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Everything posted by Barricade24

  1. I'd rather not resort to porting until I've at least done a thorough search. But thanks, anyway.
  2. I summon @@Kualan and @@Jeff for aid in finding some possible parts. These kneepads (mainly just the front part) And these elbow pads: Or if anyone else knows of a model that resembles these parts, please let me know.
  3. Not too many changes needed this time. Got a better angle of the last belt pack for you. It really is just a simple box. As far as the legs go, I would bring down the circle area yet again and there are these smaller circles, unless those are what you said you were going to add in texture only. Just checking.
  4. The belt itself looks great! I don't really see anything else that needs changing on the belt itself. I think some changes might be need to some of the belt packs though. The front of the belt is still totally fine! Nothing needs to be change there. I think the only real change the belt needs is the fourth pack. It seems that the fourth pack is just a simple box and that is a bit further down the edge of the belt. This shot also provides some good reference for the details inside the Clone's back pieces. As far as the legs go, I'd say the circle could be narrowed a bit on the sides and that the top of the circle could come down a bit.
  5. Just to let everyone now, I'll be taking a leave of absence for a week or so. I'll still be visiting off and on, but I won't really be doing any moderating for a while.

    1. AshuraDX


      but..but...but what will I do without my best critic ;-;

    2. Barricade24


      Don't worry, I'll still be around for that. ;)

    3. ChalklYne



  6. Topic closed as requested by author.
  7. The front of the belt looks perfect! Nothing I can see needs changing there. Evidently though, the Clone's belt unfortunately isn't the same all around. I'll post a feedback image to show what I mean. This might be a little hard to describe, but I'll do my best. Since reference for the belt without the packs on is virtually impossible, I'll give my best suggestion. What I would do is make transition to the belt setup below one of the packs so it won't be noticed. I'd say right after the n packs, go for a style like you did before. Basically what you have now without the separating rectangles in the middle. Have that go for about as far as the packs right before the green arrows. It might even be helpful to get the individual packs done first so that you can use those as a guide point.
  8. Posting reference is fine, but let's keep fairly PG-13, all right?
  9. Okay, got a reference screen ready for some things I noticed. The n belt packs could be just a little bit wider. The space between the two boxes in the center of the belt should be a bit more narrow. And finally the crotch line seems to be a straight decent as opposed to a sharp curve. Also, in case you want additional reference:
  10. A really classic and fun map.
  11. I hate it when maps we already have don't show up on searches.

    1. Barricade24


      Now I really hate it!! Two maps and I didn't even see them on the Hub....wow.


    2. Bek


      You're not alone.

    3. Ramikad


      Yeah. As much as I love the Hub, the search function could use a substantial improvement.

  12. Yeah, those helisabers--I just couldn't take them seriously. I mean they look so silly. With that said,
  13. @@AshuraDX You want reference? This should be a load of help: http://starwarsscreencaps.com/
  14. Looks pretty accurate to me. My few recommendations are that the two chest squares could come down a little lower and maybe a little bit longer. I'd also maybe take another look at the shoulder straps. They seem to be more of a narrow lines. Check the 212th reference I posted above. I also don't believe that the armor has the circle spots near the shoulder straps.
  15. Here's a decent back shot: And here's a decent full bodyshot of a Shock Trooper.
  16. Yeah, you would not believe how hard it is to come by this. I too had the original files, but I lacked the original readme, so I couldn't upload it. Fortunately, it should be safe and secure now.
  17. Mod bundles can be a bit tricky. Tracking down everyone you need to get permission from, unless the give permission in their readme, is a time consuming process. Much like Jeff has already stated. I guess the main question would be: Would this be worth for other players or what it be much simpler for them to download the files individually? In the time it would take to put this piece together, a player could probably have a majority of the files already. Not trying to bash this idea at all, but that is the question that should be contemplated.
  18. Replacing a base weapon is fairly simple. Some of the main things you will want to do is replace the weapon .glm with the weapon you want to use. Make sure it's the same name though. Also be sure to include all necessary files: shaders, textures, etc..
  19. This wouldn't be a shader malfunction would it? I am guessing that if you tried hopping in the vehicle that the textures might actually work. I noticed in game that the AT-ST vehicle on this map doesn't have shadows beneath it's eye slots but when you hop in it it does. There's something different about this walker, I'm just not sure what it is.
  20. In my experience, the invisible lightsaber bug comes from a typo in r_hand. I have encountered with a Starkiller model, which I fixed by renaming the hand name to the proper "r_hand". Is there a typo in the skin file that could be causing this?
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