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Files posted by JKHub

  1. Toshi's Anakin & Darth Vader

    Author: Toshi
    This is my version of Anakin Skywalker from Episode 3: ROTS. It all started as a head mesh I made for a different character, which looked a lot like the whiny Jedi. I know, there are a lot of Anakin models floating around. I just wanted to make one for myself. To spice it up a bit I decided to toss an Anakin as Vader model into the pack. Turned out quite well.
    Known bugs:
    -Slight clipping in certain animations, unavoidable thanks to the JKA skeleton.
    -Arm caps show no texture on Anakin robed variants (messed up skin file?).
    -Animated control surfaces on vader appear black with only the glow showing in the character selection menu. Works properly in game.
     NPC names:
    t_anakin t_anakin-hoodup t_anakin-hooddn t_anakin-sith t_anakin-shoodup t_anakin-shooddn t_anakin-sithburned   t_vader t_vader-mask t_vader-reveal Get the lightsabers in this mod.
    Original WIP thread on Hapslash's Void

    Special thanks:
    -Thanks to DT and o0paradox0o for their feedback.
    -Thanks to Buffy for her help with testing and gorgeous screenshots.
    -Thanks to all the people that helped me by testing the models.
    -Thanks to all the people at the invision games (the new era mod) forums.


       (19 reviews)



  2. Dark Forces Mod

    Title : Dark Forces Mod for Jedi Academy - Demo Version
    Author : The Dark Forces Mod Team
    E-Mail : darth_linux@msn.com
    Website : http://darkforces.jediknight.net
    File Name : dfmod_2008.zip
    File Size : 428 MB
    Date Released : 1/27/2007
    Description : Files required to play the Dark Forces Mod Demo.
    The Dark Forces Mod aims to recreate the levels and playing experience of the
    LucasArts game "Dark Forces" using the modern 3D engine found in the game
    Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. This demo contains the first 6 levels of the game.
    This is the third release by the Dark Forces Mod Team, who, in November 2002,
    released a demo of the mod for Jedi Outcast. This release was met with wide
    critical acclaim, and it is our pleasure to present you with the third and final release.
    For more information, please visit our website. Enjoy the mod!
    Installation : Make a new directory calld "dfmod" inside your Jedi Academy/Game Data directory. Unzip the
    contents of the the demo ZIP into this directory. Make a new shortcut to jasp.exe on your desktop
    and edit the shortcut properties, adding this to the target line: "+set fs_game dfmod" Double click
    the icon to begin. Make sure you go into the Setup screen to change your keyboard preferences.
    Requirements : Jedi Academy must be patched to version 1.01 to work.
    Please set your graphics options to their highest settings for maximum enjoyment.
    Comments : Behind a veil of secrecy the evil Empire is creating a doomsday army--one that,
    if finished, will become the final cog in the Empire's arsenal of terror and
    domination. Your Mission?
    Join the Rebel Alliance's covert operations division, infiltrate the Empire, then
    battle every man and machine the Imperial Forces can muster. Search a vast galaxy
    for clues, attack enemy bases - all in a desperate attempt to stop the activation
    of this fearsome new weapon.
    It's you and your blaster against an entire Empire. May the Force be with you.
    Release Notes : Note that there are a few controls different to Jedi Academy. Please
    check out your controls and adjust accordingly.
    Known Bugs/Issues *Dianoga makes no distinct "attack" sound when attacking player.[no known solution]
    *Concussion Rifle" appears at times in Weapon Inventory when Left Arrow is clicked. [no known solution]
    *No lip sync in Sewers cutscene if EAX is enabled. [EAX should be disabled for this mod.]
    *Light Saber appears in some levels if melee weapon is chosen. [no known solution]
    *There is no animation when throwing the Detonator [JA engine does not have one]
    *Size of Concussion Rifle and Repeater Gun ground weapons are very small. [salv could possibly resize them larger]


       (53 reviews)



  3. Spanki's Jedi Customization

    Author: Spanki
    This is a Jedi Costumization based on the HS_Anakin model of Hapslash.
    You can choose between 49 heads ( ok, there are really 49 different heads but
    in some cases I just changed hair and skin color and some little detail like a beard )
    most of them with 3 or 4 different hairstyles and hooded versions,
    21 different torsos in unrobed, robed, hooded and alternate robed and hooded versions.
    Besides you can choose between 21 different pair of boots.
    Some face textures are more unique then others, but all detailed.
    For example on the one hand you can choose compatible face textures of hm_jedi, chiss , jeditrainer from the original JKA game
    and on the other hand there are many unique face textures I made for this costumization based on some RPG chars I created for friends
    but never released before.
    Never the less there are textures like the beautiful hs_dooku face that I made compatible to hs_anakin, or a new Mace Windu-like face
    I created. There are also two very unique textures I created. One for a Victor van Doom skin I am working on.
    And the other for a RPG char named Goldmember - yeah. . . its the golden one -
    Its the same with the torsos, some are very unique and some are well known textures like the hs_rots_kenobi or the hs_anakin torso.
    Many of the torsos are done by other authors, I just made them compatible to this model and added armors in some cases.
    again the facts :
    - 49 heads with different hairstyles
    - 192 icons for the head selection
    - 21 different pair of boots
    - 21 different torsos ; unrobed, 2x robed , 2x hooded versions
    - 96 icons for the torso selection
    - all seperated in 18 species
    - 129024 possibilities to create your jedi
    SP compatible
    There are 18 random default skins - one of each species - that are selectable at the MP icon screen.
    each of this 18 default skins are BOT and NPC supported :
    BOT list : NPC list :
    Random Jedi I model/jedi_spanki
    Random Jedi II model/jedi_spanki1a
    Random Jedi III model/jedi_spanki1b
    Random Jedi IV model/jedi_spanki2
    Random Jedi V model/jedi_spanki2a
    Random Jedi VI model/jedi_spanki2b
    Random Jedi VII model/jedi_spanki3
    Random Jedi VIII model/jedi_spanki3a
    Random Jedi IX model/jedi_spanki3b
    Random Jedi X model/jedi_spanki4
    Random Jedi XI model/jedi_spanki4a
    Random Jedi XII model/jedi_spanki4b
    Random Jedi XIII model/jedi_spanki5
    Random Jedi XIV model/jedi_spanki5a
    Random Jedi XV model/jedi_spanki5b
    Random Jedi XVI model/jedi_spanki6
    Random Jedi XVII model/jedi_spanki6a
    Random Jedi XVIII model/jedi_spanki6b
    Regarding to the MP icons and Shaders :
    OK, this is just a little hint. Some of my beta testers didnt like the icons - and the shaders - of the MP screen
    (maybe cause they didnt have the 18 icons in three lines, so the effect is not working well)
    In this case just delete the file out of the original pk3.
    There are three shader files "shaders/jedi_spanki" -> for the torso,boots ... etc.
    "shaders/head_shader" -> for - you can guess - heads
    and "shaders/icon_shader" -> for the MP icons
    If you dont like the MP screen icons, delete -> icon_shader -> and save the pk3 new ( the icons will still be there but without the effect )
    If you dont like the head cloaks, delete -> head_shader -> and save the pk3 new


