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Everything posted by Barricade24

  1. That's what I was going to suggest as well.
  2. Understandable. There are other clones that are much more prominent.
  3. So that would be Sharpshooter, Engineer, Heavy, and Jet? Are you thinking of doing the Galactic Marine as well? That might whole new model to work completely.
  4. That's a lot better. Is there any chance that the other lower leg texture can be flipped to be straight or is there not enough room for that?
  5. Is there any possibility you can make the thigh textures horizontal as well as the shoulder pads vertical? I feel like it be rather tricky to work with them being vertical. Also, were the Clone's armor connector's between the back and chest plate removed? They look a little flat compared to before. Other than that, I don't have to many other comments. Well it still be the same resolution as before?
  6. Kaulan's always got just the right gifs.
  7. The line on the texture is completely straight and yet on the model, it is clearly uneven.
  8. I noticed that while working on the shoulder pad that it isn't entirely straight so when I try to skin a straight line on it, it always comes out crooked on one side. I'd really like to see that fixed. Most of the helmet stuff seems fine to me so I have no comment on that matter. Also is it a possibility we can get separate texture options for the individual belt packs so they don't all mirror the same texture?
  9. There's actually a pretty good frankenstein by @@Mandalorian https://jkhub.org/topic/4639-bossk/page-2?do=findComment&comment=117127 I'd give that a look.
  10. Opening models in Blender is fairly simple. Provided you have the glm import for it. I'm sure someone has link to it somewhere. You basically just import the glm into Blender and it's as simple as that as far as importing goes.
  11. I believe Movie Battles II has the guns you mentioned as well as a Phase 2 variant.
  12. You should consider learning to mod one of these days. You would be able to make a lot the requests you want and more.
  13. I can never tell if HD is meant to mean High Definiton or . In any case I believe @@Kualan has made such a file for his comic. Considering the recent changes on the porting policy if he so decides, he could upload that to the Hub. It would be up to him though.
  14. Those textures were never released and unless Hapslash decides to come back and release them it will probably stay that way.
  15. Funny story...Ibonek actually is our dear beloved @@Circa. And while I have no knowledge of the mod you speak of, I do know Jedi Knight Galaxies has both the ACP Scatter Gun as well as the DLT-19 and while it will take bit of work to get in them in base JKA it can be done.
  16. I have a feeling this could be accomplished with a simple Gweth reskin. In fact if I'm not mistaken, there is also a face somewhere that is perfect for her. I may consider taking this when I'm not so busy.
  17. Due to some fantastic developments, Barricade will be having a splurge of files coming to da Hub soon. So keep your peepers open.
  18. Jedi Knight: Galaxies already has a fantastic E-11.
  19. Barricade be throwin out likes like crazy!
  20. He was a bounty hunter who was "paid" to kill Obi-Wan Kenobi, who then took his place to discover a secret plot to kidnap Palpatine.
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