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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. Sure! It may take a couple days...I'm leaving today for a trip so I'll get that to you via PM as soon as I can. Thanks again for your help!
  2. Thanks @@mrwonko for your insight! I ran your provided script and it worked perfectly! Thanks! But I don't think I can adapt it for what I am trying to do. Let me provide some more specifics... So, I'm basically creating new force powers, by repurposing the Mind Trick ability. The mind trick force power is versatile because an NPC can have it's own mindtrick script. So, instead of having the player confuse the targeted NPC, I can run a script on it (like chopping of it's head.) This works and has been tested, but the problem is that this method needs to utilize multiple force powers. In the past, I've been able to setup a simple script that checks the value of the specific variable (PARM1, I think) and then determines which set of commands to run on the NPC. I'll post this script below: (force power commands removed to make the script shorter) //Generated by BehavEd affect ( "player", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ INSERT ) { if ( $get( FLOAT, "SET_PARM1")$, $=$, $1$ ) { affect ( "bob", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ INSERT ) { rem ( "Commands" ); } } else ( ) { if ( $get( FLOAT, "SET_PARM1")$, $=$, $2$ ) { affect ( "bob", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ INSERT ) { rem ( "Commands" ); } } else ( ) { if ( $get( FLOAT, "SET_PARM1")$, $=$, $3$ ) { rem ( "Commands" ); } else ( ) { rem ( "Error" ); } } } } This works. The problem here is that the targetname has to be Bob. In order for this method to work, each NPC would need it's own script, with it's own unique targetname. I'm not a big fan of this and have been trying to create a generic script to fix this. The script that you provided works, except that the commands in the script would not be executed in the same script, and the waitsignal wouldn't work, since multiple NPCs would execute the waitsignal erroneously. For instance, when the player selects the desired force power, a script will be run that sets a variable, g_forcepower to power1. Then, the mindtrick script will be applied via spawnscript or entity keys in Radient to the NPC. Then, when mindtrick is used on the NPC, it needs to check the value (hopefully global) of g_forcepower to see what power to run. If power1 is the value, it will run the specified commands. I was rather surprised that your method worked, however. Through all my experiments, I would have guessed that the value change of g_greeting would be stored only in the NPC, but that is not the case. Thanks for your help and I hope you can sort all this out!
  3. Hey everyone! Hope you can shed some light on this tricky question. So I've been tinkering around with adding some new features via ICARUS, but I've ran into a big roadblock. I've scoured the ICARUS manual and forums and can't figure out the answer. How can I define/manipulate a variable (or PARM) that is global? For instance, at the moment, I can define a variable named test_var as a string with value of therfiles. However, that value and variable will only be set for the entity it is ran on (most likely, the player). So, if we ran a check on another entity, let's say an NPC, it would have no value for test_var What I'm looking to do is define a global variable. For instance, the variable test_var would be set as a string. Then, a script ran on the player sets that variable to therfiles. Then, if another entity runs an IF statement check on it (again, let's say an NPC named Bob), the NPC would also have the value of test_var to be therfiles. If that doesn't make sense, let me explain it another way. I want to make a variable that every entity knows exists, and how it is defined. I then want any entity to be able to modify it, and that would it's global definition. Then, any entity could run checks on that variable, and receive that the value is the input that the other entity used. For example: Global variable var1 is hello. NPC_1 sets var1 to goodbye. NPC_2 runs an if statement check on var1, and the value is goodbye, not hello. One thing that has alluded me is how to set global commands. It seems like any scripts ran via console or even in a map are executed on the player locally. How can I achieve such an effect globally? Is that even possible? This will really help make scripts that are generic and can be set to any NPC to do what I want. Thanks guys!
  4. Played with this today, @@redsaurus! Love it! Tried out the NPC headswapping as well. Worked out great, it just looks really weird because the original model's head draws as well! So it blends both of the heads, haha! Any way to fix this?
  5. Oooo! This sounds awesome! Nice work, @@redsaurus!
  6. That sounds doable...may need to edit the mission selection menu extensively, and make some scripts to tie it back to the tier system...but it sounds doable.
  7. Here you go! Poked things some more. Seems like only the specific mod I was running/building didn't work. In a simpler mod, the hud element appeared instantly (when "set player luke" was run, that's the cvar)! So this is good news! Unfortunatly, it still draws over the loading screen menu, but that's not a huge deal at the moment. This is gonna be sweet. The mod in question has TONS of redundancies and files, so when I prune some things down, maybe that will help... Thanks again for all your help.