       (26 reviews)



  4. JA+ Client Side

    Author: Slider
    JA+ or JAPLus is a server side Mod for Windows, Linux, and Mac which has the possibility to get a Client side plugin with pk3 files.
    this plugin is designed to give UI, animation and feature enhancement to your client side game.
    You are not obligated to install the plugins with the JA+ server side part to run a JAplus server.
    Download Server-Side JA+ JAPlus here
    - Support for the High speed URL AutoDownload Redirect for needed pk3 when connecting a server
    -MultiTaunt Sound and Multi Custom sounds in all gametype
    - admin and clan channel autologin.
    - AutoReplier integrated working with all languages.
    - RGB sabers
    - better smoothy moves thanks to the client side prediction
    - Complete view of modelscale stystem with also scaling of sphere, shadow, saber....etc...
    - Improved effects for the new moves, forces, attacks
    - Improved UI menu
    - Capability of allow/disallow Importants new feature provided by the plugin
    - Complete Duel Non interference Code (Visual Ghost effect, smoothy player crossing)
    - support for the Alternate dimension
    - better JA+ items management ( flamethrower and grapple hook ...etc...)
    - crosshair Player name in color
    - gender support for missing skins (replaced by a default male or a female model)
    - support for the New JA+ GLA animations
    - support for new ja+ sabers and holsters models


       (12 reviews)



  5. Spanki's Sith Customization

    Author: Spanki
    This is a Sith Customization based on the HS_anakin model of Hapslash. You will find 27 new customization screens after having this modification installed, so its impossible to have both, Jedi and Sith Customization installed at the same time with having all its possibilities (I noticed that the limitation of customization screens is 32 when I had the mod already done). So you gotta decide, what you prefer. In the first time I made this modification for Sith based clans around the world but decided later to include some RPG chars coming along with it. These RPG chars are the main difference between Jedi and Sith Customization, even to light side RPG chars are included here. These Chars all have unique robes that are not customizable and of course unique faces that are not customizable either. Another difference regarding to the Jedi customization is the fact that I worked with alot of glowing effects this time, you are able to costumize every torso with red and blue glowing lights. By the way, there are 2 unique robes at the end of every of the 9 different torso menus. The RPG character are all selectable at the MP icon screen (22 icons, 2 for each character). Altough I decided neither to do NPC nor Bot support with this Mod. It seems many people cant handle that big amount of NPCs , or they arent aware of how to delete them. Therefore is coming a NPC list for spawning within this zip file and an NPC folder, just copy the NPC you want to add and paste it in "ext_data / npcs" folder of the mod.
    . . . the only Bot you can choose to fight is my beloved Exar Khun . . .
    Maybe some people remember the Jedi_Customization_Plus, there were just Humans, Chiss , a Rodian and some Cyborg species included. This time I decided to do more species variants . . . of course the main Heads still have a human topic but there is a Kelifarian, a Rodian, some Cyborgs, a Lizard like dude, a Frog guy ;D , a big selection of different Heads form the Ratatakki species (Ratatakki is the species of Asajj Ventraa, and they look very sithish in my eyes) and finally some heads that are so bizarr that you cant say what species they are . . .
    But the facts now:
    - 27 customization screens
    - 96 customizable heads ( + 11 unique heads of RPG chars )
    - 288 customizable torsos ( + 11 unique torsos of RPG chars )
    - 20 customizable boots
    - red and blue glowing lights variations
    - 552.960 possibilities at all
    - 11 RPG chars
    Exar Khun
    Darth Bane
    Darth Krayt
    A´shared Hett
    Darth Kruhl
    Ulic Qel Droma
    Kyp Durron
    Cade Skywalker
    Jagged Fel
    Nomi Sunrider ( I wanted to include something for the ladies )
    Model - HapSlash
    Textures - Spanki
    Mesh Optimization, Weighting & Conversion - Infinity Blade


       (27 reviews)



  6. HS Obi-Wan Kenobi - RotS

    Author : HapSlash
    Description: Here we go with the second of the Episode III models that I'm working on, based off of the latest Star Wars movie 'Revenge of the Sith'. It is currently available for both Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy.


       (9 reviews)



