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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. That would be really neat! With OpenJK, I can add whatever I want to the HUD, so we can finally do that!
  2. Really loved some of your WIP shots. Simply beautiful!
  3. Excellent! We need lots of rebels. We especially need to design some Rebel classes (for the player to control, like commander, technition, soldier, etc) and make unique models for each. Yeah, I think frankensteining would add that variety I'm looking for. Here's the original Tantieve mission topic I posted ages ago: click me. The opening space cinematic is nearly done: it just needs a new skybox. Ashura was working on it for me, but I became inactive and the project was dropped. Here's a link of the two in-ship cinematics, and here's the BETA of the space battle (again, has been updated since then). I've been having some minor mapping problems (from the past, really). A strange gradient bar stretches across one of the map's corridors. I have no idea why it's there and even Several Sided Sid had no idea what happened. Crazy! Heres a quick copy pasta of the PM I sent earlier. Basically, I'd love to hammer out the mission (and the game's mechanics) so we can really understand what we want for this mission. Opening cinemeaticYou are a rebel soldier, you must get to the guns. You must take out some tie-fighters.The ship is overwhelmed and is captured.You start as a rebel soldier, and you have to defeat X amount of Stormtroopers. You quickly realize that they are an endless wave.You retreat to a nearby chamber, locking the door. You find several other rebels who were also overwhelmed. You split yourselves into two teams: one (yours) will get all the diplomats to the escape pods, and two (the NPCs) will hold the imperials here as long as they can. Then, they will activate the security lockdown, isolating the intel and blocking off the boarded section of the ship.You can use the party system to control 3 unique rebels. You have to escort 5 diplomats to the escape pods. Also, you have to deal with computer/technical repairs as the ship is bombarded.You return to the breach to find that the rebels are almost defeated. You manage to take a lot out, but there is no hope. As you hear Darth Vader's ominous breath, you manage to seal off the side they breached...but trapping yourselves there. The rebels sacrifice bought some time for the rest of the ship. Darth Vader executes your rebels.You then control Leia. You use the cameras to see that Vader is cutting through the blast door. You hurry to the Bridge, knowing you need to download the Death Star plans. You get their wipe out the info, and save it to your datapad. Around this time, Antillies is being tortued by Vader.You learn that the imperials managed to get past the security defenses. You will now need to use stealth and get to R2D2.You upload the message and the plans to R2. Leia is captured and presented to Vader.You now control R2 and C3PO, who must evade capture and get to the escape pods. Once you're there, your home free!
  4. This sounds pretty neat! It would not be very difficult to implement this, it would just take a bit of work to set it up and make it look pretty. I could help with some scripting, but I'd need some help coding-wise. I'd need some sort of "hook" to capture variables (like what mission you came from, where you're going next, what you've bought, what you've done, your points, etc) and allow them to be saved in .sav files and be used by ICARUS scripts. This is a neat concept, especially if you tack on little "side quests" and give the player a lot of stuff to do there, things that will make the player feel refreshed after a particularly tricky mission. I liked the idea about building you defenses...and then maybe having to defend it against a Cultist attack (basically what happened in JO but with Cultists )? Could be really neat.
  5. Hi there, friend! Welcome to JKHub!
  6. My gosh...I used to love Yoshi as a kid! Definitely one of my favorite childhood Gameboy games!
  7. That looks cool! We could even use some use-scripts, so you can toggle whether or not they follow you by using them.
  8. Remember that this was Lucas and crew's first attempt to create a lightsaber duel. They did spectacularly well, considering that the concept had never before been attempted. Also, the conflict is not in the duel, but in the relationship between Vader and Ben.
  9. Nice brushwork! Like what you've got so far.
  10. Here you go: click me for a script. Put this in your scripts folder. It's called "dont_follow". You need to run this script on all the NPCs you don't want to follow you. For insance, in the console, spawn your NPC: "npc spawn rebel [name]". Replace the [name] with a name, like Bob. Then, do "runscript Bob dont_follow". This will run the dont_follow script on all the NPCs named Bob. There is no blanket "don't follow me" command. This is how I acheived it in NpcSP.
  11. Lets make a topic there and discuss this. I know Jason still checks in often.
  12. Nice work! Those mando customizations look awesome!
  13. I don't know. Regardless of how they did it, keeping Anakin alive would really de-value the original movies. That would really take away from his sacrifice at the Death Star and really undermine Lucas' original vision. I doubt they'll do that.
  14. Hey there! I think what you'll have to do is rename HapSplash's stomtrooper's model name to "stormtrooper" (right now, it's a fixed path that looks there). You'll have to modify all the .skin files to reference this new model name. Then make sure all proper skin files are there (like the commander and head_a1, etc). You shouldn't need to use MENUS.str because it's all defined in my character ui. If you want to dig that apart to make more sense of it, feel free! Let me know if you have any more questions!
  15. Oh. It could be some sort of .menu error. Must be a typo somewhere, but I don't know what. I'll dig around.
  16. Hmmm. I can't think of anything that would give it an error. Other than it is included in HUD.txt (to allow other mods that modify ingame.txt to work) but that shouldn't do anything.
  17. I made a mod kinda like that, but with JA-only characters: https://jkhub.org/files/file/585-sp-character-chooser/ But that would be neat. I was always in awe by that whole KOTF-system. Just very impressive. Hard to get all the permissions you'd need to make it truly comprehensive, though.
  18. Haha! That could be cool. I don't know...it would be neat to have a new gameplay experience. Stealth, assassination, hostage crisis, etc. Could be neat.
  19. Ooooh...a Naboo mission could be quite awesome. What would the story be? A kidnapping? Could be really awesome.
  20. Are there any export setting you can tweak? Sorry, I'm not familiar with the exact program you are using.
  21. I'd agree with everyone else. It just isn't possible to display such high quality playback and get real-time editing to work together nicely. It usually compresses it so you can work with ease and then exports it with high quality. I'd export a small clip, however, to verify that this the case.
  22. I think that is behavior is set to remove the the NPC when they leave player view. In my scenario, I'd trigger the removal trigger. I could turn around and still see them, but as soon as they leave view completely they should be removed. In your instance, I'd just confirm that they disappeared using "use list" in the console and see if the NPCs show up.
  23. I'd include the command within the "type" task...see if that works!
  24. I'd set their behavior state to "remove" (I think this is a thing) and it will remove the NPC when it is not in the Player's view. Also, you could use the "remove" command with each NPC's script targetname.
  25. Yeah. I had a similar project where the map was a HUGE city, and we wanted tons of NPCs to populate the area. However, 16+ NPCs per city area did not bode well for performance. So I had triggers to remove NPCs as you left an area, and spawned the NPCs for the next area. I'd also put another trigger that respawned the old ones, just in case the player wanted to go back.
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