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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. Awesome article! Always have loved the SkyLine menu project! It's beautiful and excellently executed.
  2. Impressive work! Thanks for sharing the trailer with us!
  3. Heck yah! Bots have been confirmed! (For the missions at least...I'm assuming there is some sort of Instant Action feature)
  4. Looks pretty awesome! I'm watching the live stream now...I'm hoping we get some gameplay today!
  5. Ahhh...Star Wars is so awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Circa


      I almost did the same, but just so I could have it in my digital collection.

    3. Bek


      I did the same thing for the first trailer.

    4. Ping
  6. You never cease to amaze us, DT!
  7. Curiously, I think there is a limit to the amount of items contained within a .menu. I forget the exact number...maybe 300? I remember working on NpcSP and the game just refused to read anything past a certain point.
  8. For the camera on the arm, Check out CamSP! I believe you need to have cg_cameradamp (or somthing like that) enabled, and you can use horz offset. I forget the particulars. Hmm...without editing the code, your options are limited. You could use OpenJK and then add some elements to the HUD, that are shown with cvars? Then make that cvar change via script? Not sure how feasible that is without coding new cvars...so coding is still the best option.
  9. Welp. Just got a Mac Book Pro and it really blows everything I've ever had out of the water. MacOS is kinda great.

    1. therfiles


      It hurts to even say this haha

    2. Circa


      It shouldn't hurt. :P Its something a lot of people experience, including myself. I fell in love with it! Never going back to Windows. Let me know if you have any questions!

  10. It's up! Sorry for the delay, guys.
  11. This was one of my favorite maps from JKB. Thanks @@Syko for making it public!
  12. We didn't make it, but here is what we had: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Hogwarts_Beta;11558
  13. Shucks...I think all I've had is the .BSP...I can look though. I know we needed to decompile the map (just for reference), so I don't think we had the interior .map, atleast.
  14. So excited for you, eezstreet! It's awesome that your modding experience has helped you land get this opportunityurtunity.
  15. Yeah, I agree, @@Circa. You'd really have to make it clear what the objective is, so the player doesn't feel like he's just aimlessly wandering...that's no fun! Maybe we can brainstorm some challenges...like evading some jawas...or something. That's a tough mission to sell. In fact, maybe just have a quick portion in the desert, and then complete the mission in the sandcrawler, fighting off droids, etc.
  16. It will require some coding...I know some modders figured out how to do it with some animations and .sab files...but I don't really know the particulars, sorry! Don't panic! It takes people a while to sift through all the topics.
  17. Moderation Note Antagonistic messages removed. The purpose of this thread is to brainstorm effective ways to reach out to areas of the community that may not be actively involved with JKHub.
  18. This makes a lot of sense...let's just make missions that make sense for each event. There are some things that just don't work for the other side. I was thinking of a couple of objectives for an Imperial side of the Tantieve mission...there's a whole lot of dumb fighting and not a whole lot to be done.
  19. Sounds cool! One thing we'll have to figure out is perspective. Were we thinking that the player would only play rebel-aligned characters? Or just anyone? For a full-fledged campaign, we may have to choose a side.
  20. I love the Wiki. The problem is just what you are all saying: it just doesn't get the love it needs. People won't contribute if no one reads it. And yes, we've had quite a bit of trouble with the Wiki over the last few months. Trying to make it a seamless part of the website is incredibly difficult. We've made some software changes and layout changes, and keeping those consistent with a software package that is, quite honestly, a pain to manage (and not as easy for non-coders to jump into) is difficult. I've always pushed for more integration with the wiki. I really wanted the tutorials to be converted to the wiki. That way, the tutorial would be rich with extra information, hyperlinks to more info, and more technical information than anyone could ever want. Many brought up good arguments against this (a wiki is a collection of things, tutorials are a guide how to do things) but I think a key part of keeping the Wiki relevant and helpful is making it spill over into non-conventional areas. Would I love to see the wiki re-envisioned? Of course. I just don't want to pour time into it without an assurance that this is something that can be an investment, something the community really wants...that it needs.
  21. I got this to work by editing the flesh_impact.efx files. You mean when the edges of the screen flash red with pain, right?
  22. NIce work, @@Lazarus! This is some pretty incredible progress! I loved how you made the stormies come in and crouch/fan out, etc. I think with some more work, you could have them try to surround the player, run up to him (set the player as their leader) and attack, and make them even more tough. Very exciting!
  23. This looks pretty darn neat! Nice work! It feels pretty dark and spooky, and I love that the crystals are providing most of the light.
  24. I've had this problem a ton! I'll set everything correctly but the NPC just won't move. I've tried moving the nav_goal closer (but that shouldn't make a difference, really) and adding chains of nav_goals, and that sometimes fixes the problem. Really eager to hear anyone else's advice!
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