  7. UltimateWeapons

    Author: Kahn D'halaine
    There are so many changes in this, so I wonʼt remember to mention them all. I can conclude this mod by the words "movie authency" and "enhancement".
    Let me quote the intro of the trailer, that Nozy found so descriptive:
    "This mod was intended to recreate the look, sound and the very FEELING of Star Wars - something I felt missing in JKA. To accomplish this I put together the best of all weapons mods I found along with my own work, to make a perfect weapons mod. This is: ULTIMATE WEAPONS."
    That says pretty much it what this is. The weapons have been altered to resemble the movies (those that are in the movies) or just enhanced, such as the explosions.
    Letʼs go for the general:
    IMPACT EFFECTS: New impact effects based on the MBII effects, a.k.a. TK-231ʼs Special Effects Mod V1 Base, by TK-231. They are much more movie-like (like everything else, so I
    wonʼt mention that anymore), with lots of sparks, smoke, chunks, lightflashes and all you could ask for. The effect is random, with different sizes, sounds (there are 80 different impact sounds!) and burnmarks (these are brand new!).
    EXPLOSIONS: Much bigger explosions with lots of smoke, fire and that stuff accompanied to great sounds! MODELS: Most models have been enhanced by a chrome shader to make them shiny, and a hand shown on the 1st person models (cred to PerfectJamie @ Massassi). Some are brand new (the DFMod models).
    ICONS & TEXT: All weapon icons have been remade to show the improved weapons. The text strings have also been altered for some of the weapons - instead of just saying E-11 Blaster Rifle and Thermal Detonator they now say BlasTech E-11 Blaster Rifle and Baradium- core Thermal Detonator.
    SOUNDS: Of course the sounds are according to the movies. Hereʼre some extended descriptions:
    LIGHTSABER: The lightsaber blades are my own Ep3-style blades, with the pointed tip. Uses the much more realistic clash effect from OJP and MBII. The sounds are the grinding ones from the classical trilogy, with very good impact sounds and activation/deactivation sounds. The regular saberon is Lukeʼs saber from ROTJ, the saberoff... I canʼt really think of that I heard something different in the first movies. That sound is actually the only thing that has survived from the first version (unreleased) of this mod. The enemy saberon and -off is from Dookuʼs saber, in AOTC and ROTS. The new icon is Obi-Wanʼs saber from ROTS. I also added chrome shaders to the BaseJKA sabers, to update them slightly (I still think theyʼre boring though).
    MELEE: New, improved sounds.
    THE FORCE: Movie-like push/pull and grip sounds (oh, I just got a Dejá Vú), the well-known "Force Rumble". This is best heard using a subwoofer (itʼs shaky!). The effects of these are invisible. The lighting sound is the same as when Dooku blasts Anakin and Yoda in AOTC, with an improved effect; much blueer, electrical-like with lightbeams coming from the userʼs palm. Force Speed sound like if you go into a different form of existance or something like that, that the time is being slowed down. You who have played JK2 will most probably recognize the Sense and Rage sounds as the ambient sounds in the Valley of the Jedi.
    BLASTECH DL-44 HEAVY BLASTER PISTOL: New scope texture, sounds like Han Soloʼs pistol in ANH and ESB.
    BLASTECH E-11 BLASTER RIFLE: Much better models with darker textures, shinier shader, and the sounds... Theyʼre like a dream, from the blasting in ANH.
    TENLOSS DXR-6 DISRUPTOR RIFLE: Looks like itʼs a brand new weapon - shiny! Really nice sounds, effects and a new scope, based on the A280 scope in MBII. The disintegration effect is now a lot of fire and smoke that leaves a pile of ashes for some seconds...
    WOOKIE BOWCASTER: Polished by a furry hand, sounds like Chewieʼs firing in ESB and ROTJ. Red bolts as default, but green is optional.
    IMPERIAL HEAVY REPEATER: Sounds like the repeater in Dark Forces, with its blue bolts. DEMP2: Probably the most polished gun of them all... Much more electrical effects, and there comes smoke from the muzzle when firing, inspired from the Jawa ion gun in ANH.
    GOLAN ARMS FC1 FLECHETTE WEAPON: Now fires red-hot metal shards, as the description says! The shards stay buried in the wall for some time. Sounds much more shotgun-like. The alt-fire is shield-protected frag-grenades that spread lots of shrapnel when they go. I also added a "grenade goes into position" sound after each fired grenade.
    STOUKER CONCUSSION RIFLE: I havenʼt done anything to the models or firing sounds of this, but the effect... I was inspired from the Trandoshan Concussion Rifle in Republic Commando, and tried to replicate the effect. Itʼs primary an imploding sphere that sends out a shock when imploded. Actually I made the effect even before I got Republic Commando; I had found the explosion sound effect for the weapon on FileFront and decided use it in my mod. At first it was a replacement for the Flechette alt-explosion and had an imploding blue shell that sent out a horisontal shockwave and golden sparks. But finally it made itʼs way to the Stouker instead.
    MERR-SONN PLX-2M PORTABLE MISSILE SYSTEM: Oh my, in OJP Enhanced these are feared, as they blow you apart like nothing! The explosion is much bigger, the sounds are great with a "place new missile in position" sound after each firing. The smoketrail is made much longer, with a matching powerful loop sound. I also reskinned the missiles to dark grey.
    BARADIUM-CORE THERMAL DETONATOR: Now this looks like it should do, a big expanding glowing sphere of doom... New models, sounds, you name it! Sounds exactly like the thermal Boushh (a.k.a. Leia) holds up in Jabbaʼs palace in ROTJ.
    TRIP MINES: Red laser beams... Big explosion if you touchʼem... Really nice sounds...
    DETONATION PACKS: New sounds and a big explosion with a lot of smoke...
    ITEMS: New item respawn sound (dunno how to describe it), bacta sound like some sort of hydrualic injection and a new chat sound like a short comradio static. Oh, and the spawn effects! Big beam(s) that leaves a little mark on the ground where you spawned. The portable sentry now fires green bolts and sound like a big ship cannon (the Lady Luck cannon, the cannons aboard the Dreadnaught).
    MISC SOUND CHANGES: New sounds for weapon switching, low ammo warning, Rebel ship hyperdrive and hologram sounds (I think this only appears in JK2).

    GAME FUNCION CHANGES: Iʼve edited the weapons.dat script to make some weapons fire a little faster and increased the ammo limit, only for SP though. But it works in CoOp in OJP! Thatʼs it for the main mod, UltimateWeapons.pk3. Now for the additional PK3s!
    Optional Files
    There are some additional files that alter the weapons in some ways:
    BRYAR PISTOL REPLACEMENT - xyz_bryar_pistol.pk3:
    Replaces the DL-44 with Kyle Katarn's modified Bryar pistol from Dark Forces, with appropiate sound from Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2.
    BLASTECH DC-15A RIFLE REPLACEMENT - xyz_dc-15A_pah.pk3:
    Replaces the repeater with the DC-15A clone trooper rifle by Pahricida for MBII. New sounds and effects by me.
    GREEN BOWCASTER BOLTS - xyz_green_bowcaster.pk3:
    Makes the bowcaster effects green, with different sounds.
    LOW QUALITY EFFECTS - zzz_UltimateWeapons_LQEffects.pk3:
    If you find the effects laggy due to all the sparks, try setting fx_expensivePhysics to 0 or place this file in Base. It lowers the number/removes the sparks and makes the smoke fade faster.
    NO BLOOD - zzz_UltimateWeapons_NoBlood.pk3:
    If you don't think blood fit into Star Wars or just don't like blood, this is the file for you! Removes the blood splats from the effects, but leaves a slight red smoke, because in Ep1 when Obi cuts Maul in half, there's coming reddish smoke from the cut. Did Obi hax the system even in his young days, or what do you think?
    Known Bugs
    Sometimes the effects disappear when many are active, due to the game's sprite limitation. Use zzz_UltimateWeapons_LQEffects.pk3 to solve this.
    The chrome shaders may not work properly in MP, at least they don't for me. I have no solution to this.
    Note that other mods may interfere with my mod. PK3's are loaded in this hierarchy:
    Mod directory/PK3's
    Mod directory/files in folders
    PK3's are loaded alphabetically, and therefore you can't name a mod something like "aaa_mymod.pk3" as would be overridden by the
    base JKA assets.


