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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. @@Omicron: Sorry bro! So progress on V2 is very exciting! Just got the system up and running in a bare bones sort of way today. You can now spawn an NPC with any weapon you like. For instance, I've been spawning Jedi npcs with Tusken Raider Rifles. Can't wait to expand on the concept and get it to work! If anyone is having any trouble getting 1.1 to work, please PM me! I'd love to help! I'll probably also need some beta testers for V2...if you are interested, please respond to this thread! Thanks so much!
  2. Yes. Both of them are there. I just showed that one as an example. Both entries are:
  3. therfiles


    ¿Está ejecutando cualquier otra modificación? ¿Qué hay de otras modificaciones relacionadas con el menú y modificaciones de HUD?
  4. We understand your difficulties communicating, @, but please do not continue to spam the forum with requests that have already been denied. @@ensiform already said that using q3map2 may help you, so do some research and googling if you really wish to convert the file, but we cannot help you any further. @@Apprentice: thanks for your help, but he does not deserve to be banned for speaking Spanish. He may have been confused about why the last thread was locked: who knows? But it should be perfectly clear now. Plus, we have nothing about speaking English only on our rules page, but we'll discuss adding that, if needed. This thread is now locked. In Spanish: Entendemos sus dificultades para comunicarse, @, pero por favor no continúe al Spam del foro con las solicitudes que ya se les ha negado. @@ensiform ya dijo que el uso de Q3Map2 puede ayudarte, así que hacer una investigación y buscando en Google si realmente desea convertir el archivo, pero no puede ayudarle más. @@Apprentice: Gracias por tu ayuda, pero él no se merece ser prohibidas por hablar español. Él pudo haber sido confundido acerca de por qué el último hilo fue cerrado y quién sabe. Pero debe quedar perfectamente claro ahora. Además, no tenemos nada en cuanto a hablar Inglés sólo en nuestra página de reglas, pero vamos a discutir y agregó que, si es necesario. Este hilo está bloqueado.
  5. I took a quick look, and the entry for the shader is in the file shaders/effects.shader. I then searched and found both the entries that @@Keyten mentioned. Then, I replaced them with clearness, for example Before gfx/misc/personalshield { deformvertexes bulge 0 0.75 0 { map gfx/effects/p_shield blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ONE rgbGen entity tcGen environment tcMod rotate 200 tcMod turb 0.6 0.3 0 0.6 } { map gfx/effects/p_shield blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ONE rgbGen entity tcMod rotate -600 tcMod scale 2 3 } } After gfx/misc/personalshield { { map $whiteimage blendFunc GL_ZERO GL_ONE } }
  6. They are entries in a .shader file within shaders/ (one of the gfx ones, I think). Try that.
  7. therfiles


    Yep! I haven't tested it on JKO, and it uses all of JKA's npcs!
  8. Simply awesome! This is incredible! Nice work man! Quick question: what did you improve in regard to entiry spawning? I've worked with that a lot and it's frankly terrible. What did you fix?
  9. Thanks for all of your feedback guys! I caught a few bugs and released v1.1 today! I also added custom npc spawning! This allows you to add your own npcs (lets say a Darth Maul npc you downloaded, or a cool stormtrooper npc you made) to the menu. Observe: You can add up to 12 custom NPCs, and the menu will automatically hide any entrys you aren't using!
  10. Would this be done via the profile menu? Or through a custom UI (where we can set and change cvars easily)? I suppose my real question is does this need to work for an undefined number of models? Or a set list? I've already got a few ideas! But no, there is no way to directly transfer one cvar to another, but don't give up hope. Give me a few more details then I can share what I have in mind (if I'm reading you right)
  11. I can't think of anything off-hand...would you mind breaking down exactly what you're looking for? Maybe we can think of some hacky work arounds...
  12. therfiles


    Thanks guys! There are a couple things I'd like to add for v1.1: -Custom NPC spawn -Item Spawn -Fix the allied following, etc -Fix minor UI bug
  13. Development stalled a bit and I'd hate for you guys to wait for this. So, I released V1 today! Enjoy! https://jkhub.org/files/file/2018-npcsp/
  14. Version 1.1


