While I think you all bring up excellent points regarding CG (and @ that essay is awesome), there is still such a thing as bad CGI. I think I was watching an interview with Rick McCallum, the producer of the prequels, and he made a comment something like this "If you look at each frame, you'll notice just how dense it is. There's always so much going on." It's this mentality that makes some of the OT edits, in my opinion, quite poor. Shots like when the large alien literally blocks the screen in the Mos Eisely scene in ANH, and when they clearly added new Stormtroopers that look fake. The CGI is bad because the Stormtroopers who were actually there, the ones in those terribly hot costumes in the Tunisia desert, they look real because they are weathered and animated by real people. The CGI in comparison to such real, practical effects frankly doesn't even come close. A large portion of the edits are gags. They aren't telling the story, they are trying to forcefully expand this already incredibly rich universe. And they failed. Jabba is laughably fake. That scene wasn't even in the original theatrical version. Those scenes aren't needed. They could have reconstructed the original Jabba puppet and put him in there, and it might have looked better. But the whole scene ruins what the opening scene of Episode 6 does. Would you buy the fact that Jabba is a powerful yet immobile slug when you see him circling and slithering all around Han in ANH? And how would you feel when Han literally steps on Jabba's tail? It undoes a lot of excellent characterization. Now scenes that fix things are needed. Making the lasers look better, making more dynamic space battles, fixing acting and roto-scopting effects that all makes perfect sense. ANH had quite a few tough spots and they were fixed excellently. At the end of the day, as Freddie Wong says in the video essay shared above, the CG is really only noticeable if the storytelling is bad. Is the storytelling bad in the OT? Of course not. But the story that they decide to inject, a story of random aliens, and little mice that run across the screen, has no subsistence or significance. It's just cute. And while CG is great (and it's used in so many more ways than you'd think) it will only be as great as the story it's there to tell.