       (16 reviews)



  8. JA+ Server Side

    Author: Slider
    JA+ or JAPLus is a server side Mod for Windows, Linux, and Mac which has the possibility to get a Client side plugin with pk3 files.
    Download Client-Side JA+ JAPlus here
    JA+ is the official name for the JediMoves.com Mod Project.
    This server side Mod for Windows/Linux/Mac is designed to add cool features and enable admin commands
    to help ensure your rules are respected and to make your server more configurable. This mod will not drastically change
    the general feel of the game, it will simply add fun features or enhance features in order to satisfy Jedi Academy
    clans. When all the new options are turned OFF, the gameplay becomes unchanged.
    The main goal of this mod is to add or enhance a lot of features in a total configurable ''Plus'' JediAcademy version (that is why i called it JA+).
    This is the full distribution pack. It includes the clientside JA+ Plugin as well as some helpful tools to aid server administrators.
    For full documentation of the plugin itself, please download the plugin and its readme separately.
    Example of features ==>
    --Compatibility with all OS Windows, Linux and Mac
    --Support for the New JA+ GLA animations(yes i know it adds 8Mo to the mod)
    --High speed URL AutoDownload Redirect for needed Pk3 when connecting a server.
    --Multiple duels at once
    --Full force Duels
    --Duel Isolation (Non interference)
    --No Rules Alternate Dimension
    --Flipkicks without altering wall run
    --Admin commands + Admin Abuse Detection
    --Speak mod (admin, clan and team)
    --Clan Tag Protection
    --Team gametypes auto-balance (teams with the same number of players)
    --MultiTaunt Sound, and multiCustom player sounds.
    --AutoReplier integrated working with all foreign versions of the game.
    --Easy saber change without respawning
    --Tons of new emotes
    --Fake player name detection system based on IP detection
    --All SP attacks added + completely new attacks and new DFA + SP force moves with new extended effects
    --Extended Melee attacks
    --New items (melee, jetpack, flameThrower,grapple hook )
    --Model size scaling system
    --Configurable saber Damages
    --New Vote system management + AntiVoteSpam
    --Capability of activating a real JK2 gameplay with moves and damages
    --Profanity Filter
    --Chat GOD (attack immunity while in console or chat mode) + Inactivity AutoProtect
    --Highlander ffa gametype modification
    --JediVsMerc mod enhancement
    --Client Side Plugin for players
    --RGB clothes and sabers + various saber core/line/trails styles effects.
    --Extensive Anti cheat system ( Macro scan , models exploit, yawspeed....etc...)
    --Client scripts that bind keys to improve accessibility and more...
    --gender support for missing skins (replaced by a default male or a female model)
    --JA+ BitValue calculator to compute all bit value CVars.
    --BaseJKA vehicle limit of 16 modified to allow a maximum of 32 distinct vehicles to be spawned in a map.
    --Maximum size of .veh & .vwp files increased to allow the loading of a lot more pk3 vehicle files (more than 50).
    --JA+ server tracker for website (server info in real time, who's playing, rcon cmds, server configs....viewable in a web page)
    -- JA+ sabers Support : a great saber pack included, new hilts...etc.. with extended sabers features like holstering animations and holsters model.
    --Many lot of corrected basejka Bugs
    JA+ is a server-side Mod which is made even better by a client-side plugin containing separate .pk3 files..
    This plugin is designed to give UI, animation and feature enhancement to your client side game.
    You are not obligated to install the plugins with the JA+ server side part to run a JA+ server.
    This Mod contains a number of powerful admin commands that must be executed by a real human player as well as
    automatic admin systems executed by the server. However, in order to be sure not to punish the wrong person or
    to decrease a player's personal liberties, the automatic admin system is "light" coded. (For example the fake name detection
    system will just warn players). The automatic admin system will not make the decision to kick, or ban players.
    With this mod, i preferred to give full admin power and let the server owner detect admin abuse/autoBan abusers
    with the admin abuse detection system. These commands are not abusive, people are.
    Now if you want to abuse with those admin features, think about the fact that all players will tend to play on better servers.
    There are enough servers for that....
    Quick Install
    - just delete all pk3 files in your gamedata/japlus folder.
    - then unzip this zip file into your gamedata folder. It should place all needed pk3 files into your gamedata folder. It will also create or update your japlus and base (only for the animation pk3) folder.
    - then load the mod using the load mod menu of your game, or directly execute the script play_japlus.bat inside gamedata folder.
    PS : the japlus_gla_anims.pk3 must be installed in BASE folder and not in japlus folder on both server and clients in order to use them.
    for detailed info, go in japlus\japlus_doc
    For detailed notes about the plugin, read the Plugin_readme.rtf
    PS: For MAC users, all the dll are now integrated in the PK3 of the mod. You need the MAC Patch1.01E to make it working.
    you can get this patch from http://www.macgamefi...hp?item=17967��
    You will find a detailed MAC install howTo made by DarthZappa in japlus/japlus_doc/japlusmac-howto.zip
    DOCUMENTATION and Tools And Distrib
    You will find :
    *** all the server distrib for windows and linux and Mac of the japlus Mod in the japlus folder.
    ( *.pk3 files, .so file, server.cfg and all client side scripts like admin.cfg, chat.cfg, saber.cfg)
    *** all the client side JA+ plugin clientPlugin_vX.X.pk3 for windows and Mac. This PK3 can be obtained on its own, separate from this main pack. Please keep up to date on your plugins.
    - in this case you will have to delete this old pk3 and replace it with the newer one.
    For detailed notes about the plugin, read the Plugin_readme.rtf
    *** a saber pack japlus_saber.pk3 that contains some nice sabers hilts with JA+ extensions to show what you can do with JA+ and saber moding.
    Remember that both player and server have to install this pk3 if you want to use it.
    but you are not obligated to install it.
    ** japlus_gla_anims.pk3 in base folder : a new JA+ GLA animations pack. It must be installed in base folder and not japlus folder on both server and clients in order to use them.
    If a player does not have this file, he will not be able to use the new animations
    if the server does not have this file the new animations will be automatically turned OFF.
    *** all the documenation in several files in japlus\japlus_doc\ folder
    ** a FAQ faq.txt
    ** a model list with their URL so that u can find good model or skin which are configured in the model scale system like for example Yoda
    *** Tools in JAplus_Tools folder:
    ** the BitRate Calculator japlus_bitValueCalculator.html :It will calculate the admin command disable, poll disable, lock team, force power disable,
    and weapon disable, and all bit value cvars in the mod japlus.
    *** JA+ server tracker monitoring for website (server info in real time, who's playing, rcon cmds, server configs....viewable in a web page)
    It does not require any plugin or php. You just need a Website with HTML.
    You can find it and use it by going on the JA+ Website (see the URL in top of the readme.rtf file) or use the japlus_tracker.html
    *** Startup server file that you must move to your gamedata folder .
    One of these .bat files is a secure startup that will autorestart the server if it crashes. (open it with notepad to learn how to install it)
    this secure startup script is available for both windows and linux dedicated servers.
    (they requiere the raven dedicated server pack that u need to dowload on the official website like
    http://www.lucasfile...sfiles.com/���� http://www.lucasfile...=category&id=62
    or http://www.jk3files....t=2537&ref=2536)
    *** an UnOfficial patch for the windows and linux raven dedicated server pack which fix the UDP server overflow Vulnerability(which crashes the servers)
    see the dedicated PATCH_ded_server1.011_readme.rtf
    Note about the client plugin
    -Client Side Plugin for client playing on JA+ server:
    this plugins is included in the Main server side ZIP mod but can also be available as a separate file for all players.
    this plugins enable players to take benefit from the UI, animation, and feature enhancement provided by the main server side JA+ Mod.
    You are not obligated to install the plugins with the JA+ server side part to run a JA+ server.
    For example, the grappling hook is much better if you have installed the pk3 plugin in your client game JAplus folder.
    You will find all informations on this plugin in a dedicated readme provided with it.
    How it works?
    ** in server config sv_pure 1 : you will be able to use this pk3 plugin only if the server has this file installed.
    if it is the case every player will have to install the pk3 client side in their client gamedata/japlus folder in order to play on this server.
    And so the server is not server side any more.
    ** in server config sv_pure 0 : the server remains server side. every players will be able to join your server (if they have the plugin or Nor have it)
    and you are not obligated to install the pk3 plugin on the server.
    the players who have the pk3 plugin will take advantage of the UI, animations, feature enhancement.
    the other players won't see the difference.
    the server will recognize the players who have the plugins and will make them take advantage of it to have better animation, Ui and features.
    PS: in sv_pure 0, all pk3 at client side can be used by the client: SO if the client has to many pk3, he may have problem with missing textures or joining the server.