    NpcSP (1.1) is an incredibly detailed utility for JKA Singleplayer that allows the player to spawn, control, play as, or terminate any of base JKA's NPCs in real-time. The addon also allows you to edit your own character's preferences, such as team affiliation and whether other NPCs can target you. Using this tool, you can practically create your own missions and exciting combat scenarios. What will you do with NpcSP? Function Overview General Over 100+ diverse NPCs available for selection Utility displays team affiliation in the description text (Red: Enemy, Yellow: Neutral, and Green: Friendly) The ability to collapse and expand NPC categories, for a cleaner screen The ability to toggle NPC freezing Notarget functionality for the player A "Kill all NPCs" button, for easy usage The ability to modify the player's team affiliation Select the likelihood of NPC surrender (Unlikely, Moderate, Likely) Set how long NPC corpses take to be removed Noclip, for quick access Display or hide NPC bounding boxes (just for fun) Spawn your own custom NPCs by adding them to the custom registry! You can add up to 12, but only the number you want will be listed. For instance, you could select '5' and only 5 entries would show in the menu, rather than a "this entry is not used" error! Spawning BETA: Toggle whether or not friendly NPCs (rebels, etc) follow the player (Please note: This feature only works on CURRENTLY spawned NPCs and will NOT affect duplicates of one NPC. This feature will be improved on for future releases) A random spawner (spawn a random NPC from a list of 50) A random Jedi spawner (spawn a random Jedi NPC from the list of SP species) A quick bind key to spawn multiple of your selected NPC on the fly PLEASE NOTE: The game WILL crash to the main menu if you load too many unique models. I think you are allowed 50 distinct playermodels before it will crash. Keep this in mind as you spawn. This will include the NPCs spawned on the SP missions as well. PLEASE NOTE: Vehicles kept in saved games will crash them! Playermodel Selection Clear Properties: This clears all force powers, weapons, and sabers of your player so when you select your desired playermodel, you will adopt all of their characteristics (avoids people like the stormtrooper from getting your inherited saber and force powers). Controling Exit NPC option allows you to exit your controlled NPC at any time The NpcSP configuration menu stays open, allowing you to cycle through multiple NPCs PLEASE NOTE: This command will only select the oldest NPC (for instance, if you spawn 5 stormtroopers, you can only control the first one you spawned) PLEASE NOTE: The npc control code is rather bugged (can't really use force, and weapon selection and firing is really messed up) so use at your own risk! NPC Killing Kill NPCs by name About Saved Games: Please note that a lot of the commands and functionality of this utility are stored in short termed sequences, which are NOT saved with saved games. So, when you load a saved game, some of the commands and features may be mismatched. This is just the way the system works. Installation VERY IMPORTANT STEPS Please uninstall all previous versions of NPCSP before attempting to install again. 1. Extract "NpcSP_v1.1.zip" to your gamedata/base folder 2. Edit "npcsp.cfg" with a basic text editor, such as notepad 3. Replace the first [KEY] with a valid keyboard key (such as z, 4 F6, etc). This will be the key you use to open the configuration menu. YOU DO NOT NEED TO KEEP THE BRACKETS. Just use "bind blah blah x" NOT "bind blah blah [x]" 4. Replace the second [KEY] with a valid keyboard key. This will be the key you use to quick spawn NPCs. 5. Save your changes 6. Boot up Single Player 7. When ingame, open the console 8. Type "exec npcsp" into the console and press ENTER 9. NpcSP has now been booted. In order to open the command center, press the first key you set in npcsp.cfg 10. (OPTIONAL) If you would like to add custom NPCs, navigate to gamedata/base/customNpcs/npcsp_custom_registry.cfg 11. (OPTIONAL) Follow the instructions in the .cfg to enable custom NPC spawning 12. (OPTIONAL) Follow the instructions on the respective customNpcs/npcsp_custom.npc files to complete the custom NPC entry Copyright/License You are free to use this utility to create any mission, artwork, or any other media WITHOUT crediting me (I'd love to see it, though! ) Please contact me if you wish to include this modification with your mod This is just v1.1. I hope to include an "advanced mode" in v2, which will give you the player A LOT more control over the NPCs themselves. I just wanted to get this out there because development had stalled a bit. Please let me know of any bugs ASAP so I can fix them! Version 2 Progress
  15. I'm pretty certain those are all valid commands, but they are all in SP (as they involved character customization) What the menu idea would involve would be to create a menu, that's not fullscreen (so the background game is still drawn) and is completely clear, and then there would be an invisible button present via the cvar test feature (menus have the ability to show certain buttons when a cvar value is set correctly, we're simply stealing that functionality) and then the mouseover function would run the desired command. Again, it's hacky, only been tested in MP and displays the menu cursor briefly, disruping gameplay. I'd personally recommend looking into doing it via coding, as it will probably give you a much more successful result.
  16. Currently, no. You can ghetto-rig it in SP by making a menu that opens, tests a cvar, runs the commands, and quits. Very hacky, though. May work in MP...not sure.
  17. I liked it, and I'll probably give it a chance. The dialogue was a bit goofy, but it seems to have heart and I can't wait to see what it does.
  18. If you haven't yet, go get yourself a copy of that amazing JKG mod! It's been a while since I've played and it feels like a whole new game! Definitly the most fun I've had in JKA for a while!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bek


      I've had trouble installing it, even with the tutorial.

    3. Cerez


      I saw this. It looks like a very serious TC mod with a very nice UI. I'm not much for MP shooters, but if they can incorporate RPG into it, I'll be all over it. ^_^

    4. Omicron


      Put the assets in the JKG/base folder, run the exe. It doesn't need to be in your JKA directory, and probably isn't recommended either to avoid unexpected bugs

  19. Personally, I would just make a painscript and have the Prisoner run to a far off navgoal and run a cower animation. Probably will fix your problems right there.
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