here's a sample:




    EDIT: Phasma will have NPC support, with both an enemy and ally version included. I've never got round to learning how to provide player-SP support for a model, but I might include that too if it's easy to do so.

  3. Had some time to kill today, so did some playing around with a placeholder shader just to see what she looks like in-game. Here's some shots:










    Overall, I'm pretty pleased with how's she coming along - though at the moment she's stuck with the vanilla male Stormtrooper voice. Audio sources for Phasma seem hard to come by at the moment (and might stay that way until the DVD release :() but I know @ has a gift for sourcing sounds, maybe he'd be able to provide a few?

  4. @ Awesome!  :D Well, that's a start at least, anyway.. @@DT85 @@Psyk0Sith @@Kualan.. You guys seem to know your thing. Is there any way you can assist with this or if anyone else knows how?


    Not trying to be rude, but I'm sure DT and Psyko feel the same - there's no need to tag people constantly in request threads. If I had something to say in this thread, I would say it.

    eezstreet, Omicron, Jeff and 2 others like this
  5. Say, you wouldn't mind teaming up on Phasma would you?


    I've been working on my own version as well and that cape is certainly something that would make it better.


    Your call of course but I think we could knock this character out if we combined forces.


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    Sure, I'll PM you what I have so far. Your skinwork looks like it might be a bit more hospitable to the shaders needed for the in-game chrome effect anyway.

  6. I don't know how to react to this, can we assume that Dooku found something interesting enough from the Jedi Archives or from a stranger,

    to ready his ship and follow up the leads to this "treasure", and either wrote about it or spoke of it afterwards, insipiring a treasure hunt..  a part of me

    thinks this is just like a Chip'n'Dale RescueRangers episode, but, part of me thinks this could be interesting to read. Is this a novel or a comic ??





    It's a short story e-book.


    If anyone really wants to know what the 'lost treasure' is, I've been told that it's (major spoiler for the e-book, though almost certainly not for TFA itself):



    Kix, the 501st clone medic from the Clone Wars TV show. Freed from some kind of stasis, apparently. Not read the e-book myself.


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