       (5 reviews)



  9. Jedi Academy Patch (PC)

    The official PC patch for Jedi Academy which will allow you to connect to servers running the latest patch as well as fixing critical bugs (See changelog)
    After downloading the update, double click on JKAcademy1_01.exe to install. The installer will automatically search for the folder where you originally installed Jedi Academy and install all of the updates. If the update does not locate Jedi Academy on your system, you may need to reinstall the game from the original CD and then run the JKAcademy1_01.exe.
    This patch is completely compatible with old single player save game files. All Multiplayer users must use Jedi Academy version 1.01.
    If you are experiencing low framerate, go into the Setup/More Video section and change dynamic glow to off.
    Gravis gamepad users should turn force feedback to off. The current Gravis drivers are not compatible with Jedi Academy and will cause the game to crash.
    If you experience hiccupping while playing, especially during light-saber battles, go into the Control, Mouse/Joystick section and set force feedback to "No".


       (6 reviews)



  10. bloodPLUS Gore/Dismemberment Mod v1.5 & v3.1

    Author: bloodthirstydood
    This mod attempts to provide a more immersive hack-slash experience than the default sparks and sparkles that get chucked out when you stab someone normally (or shoot - this mod works with guns as well, with the exception of the Stouker). I was obsessed with the game BloodRayne at the time of authoring this so it may bear some resemblance. This mod comes in two versions - 1.5 and 3.1.
    1.5 - lots of big, wide sprites (I think that's what they're called) all over the place; emphasis on volume and area coverage. Extreme dismemberment and small red puff-clouds on gun and saber impacts. Saber impact and particle splatting sounds may be a little loud, but I like the explosive water-baloon-popping sort of aura they help create.
    3.1 - a move toward smaller textures that spurt more often. More diversity within the sprites themselves and a trend toward more splatter but less red (less ground coverage). Same amount of dismemberment. Added tails (for us nerds who know what those are) to go jetting out on saber hits and paste small bits of gore wherever they land. The downside is that with so many more images getting drawn everywhere, the game erases old sprites in order to let the new ones land, so sometimes it looks like the blood's evaporating wicked fast as new blood lands on the ground. For this reason, 3.1 may be more suited to single player, when there tends to be more time between killings. The sounds in 3.1 are a bit less splooshy and more splattery.
    This mod also declares "helpusobi 1" to facilitate singleplayer cheating.


       (6 reviews)



