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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. As a note, Circa kinda already said this, but the download contains all the assets needed for the game, but does not contain the executable for the multiplayer (weirdly enough). That said, if you want to do multiplayer you can just use OpenJK and point it to the Amazon version's assets and it will work better than like the retail version would.
  2. These are pretty sweet, will probably put them in JKG sometime. Thanks for making them!
  3. Fun updates for overheating: Thanks to Silverfang for making the efx. (I did the code to get it to work).
  4. Sounds like you want to do a mapping tutorial. This is a great starting one: https://jkhub.org/mapping/richdiesal/
  5. A useful overview of how the game's game structures works: http://caia.swin.edu.au/reports/110209A/CAIA-TR-110209A.pdf
  6. As a note regarding up coming changes in v1.3.23, ACP damage has been modified from the original post's description. ACP now functions as something that partially hits shields and partially penetrates. The default is for 50% of the damage to bypass the shield and the other 50% to impact on the shield. The actual ratio can be determine in the weapon file by specifying a value for "ACPRatio", which determines which portion of the ACP damage impacts on the shield/vs what bypasses it. eg: 0.4 == 40% direct dmg, 60% shield damage. As an example, using 0.4 ACPRatio, a weapon that does 30 ACP damage, would result in 12 damage being guaranteed to bypass the shield, and 18 damage impacting on the shield. If the player were also armored, the direct bypass damage would also be reduced like normal. ACP damage also applies a bleed debuff like slugthrowers do.
  7. JKHub's logo has weird stuttering behavior on Firefox (v99.0.1), doesn't happen on Chromium based browsers whenever the mouse is moved. See video:
  8. Noticed this was slightly outdated. Here's a slightly better batch script: @echo off echo. echo ================================== echo == q3map2 ent compiler == echo ================================== ::Path to q3map2.exe directory SET q3map2dir=..\GtkRadiant-1.6.6 IF NOT EXIST %q3map2dir%\q3map2.exe ( echo Could not find q3map2.exe - failed! GoTo FAILED ) echo. echo Type in the name of your maps ent file echo (without an extension) then press enter echo. SET /P map=ent file name: cls echo. echo ================================== echo == q3map2 ent compiler == echo ================================== echo. echo compiling map: %map%.bsp echo with ent file: %map%.ent echo ------------------------------------------------- echo. IF NOT EXIST .\output\ mkdir .\output\ SET COPYCMD=/Y && COPY /Y %map%.bsp .\output\%map%.bsp SET COPYCMD=/Y && COPY /Y %map%.ent .\output\%map%.ent %q3map2dir%\q3map2.exe -v -game ja -fs_game base -onlyents .\output\%map%.ent echo. echo ------------------------------------------------- echo Please review the above text for errors to ensure echo your entities have compiled correctly. echo. pause cls echo. echo Cleaning up... IF EXIST .\output\%map%.ent DEL /F .\output\%map%.ent echo. echo Complete! New %map%.bsp available in output dir. echo. start "Output" .\output :FAILED You can point it to your q3map2 directory by changing this line SET q3map2dir=..\GtkRadiant-1.6.6 To wherever you have q3map2 installed. Also here's the recreated first screenshot (using VSCode instead of Notepad++).
  9. Lot of good entries, I unfortunately didn't get around to trying them all out before the vote closed, but congrats to Noodle and biggs!
  10. I love how we learn that Desaan's origins were one of Eric's RPG characters from a tabletop game.
  11. Futuza

    Holonews Studio

    Would be interesting to see an Imperial News Outlet reskin of this, from the Galactic Empire's propaganda office.
  12. Someone better make me a Bossk.
  13. Hey, just wanted to mention that if you need to record stuff you can use OBS for free and it won't add a text logo overlay and will probably result in higher quality recordings than bandicam will.
  14. Kinda wondering if an unofficial patch/mod for JKA would be a good idea, I feel like there's enough small little things like this to probably justify making one at some point that just throws it all together for newbies. A lot of projects like that end up dying though so I'm not sure its worth the effort.
  15. That's unfortunate, guess there'll always be dicks wherever there are vulnerabilities. I think the rancor bit is a bit funny at least, had some good times having everyone team up to kill rancors on pc, but yeah screwing with your game is unfortunate.
  16. Personally, I wouldn't recommend depriving yourself of the fun experience of beating the game the way it was designed to be, but if you insist you could do a couple of things to make Desaan a wimp. The most straight forward to what you're asking is to edit his npc file. You can find a tutorial about how to do this here (note might vary slighty as this is for JKA not Outcast, but its basically the same format): Note, that you probably want to make a seperate pk3 to store the modified Desaan .npc in, so as to not overwrite the original gamefiles permanently. The easiest way to make him a scrub is change his health value to 1hp, but have fun trying out all the new stuff. You could change his class, or lower his accuracy, aggression, etc. Keep in mind doing this will probably mess up your save file, so don't mod until you have a backup save.
  17. I'm not much a fan of the code bracket coloring, it's very hard to read. #define MOO COW //Consider the following: void SomeFunc(int x) { if("COW" == MOO) return; else SomeFunc(x); } The blue and purples have a pretty bad contrast. If the colors were lightened a bit it'd be a lot better, it looks like these were designed for light theme not dark. (My favorite dark theme color code is probably vscode's default if you need some inspiration).
  18. I know Discord integration was kinda popular on this poll, and now that JKHub 2.0 is basically here, I thought I'd mention that WidgetBot is a thing that exists. I use it for JKG's announcement feed, but it can do a lot more (such as an iframe with a the integrated Discord inside of it). Not necessarily sure such a thing is necessary/fits, but just wanted to let you know that that's an option that is free (though they do have a patreon that let's you get early access to the next version and do more customization etc).
  19. Just to be clear, I totally think it's fine to use clip brushes when you have some sort of object/thing that physically appears to block the way. For example, in the poorly drawn map below, you have some spikey rocks that are covered by a clip brush preventing the player from actually moving past them. But yeah Buoy's should work great with the fish, I was thinking something like this, but that works too. Heck even map edges like water that just plummets off the edge of a flat earth might also be interesting. Like this.
  20. What I would suggest when it comes to map borders, if it isn't too much work (granted that clips are way easier and less time consuming), is creating natural borders that fit within the map itself to prevent you from going further. There's a couple of things you could do with an island map. Consider some examples: a strong current in the water that pulls players who go too far out into a whirlpool which kills them, piranhas that kill people (an area full of fish that do more and more damage if you don't leave it), jagged rocks that are too steep to navigate, trees/buildings/kelp that block the path, etc. It's fine to use the clips, so long as you justify not being able to move past it with something physical/real. One of my map pet peeves is invisible walls.
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