  8. Thanks for looking into this @@redsaurus! I appreciate your hard work. I was unaware that OpenJK had the feature in it already...very exciting! But it seems like there could be a problem. I ran a basic test: I added a new element to the hud.menu with a simple cvar test (meaning, the new element will only show if a cvar is set to a certain value). Unfortunately, the element did not appear when I set the cvar. But, by random chance, I /map'd to a new map, and the HUD element was drawn over the loading screen! (WHAT) And then it was gone and back to the original hud when the game finished loading. So it seems like the game is acknowledging the new HUD modifications, but it's not loading the hud dynamically. I think the hud is only loaded once per session and requires a manual reset (loadhud, or a new map) to set the new one in place. Does this make sense?
  9. Oooh! One idea I had (may be too late) is the whole jailbreak HUD thing. I'd love to add more elements to a HUD .menu, but it's hardcoded, so it only looks for certain UI elements. The ability to add things that can be manipulated through CVAR checks and the like would be soooo sweet! The inflexibility of the HUD holds me back on a lot of projects!
  10. Could you provide a few more details? Seems possible, but I'd need to know more to really help.
  11. It looks like it could need a brand new model. Also, the thread has the "fulfilled" tag on it, which may confuse some people!
  12. Yeah. Seems like the one described will be theatre exclusive (even though more will probably carry the trailer). Interestingly, the photo above was captioned "THANKSGIVING" on Twitter, even thought it talks about Friday...sounds fishy! We could have something out very soon!
  13. Just thought it was weird because it specifically mentioned the theaters, even in JJ's note.
  14. So it is confirmed that the Teaser Trailer will play in select theaters (only 30 major ones) this Friday. Do you think they'll release it online as well? If not, we'd see some bootlegged copies that were really low quality.
  15. therfiles

    Secret Santa 2014

    IMPORTANT UPDATE: We forgot to mention that we'd like you to include your general skill sets with your wishlists. This will make the matching process much faster and accurate. I know we have the interest groups on the profiles, but the more specific we can get, the better! Secret Santa will reply to all messages sent so far to make sure this is done! Sorry for the inconvenience!
  16. Rumors seem to be saying that the teaser trailer will drop with the release of the Hobbit (Dec. 17)!
  17. therfiles

    Secret Santa 2014

    *Waves hand in mindtrick* You will have time...
  18. I think it could be possible...I'll have to see if the script can see SET_SABER...I'll look into it.
  19. Inspired by the classic movie series, this map's likeness is amazing. The detail poured into the map is extraordinary! But let's start from the beginning. One thing I noticed right off the bat was the lack of an arena file. This file adds the map to the map list when creating a game. Instead, the player has to use the console to /map the map, which is a minor inconvenience, but the fix would have been extremely simple. The first thing I noticed upon map startup was the reflections on the floor. The mirror-sheen they had was just awesome, and it was pulled off really well. Even the windows have a distorted environments placed upon them, creating anatmosphere around the outside of the map. Immediately, the first thing I did was to try to smash the lobby's pillars, which get shot up in the movie. To my delight, you can smash the heck out of those things, until only a little rock and dirt remain. This effect was pulled of very well, and added a really cool bonus to the map. Imagine if you are fighting with guns a stray bullet slams into the wall and shatters the marble. Awesome. Moving on, the security check points, furniture, and doors were just stupendously molded and custom textured. One thing that pleased me was how many custom textures there were, and not just a constant recycling of base JA ones. The lighting was also superb, and the author took advantage of the glowing, bright atmosphere of the Matrix’s surreal environments. Overall, the lobby was magnificent, but the fun doesn't end there. The author also scripted (rather beautifully, I might add) an elevator that lets the player visit two additional floors of the building. One is an office, which is plastered with the Matrix posters and swinging doors. This area is very cool, and there are lots of elements that were added, like a telephone, desk, and furniture that really detailed the room and sold the location. The next level available to the player is the roof. The first thing I noticed was an amazing skybox, which was so well done, in fact I just stared at it for several moments in awe. The roof itself was superb! It even had a helicopter with a mounted gun, like the movie! Once again, hats off to the excellent mapping here. There are so much details and nooks for the player to explore, that you just have to download and play it to truly get a feel about what I am talking about. It was difficult to find any flaws for the map, but a couple I did find was that the player can jump off the roof without falling to their death. I think that a trigger could have been made kills the player after falling for a certain amount of time, because when you reach the bottom, you can look up into the map's caulked areas. But generally, this map passed with flying colors. The game modes included are FFA and TFFA, and unfortunately there is no bot support for the map. The author also included the source files for the map, which is always a cool thing for them to do. I highly recommend this map; you will enjoy it very much. Well done, Szico!