  11. UltimateWeapons for JK2

    Author: Kahn D'halaine
    This is the JK2 version. If you're looking for the JKA version, click here.
    There are so many changes in this, so I wonʼt remember to mention them all. I can conclude this mod by the words "movie authency" and "enhancement".
    Let me quote the intro of the trailer, that Nozy found so descriptive:
    "This mod was intended to recreate the look, sound and the very FEELING of Star Wars - something I felt missing in JKA. To accomplish this I put together the best of all weapons mods I found along with my own work, to make a perfect weapons mod. This is: ULTIMATE WEAPONS."
    That says pretty much it what this is. The weapons have been altered to resemble the movies (those that are in the movies) or just enhanced, such as the explosions.
    Letʼs go for the general:
    IMPACT EFFECTS: New impact effects based on the MBII effects, a.k.a. TK-231ʼs Special Effects Mod V1 Base, by TK-231. They are much more movie-like (like everything else, so I
    wonʼt mention that anymore), with lots of sparks, smoke, chunks, lightflashes and all you could ask for. The effect is random, with different sizes, sounds (there are 80 different impact sounds!) and burnmarks (these are brand new!).
    EXPLOSIONS: Much bigger explosions with lots of smoke, fire and that stuff accompanied to great sounds! MODELS: Most models have been enhanced by a chrome shader to make them shiny, and a hand shown on the 1st person models (cred to PerfectJamie @ Massassi). Some are brand new (the DFMod models).
    ICONS & TEXT: All weapon icons have been remade to show the improved weapons. The text strings have also been altered for some of the weapons - instead of just saying E-11 Blaster Rifle and Thermal Detonator they now say BlasTech E-11 Blaster Rifle and Baradium- core Thermal Detonator.
    SOUNDS: Of course the sounds are according to the movies. Hereʼre some extended descriptions:
    LIGHTSABER: The lightsaber blades are my own Ep3-style blades, with the pointed tip. Uses the much more realistic clash effect from OJP and MBII. The sounds are the grinding ones from the classical trilogy, with very good impact sounds and activation/deactivation sounds. The regular saberon is Lukeʼs saber from ROTJ, the saberoff... I canʼt really think of that I heard something different in the first movies. That sound is actually the only thing that has survived from the first version (unreleased) of this mod. The enemy saberon and -off is from Dookuʼs saber, in AOTC and ROTS. The new icon is Obi-Wanʼs saber from ROTS. I also added chrome shaders to the BaseJKA sabers, to update them slightly (I still think theyʼre boring though).
    MELEE: New, improved sounds.
    THE FORCE: Movie-like push/pull and grip sounds (oh, I just got a Dejá Vú), the well-known "Force Rumble". This is best heard using a subwoofer (itʼs shaky!). The effects of these are invisible. The lighting sound is the same as when Dooku blasts Anakin and Yoda in AOTC, with an improved effect; much blueer, electrical-like with lightbeams coming from the userʼs palm. Force Speed sound like if you go into a different form of existance or something like that, that the time is being slowed down. You who have played JK2 will most probably recognize the Sense and Rage sounds as the ambient sounds in the Valley of the Jedi.
    BLASTECH DL-44 HEAVY BLASTER PISTOL: New scope texture, sounds like Han Soloʼs pistol in ANH and ESB.
    BLASTECH E-11 BLASTER RIFLE: Much better models with darker textures, shinier shader, and the sounds... Theyʼre like a dream, from the blasting in ANH.
    TENLOSS DXR-6 DISRUPTOR RIFLE: Looks like itʼs a brand new weapon - shiny! Really nice sounds, effects and a new scope, based on the A280 scope in MBII. The disintegration effect is now a lot of fire and smoke that leaves a pile of ashes for some seconds...
    WOOKIE BOWCASTER: Polished by a furry hand, sounds like Chewieʼs firing in ESB and ROTJ. Red bolts as default, but green is optional.
    IMPERIAL HEAVY REPEATER: Sounds like the repeater in Dark Forces, with its blue bolts. DEMP2: Probably the most polished gun of them all... Much more electrical effects, and there comes smoke from the muzzle when firing, inspired from the Jawa ion gun in ANH.
    GOLAN ARMS FC1 FLECHETTE WEAPON: Now fires red-hot metal shards, as the description says! The shards stay buried in the wall for some time. Sounds much more shotgun-like. The alt-fire is shield-protected frag-grenades that spread lots of shrapnel when they go. I also added a "grenade goes into position" sound after each fired grenade.
    STOUKER CONCUSSION RIFLE: I havenʼt done anything to the models or firing sounds of this, but the effect... I was inspired from the Trandoshan Concussion Rifle in Republic Commando, and tried to replicate the effect. Itʼs primary an imploding sphere that sends out a shock when imploded. Actually I made the effect even before I got Republic Commando; I had found the explosion sound effect for the weapon on FileFront and decided use it in my mod. At first it was a replacement for the Flechette alt-explosion and had an imploding blue shell that sent out a horisontal shockwave and golden sparks. But finally it made itʼs way to the Stouker instead.
    MERR-SONN PLX-2M PORTABLE MISSILE SYSTEM: Oh my, in OJP Enhanced these are feared, as they blow you apart like nothing! The explosion is much bigger, the sounds are great with a "place new missile in position" sound after each firing. The smoketrail is made much longer, with a matching powerful loop sound. I also reskinned the missiles to dark grey.
    BARADIUM-CORE THERMAL DETONATOR: Now this looks like it should do, a big expanding glowing sphere of doom... New models, sounds, you name it! Sounds exactly like the thermal Boushh (a.k.a. Leia) holds up in Jabbaʼs palace in ROTJ.
    TRIP MINES: Red laser beams... Big explosion if you touchʼem... Really nice sounds...
    DETONATION PACKS: New sounds and a big explosion with a lot of smoke...
    ITEMS: New item respawn sound (dunno how to describe it), bacta sound like some sort of hydrualic injection and a new chat sound like a short comradio static. Oh, and the spawn effects! Big beam(s) that leaves a little mark on the ground where you spawned. The portable sentry now fires green bolts and sound like a big ship cannon (the Lady Luck cannon, the cannons aboard the Dreadnaught).
    MISC SOUND CHANGES: New sounds for weapon switching, low ammo warning, Rebel ship hyperdrive and hologram sounds (I think this only appears in JK2).

    GAME FUNCION CHANGES: Iʼve edited the weapons.dat script to make some weapons fire a little faster and increased the ammo limit, only for SP though. But it works in CoOp in OJP! Thatʼs it for the main mod, UltimateWeapons.pk3. Now for the additional PK3s!
    Optional Files
    There are some additional files that alter the weapons in some ways:
    BRYAR PISTOL REPLACEMENT - xyz_bryar_pistol.pk3:
    Replaces the DL-44 with Kyle Katarn's modified Bryar pistol from Dark Forces, with appropiate sound from Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2.
    BLASTECH DC-15A RIFLE REPLACEMENT - xyz_dc-15A_pah.pk3:
    Replaces the repeater with the DC-15A clone trooper rifle by Pahricida for MBII. New sounds and effects by me.
    GREEN BOWCASTER BOLTS - xyz_green_bowcaster.pk3:
    Makes the bowcaster effects green, with different sounds.
    LOW QUALITY EFFECTS - zzz_UltimateWeapons_LQEffects.pk3:
    If you find the effects laggy due to all the sparks, try setting fx_expensivePhysics to 0 or place this file in Base. It lowers the number/removes the sparks and makes the smoke fade faster.
    NO BLOOD - zzz_UltimateWeapons_NoBlood.pk3:
    If you don't think blood fit into Star Wars or just don't like blood, this is the file for you! Removes the blood splats from the effects, but leaves a slight red smoke, because in Ep1 when Obi cuts Maul in half, there's coming reddish smoke from the cut. Did Obi hax the system even in his young days, or what do you think?
    Known Bugs
    Sometimes the effects disappear when many are active, due to the game's sprite limitation. Use zzz_UltimateWeapons_LQEffects.pk3 to solve this.
    The chrome shaders may not work properly in MP, at least they don't for me. I have no solution to this.
    Note that other mods may interfere with my mod. PK3's are loaded in this hierarchy:
    Mod directory/PK3's
    Mod directory/files in folders
    PK3's are loaded alphabetically, and therefore you can't name a mod something like "aaa_mymod.pk3" as would be overridden by the
    base JKA assets.


       (9 reviews)



  12. HS Anakin Skywalker

    Author : HapSlash
    Date Released : 10-06-06

    Model & Textures - HapSlash
    Mesh Optimization, Weighting & Conversion,- INFINITY BLADE

    Sound files supplied by
    Gwethenea, Dark Rizer, Overlord, Grievous, and Raven Software


    Here we are at long last. I know many of you have been waiting fot this for a long time, and I appologize for the delay, but things do come up, and so much has happened over the last year.

    Before getting to the description, I wanted to thank all those most directly responsible for helping this to become what it has, and those who have helped to get it completed.

    First to Infinity Blade, who painstakingly went over my "poorly concieved" mesh and made it move. The best weighter in all of JK

    Liberty Ashford, who's been a great friend and was the one responsible for keeping me here, even after I had decided to move on.

    Black Rose, who managed to get the public to stop arguing amongst itself about why the model was taking so long, and found ways to make them remember what it was they were waiting for.

    And finally Gwethenea, who who took it upon herself to kick me into gear and was the one directly responsible for getting me to finish. Without her you people would still be waiting for this. So give her a little thanks.

