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Everything posted by Barricade24

  1. Still might take another look at the gloss effect. I think it could be a bit bolder.
  2. So the new TFA conversion mod got me thinking...what type of First Order units would you see on Taspir? Well, obviously it would be some sort of covert unit and since I really wanted the First Order Shadow Trooper to fit in somewhere I came up with this... I don't know about you, but I would not want to face off against the guy with the concussion. As you will also notice there is a different color F-11D for these troopers. I've observed that First Order units tend to have distinctive colored weapons so I decided that these color weapons would fit these guys better.
  3. Try this tutorial here: https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/146-the-basics-of-npc-files/ And for any further assistance you may post a thread here: https://jkhub.org/forum/14-modding-assistance/
  4. I know @@NumberWan has one in his mod the Dark Pastime, but it is not yet been released. I also remember there being a Jan reskin of an Imperial Officer but she lacked the hat. Those are the only two that I know of.
  5. Since this is now an actual mod, would you like this thread moved over to the WIP forum?
  6. Hey, hopefully I got this in the right place. Anyway, I know that in JKG there is a far superior Probe Droid texture. I was wondering if it would be all right for me to submit that updated texture here so people here could easily download it and use it in the base jka. I actually wouldn't mind doing that for the updated Rebel as well. Provided everyone's all right with it.
  7. I think I see the problem. You have the folder written as "ex_data" it should be "ext_data".
  8. Sure. Now you can either use this with an NPC tool or Wordpad. I often use the NPC Tool but the process is more or less the same with word pad. So once you have extracted the stormtrooper npc, from the assets pk3, open it in word pad. Once you have done that locate the text section called "Playermodel". Where the tag says "stormtrooper" change that to the name of the EP7 Stormtrooper, which in this case would be "DT_Stormtrooper_EP7". After you have saved your changes, you can either put the npc in a pk3, which is what I often do, or you should be able to just place in the base folder, provided you have made an ext_data/npcs directory. You should be good to go.
  9. I never realized just how terrible the base Tie Pilot is.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Barricade24


      And the waist section as well nasty...

    3. Ramikad


      Frankly I don't like that almost every humanoid player model in Jedi Outcast and Academy is wearing extremely tight clothes and look like they have no muscle mass. Heck, I can understand the workers, but the pilots and mercenaries?

    4. BelugaArts


      He means well, I am sure. He is just misunderstood :C!

  10. A version of Jerec and Sariss can be found here: http://jkhub.org/files/file/804-dark-forces-ii-skin-pack/ A Dash Render model can be found here: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Outcast/Models/Star%20Wars/7145/ A member is working on a Poe Dameron model but it has only recently been started, so it could be awhile before it's released. @@Jeff I believe also did a BB-8 as well.
  11. Making the Episode 7 Stormtrooper replace the base one is actually pretty simple. The most simple way is to make an npc file that you can use to replace the stormtroopers you want. I believe dismemberment should also work without any problem on these troopers. With regards to Luke, there is already a file included with the base Luke download that you can put on to replace Luke.
  12. Hnn...I guess Chopper was loosely based on concept R2.
  13. I'd say the red could bit a bit darker. Also if I may ask why the extra faint black splotches across the armor?
  14. Hey, a little advice on Neyo. I recommend enabling the pad Bacara uses. It works well for Neyo's as well.
  15. Looking nice! Will you be including his Resistance jacket outfit as well?
  16. I honestly think this model would be perfect to make an updated Tie Pilot. All we need is like a new helmet and maybe a new life support panel.
  17. That sounds rather interesting. I like that they are including free updates aside from those expansion packs.
  18. If I had to guess, it looks like an edited version of the Haps E-11. I could be wrong though.
  19. Absolutely fantastic job!! The sheer amount of customization this model offers is truly outstanding! I like that you included the option of removable belt packs for any accurate likeness to the AT-DP driver. I also love the padding underneath the armor. The detail that went into this model is absolutely superb! I'm looking forward to whatever else you might construct!
  20. As long as it guess out. That's all right with me.
  21. I second this. It would be shame for so much work to go unreleased.
  22. I don't care what no one says, in my silly little world, Kyle Katarn was and always will be the only who got da Death Star Plans. Not some Twi'lek and not some band of Rebels. Barricade done.
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