  20. This is a very well made mini-mission made by Mercenary. I was very impressed by the quality of this mod, and it was very enjoyable and fun to play through. In this mission, you are a student from the Jedi Academy, sent to investigate an imperial shuttle crash. The shuttle turns out to be much more valuable than previously thought, and sooner or later some reborn thugs show up to thwart your efforts. While this little mission is short, the author gives us plenty of action and adventure to play through. With that, let me start with some technical aspects. One thing that impressed me right off the bat was that the author modified the new game menus, so it launched the mission from there, instead of making the player /map it, which is very professional. Next up, we are greeted with a well-made text crawl and something very surprising: a space cutscene. Cutscenes in space are always a little tricky to pull off, but when they are done right, they really add that polish to the mod. The cutscenes on this level were simply phenomenal! The camera movement and angles were stunning and the voice acting really wasn't half-bad. As the player progresses through the level, the author implements one of the most under-used elements of JA: the swoop. Mercenary has beautifully crafted a canyon for the player to ride through, slicing through pursuing thugs as you go. From there, the player encounters most of the action, including an angry attack from the local Tusken Raiders, and an intense duel with reborn warriors. I recommend saving your game frequently, because the reborn can be very difficult to beat. The author also includes custom briefings and checkpoints, which is something nearly every SP author forgets. To wrap it all up, the mapping was great and a custom credit roll ends this well-made mission. This mod was very fun to play, and was surprisingly challenging, a nice break from my god-mode enabled duels. Some minor things I didn't like were the lame quips of dialogue and a couple ui/gfx bugs, but really nothing to take away from the overall mod. Once again, this mod was made very well, and is almost on par with some of the original SP campaign missions. Excellent work!
  21. Scerendo has crafted an elegant shadow trooper skin for us. While this file is old, it is still a good one nonetheless. One of things that really caught my eye was the animated icon for the skin, which is a rare thing for a modder to do, but when done properly, it looks really good. This is one of those times. It really sells the skin. On to the skin itself. Simply amazing glow shaders have been added, producing an amazing effect. The entire armor has been reworked, with artistic streaks of glowing light and awesome subtle designs. Another thing that was done was adding reflective shaders, which made it look grungy and metallic. While a simple thing to do, it took the skin to the next level. Many different colors were included with this release: blue, red, cyan, and green. Red was my favorite, it really looked stunning. And red is my favorite color, so no bias there...Anyway, bot support was also included, which is always a plus. Some other features the mod boasts is JK2 support, which is a nice extra for the author to include. One thing that surprised me a little is that it has no sounds at all. I mean, new sounds really aren't necessary, linking it to the old shadow trooper sounds or even the stormtrooper sounds would have been fine. Unfortunately, all we get are the annoying generic male sounds. Not that big, but it would have been a simple fix. The author recommends enabling dynamicGlow to get the best appearance of the skin, which is definitelya good idea for this skin. Using "r_dynamicglow 1" or the setup menu option will greatly improve the 'glowiness'. Overall, a very well made skin that looks simply amazing.
  22. Neat ideas! Sounds very similar to the premise of Jedi Betrayal, a (unfortunatly dead) fan-made JK4 mod.
  23. Hey there! Great ideas! Some of the things should be possible. For instance, I believe return damage is available via the .sab file, so that's not a problem. The problem comes with scripting it to work with the saber throw force levels. Here's the deal: you'd need to make 2 .sabs for each saber, one with return damage, one without. With scripting, you can pretty easily check whether or not the force level is correct, but you'd have to do another check for the saber. For instance, say a player is using saber1. He then toggles to level 3 saber throw, when that happens, it checks to see if the level is correct (it is) then it would have to find the saber name (it finds and entry for saber1) and if it does, it has to change the saber (saber1_return). The problem is, you'd have to manually enter each saber into this scripted list, which isn't feasible considering how many there are and any sabers added by other mods. I'm not sure if the SET_SABER, the thing that checks the saber name, even works properly. TLDR: Yes...but it would be a lot of work! Maybe you can add the feature for your sabers only? Your second idea would just require a key that would change the sabers being wielded to 2 dual sabers. There may be some scripting components we could use...but I'm really not sure, honestly. BTW - all these suggestions are SP...I don't know anything about that wacky MP.
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