    ...and here's my way of thanking her. :D

    Anakin beta tested on -=New Era RPG=- : http://rpgnewera.17.forumer.com/index.php

    a little free advertising never hurts. ;)

    And a special thanks to K for thuroughly testing every little detail out, and giving me a few great suggestions. It means a lot to me.


    This is the third of the Episode III models that I'm working on, based off of the latest Star Wars movie 'Revenge of the Sith'.

    The first pk3 includes both Anakin from RotS and a varient AotC model. There are a total of 6 different texture sets in this pk3, the default, red & blue team skins, robed and unrobed, then an alternate battle worn version as he appears on Mustafar during the final moments of the film.

    These skin can be selected in MP by typing in

    model hs_anakin/battle



    there is also a second directory 'hs_anakin2' which contains all the skins of the base, but has an alternate more hostile sound set.

    The second pk3, will replace the 2nd single hilt in the SP JA game. This pk3 will eventually be replaced with a Revenge of the Sith Weapons Pack that I'm also working on.


    Once again special thank's go out to INFINITY BLADE, without whom this project would still be unfinished.

    Then also thanks to everyone on my forums who participated in gathering sounds for the model, While I couldn't include all of theones that were submitted I used what I thought would work the best.

    To Kevin Coyle for the use of his E2 anakin hair texture and a few assorted sounds.

    And finally, to everyone else who has kept interest in the project, durring it's compleation.


    Simply extract the pk3(s) to the gamedata/base folder of your Jedi Academy directory. The second pk3 (HS-anakin_saber-SP.pk3) will replace single hilt #2 in the SP JA game. This will overwrite, or be overwritten, by any additional saber replacements you might have already added. So keep this in mind should you find that it doesn't work.


       (11 reviews)



  13. X-Saber Mod

    Author: Jon Hill
    The X-Saber, Darth Qollous (just don't ask me how to pronounce that)
    A saber that once belonged to the Kel Dor Sith Lord, Baret Kloopon. Like a saber staff but with two ignition points on each end. >==<
    I was trying to make a JA saber hilt and happened to read the story sabretooth wrote on lucasforums.com (LucasForums > Network > JediKnight Series > Community > Star Wars Roleplaying > Stories / Fan Fiction > Jaden Korr - Darth Qollous if your intersted) anyway I thought I'd make a hilt based on that.


       (3 reviews)

    1 comment


  14. Pakscape

    This is a commonly used tool that can be used to modify at pk3s and zip files. This works on Windows only.


       (10 reviews)



  15. Jedi Academy Bonus Maps

    Jedi Academy Bonus maps from Raven Sofware
    6 New Maps
    duel_bonus1 - Coruscant ctf_bonus1 - Rift of Shadows ffa_bonus1 - Gas Mine ffa_bonus2 - The Fortress ffa_bonus3 - Conquest of Byss ffa_bonus4 - Ord Mantell Canyon

    Unzip to your Jedi Academy Installation folder.
    The maps will appear at the top of the map selection menu when you host your own game in multiplayer.
    If you do not see the new maps listed in-game, ensure that the file "bonus.pk3" is located in your installation's "GameData\base" folder. The default path is "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base". You will see other .pk3 files in the correct "base" folder. Simply drag and drop the "bonus.pk3" file into the correct "base" folder if it has been installed to
    the wrong location.


       (9 reviews)

    1 comment


  16. OpenJK for Jedi Academy

    OpenJK is an effort by the JACoders group to maintain and improve the game engines on which the Jedi Academy (JA) and Jedi Outcast (JO) games run on, while maintaining full backwards compatibility with the existing games. This project does not attempt to rebalance or otherwise modify core gameplay.
    Our aims are to:
    Improve the stability of the engine by fixing bugs and improving performance. Provide a clean base from which new JO and JA code modifications can be made. Make available this engine to more operating systems. To date, we have releases on Windows, Linux and macOS. The JKHub sub-forum is a better place for support queries, discussions, and feature requests. Bug reports and major issues should be posted in the Issues section on GitHub.
    OpenJK is licensed under GPLv2 as free software. You are free to use, modify and redistribute OpenJK following the terms in LICENSE.txt.
    To install OpenJK, you will first need Jedi Academy installed. If you don't already own the game you can buy it from online stores such as Steam or GOG.
    Video instructions for installing OpenJK for Jedi Academy:
    Installing and running OpenJK on Windows
    Download OpenJK for Windows above. Extract or copy/paste the contents of the zip file into the Jedi Academy GameData/ folder. For Steam users, by default this will be in C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/Jedi Academy/GameData. Download and install Visual C++ Redistributable 2015 found here. You'll need the x86 version, unless it still gives an error, then try the x64 version as well. Run openjk.x86.exe. [Optional] Right click exe and go to "Send to" > Desktop (create shortcut) to put a shortcut on your desktop. Installing OpenJK on Linux
    If you do not have a windows partition and need to download the game base.
    Download and Install SteamCMD SteamCMD . Set the download path using steamCMD, force_install_dir . Using SteamCMD Set the platform to windows to download any windows game on steam. @sSteamCmdForcePlatformType "windows" Using SteamCMD download the game, app_update 6020. Download OpenJK for Linux above. Extract the contents of the file into the Jedi Academy GameData/ folder. For Steam users, this will be in <Steam Folder>/steamapps/common/Jedi Academy/GameData. Installing OpenJK on macOS
    Follow this tutorial. Support for Intel & Apple Silicon (M1, M2 chips) via Universal 2 can be found at THIS LINK provided by MacSourcePorts.
    For Developers
    OpenJK on GitHub
    Building OpenJK
    Compilation guide Debugging guide Contributing to OpenJK
    Fork the project on GitHub Create a new branch and make your changes Send a pull request to upstream (JACoders/OpenJK) Using OpenJK as a base for a new mod
    Fork the project on GitHub Change the GAMEVERSION define in codemp/game/g_local.h from "OpenJK" to your project name If you make a nice change, please consider back-porting to upstream via pull request as described above. This is so everyone benefits without having to reinvent the wheel for every project. Maintainers (in alphabetical order)
    Ensiform Razish Xycaleth Significant contributors (in alphabetical order)
    eezstreet exidl ImperatorPrime mrwonko redsaurus Scooper Sil smcv


       (1 review)



  17. Jedi Council GCX

    Original Author: Griffenclaw
    Uploader's Comments:
    I want to start by saying the obvious: THIS IS NOT MY MAP.
    Now, for all those who remember the amazing JediCouncilGCX from back in 2004, this is it. This is not the 2010 version, or whatever "updated" versions there are of it out there. This is the original, untouched. I found it while digging through some old JK files I had stored away and noticed that there seems to be nowhere to get this map anymore. I was friends with Griffenclaw, and I think Griff would be sad to see the "updated" versions tbh, because they don't fix any of the things he actually wanted to fix (like the spawn points being so spaced out, and the low quality of the animated skybox).
    Therefore, I've decided to send a copy of this to JKHub, because someone needs to keep this piece of history alive for all us old farts!

