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Everything posted by Barricade24

  1. Okay, there are only like three changes that I see as necessary. The main one is the elbow guards: According to reference, they should be a bit more rounder, they could also be a bit shorter too. The second thing is that you could bring down the neck seal a little more. And finally, maybe just make the bottom edges of the shoulder pad a tad bit rounder. Aside from those few things, I have nothing more to add.
  2. Version 1.0


    The Imperial Shadow Bike is an elite vehicle used for covert reconnisance operations. It features a dark black paint job to conceal it in the dead of night and uses a quieter engine to avoid alerting it's postion. This particular vehicle is based off the Speeder Bike seen in the Imperial Shadow Squadron Hasbro set. I've always thought it was a cool vehicle and decided to add into JKA for some enjoyment. Now this vehicle features more than just a different paint job, it also includes new sounds to give it a more covert feel. I wasn't thrilled with the idea of a stealth Speeder Bike having such obnoxiously loud sounds, so I decided to change them up to make the vehicle more destinct. The bike blaster sound effect has also been changed to resemble the sound as it was in Return of the Jedi.
  3. They've also got a pretty good Concussion Rifle. The proximity bombs that JKG has are the Sequencer Charges from Jedi Knight though.
  4. By the way, I noticed that Jedi Knight Galaxies has some far better weapon models than the original DF Mod had. It would be cool to try and get those in this.
  5. Anticipate a new Sandtrooper soon.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. GLTh3Pr0


      Will it have all the sandtrooper pauldron variants (trooper black, seargent white and commander orange) or only the orange one?

    3. Barricade24


      Orange, black, sergeant, and the mounted trooper as well.

    4. GLTh3Pr0


      HELL YEAH! Can't wait to get my hands on them

  6. Out of curiosity, why exactly would Ponda Baba be in Dark Forces? That aside, I would love to see this mod start back up again. If you wish to use my Gamorrean, you are completely free to do so. I am curious, did the rest of DFMod's files ever get out? I know Ramshed had some significant progress, I just don't know if they ever released it. One might want to try and get contact with some of the other old team members and see if they still have any of the files hanging around.
  7. Additional foot reference in case it helps: I'll come back with any additional feedback later.
  8. As far as the arms go, as you have already mentioned about changing the shoulder pads, the only change I see the needs to be made is that the circle on the back should end about halfway. Now as far as some other parts of the body go, the fourth pack really should be a simple box. I also think the the kneepads should have some rounder edges as shown and may be even a bit more narrow as shown:
  9. He really has come a long way from what he once was.
  10. I think he actually cancelled it because he thought DT would make a better one.
  11. Unless of course you got the Elite Pistol, which was much better.
  12. Reminds me a whole lot of Gromas. Great map.
  13. Feedback shot 1: The bottom of the kneepads don't seem to be round and have more sharp angles. The Y in the legs could also be a bit wider.
  14. So, I've been doing a lot of Frakensteining lately and I have come across something that I need a bit of help with. I have a few models that I am trying to combine pieces together with, but in certain animations, they don't stay connected. An example of this is I have a model that uses the Stormtrooper chest plate, but has a different back plate. In certain animations, the back piece isn't staying connected to the rest of the chest plate. Anyone know how I can fix this?
  15. It does not, but I posted a link to it above.
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