    Uploaded by


    Original author may contact the staff
    here if they wish this file to be removed.


       (9 reviews)



  18. JKA Character Reskin Mod

    Original Author: CommanderPeral
    This mod is my own creation, and is not based on any other mod. Any likenesses to other mods is purely coincidental.
    This Mod Changes:
    Both of Alora's Clothes to be darker
    Boba Fett's Armor to look more like the one in ESB
    Chewbacca's fur to be darker
    The Cultist to look more sith like
    Galak Fyyar to be wearing a standard Imperial uniform, with an admirals badge
    The Gonk droid to be a more yellowish color
    The Human Merc to have gray clothes
    The Imperial officer's clothes to be gray instead of bluish-gray
    The imperial workers clothes to be gray, with a green visor for the default skin, red for the red skin and blue for the blue skin
    The jawa to have darker brown robes with smaller eyes
    Kyle Katarn to be wearing a jedi robe
    Luke Skywalker to look more like he does in the movies
    The Noghri to be brown
    C-3P0 to look more like he did in the movies
    The rebel's multiplayers skins to be darker
    R2-D2 to have fewer scratches
    The reborn to look more sith like
    The new reborn to also look more sith like
    The reborn twin to look more sith like
    The rocket trooper to be Black
    Rosh's Robes color to look more jedi like
    The Snowtroopers Multiplayers skins to look like the galactic marines armor color pattern
    TIE Fighter pilot's eyes to look more stormtrooper like
    The stormtroopers to look more like the ones in the movies

    Every character mentioned above that is playable in multiplayer has new red and blue skins.
    The rebels multiplayer skins do not have boot textures however this is not my fault, It has always been like this and I can't change it.


       (3 reviews)



  19. The Academy

    Official Map of the Jedi Academy (http://www.thejediacademy.net).
    The third map in my "The Academy" series.
    It's basically a heavily modified and updated version of the_academy_v2, most of the things that were in v2 are in v3, except they either look different and/or have been upgraded.
    This new version includes:
    A Dueling area with three seperate rooms for dueling or sparring.
    A main courtyard area for spawning and hanging out - the most central area of the map.
    A "classroom" fit to cater for most, if not all of the Classes held at thejediacademy.net
    An NPC sentry droid room which is good for practicing aerial attacks or riposite blocking.
    A lobby area containing a few of the combo pads from the last map to help people teach/learn combos.
    A "pit" room where people can duel or FFA in an area where movement is restricted and one wrong move can mean certain doom.
    A large outdoor area which can be used for pretty much anything, a lush environment that can be just as deadly as it is tranquil.
    An underground bunker area which is perfect for either all-out-battles (very gunner-friendly) or stealth tactics.
    An administration area accessable only through the Jedi Academy's JAE mod's teleportation abilities. The area overlooks the main courtyard, has a private training room and a control room to lock/open various public areas of the map.
    A "Garden of JA Fame" area paying hommage to many of the great people who have walked the halls of thejediacademy.net. The area also serves as a memorial to a dear friend of ours named Vladarion, who tragically died in a car accident over Christmas 2003.

    RIP Vlad, we miss you buddy!
    Go here for more info on Vladarion: http://www.thejediac...page.php?f_id=5 - Compiled by Bail Hope of Belouve
    I would like to thank everyone in the entire JK3 community who have been waiting for this map, for your seemingly infinite patience. I'm sorry that it has taken this long for the map to be released and I hope that you won't be dissapointed. The map is built to cater specifically to the Jedi Academy, but I cannot ignore the huge amount of positive feedback I have either recieved, or heard about, so this one goes out to all of you guys.
    You all rock my socks!
    Thank you for taking such an interest in the maps, big love! <3
    Install: : Unzip the *.pk3 file into your GAMEDATA/BASE folder


       (9 reviews)



  20. Better Game Effects

    Original Author: Mr. Killer
    Several game effects have been changed (especially saber effects), among other things.


       (2 reviews)



  21. HS Count Dooku - RotS

    Author : HapSlash
    Description: This is the first of the Episode III models that I'm working on, based off of the latest Star Wars movie 'Revenge of the Sith'. It is currently available for both Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy.


       (7 reviews)



  22. Arc Blades

    Author : {THC}ShovelHead
    Description : This mod will give you a jumping arc of electricity for a saber blade (If you use the animation file).


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  23. The Force Unleashed Pack

    This mod is composed of two kinds of lightsaber hilt models and some kinds of effects.
    As for the contents, "Star Wars: The Force Unleashed" of the video game is the basis.
    -Galen Marek's lightsaber-
    It is the lightsaber hilt of Secret Apprentice (Galen Marek) which is the main character of "Star Wars: The Force Unleashed". There are a single lightsaber and a backhand lightsaber in this saber hilt model.
    -Saber blade effect-
    All color blade effects of the lightsaber and swing effect are changed.
    -Force lightning effect-
    Effect of force lightning is changed.
    -Saber clash effect-
    It is effect of the new saber clash and the saber block.
    -New sounds-
    These are new lightsaber switch sound and saber swing sounds.
    [Lightsaber hilt]
    Use cheat code to use this lightsaber with SP.
    -Saber Code-
    Single Saber ----- sa_galen
    Backhand Saber ----- sa_galen_bh


       (2 reviews)



  24. Eve of Redemption

    Author: Mercenary
    A Reborn is sent into the sewers by an Imperial Commander to find a hiding mercenary who carries the identity of a conspirator who has been trading sensitive data of Imperial operations.


       (12 reviews)



  25. HS Gweth Kelia (Gwethenea)

    Author: HapSlash
    Design and Concept:: Jessica Gweth (Of Gweth, not Kelia)
    Sounds: Jessica Gweth , sounds from Babylon 5
    Model maker: HapSlash
    Weighting: HapSlash
    Textures and shaders: HapSlash
    Character Icons: Jessica Gweth
    BOT/NPC Support: Jessica Gweth
    Additional input and help with facial weighting: Infinity Blade
    Originally a character for my short stories and what-not when I was in a professional writing and editing course at University, Gwethenea quickly became a personality I role-played with on various rpg’s my brother and friends had corrupted me into liking.
    Now a character on various RPG servers in JK:A, here’s her final look.
    A customizable menu female model with many options and a total of approximately 27648 possible variations.
    This model is made in such a way that it can resemble a smuggler, pilot, trader, rogue, agent, spy, formal/royalty virtually most character concepts.


       (7 reviews)



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