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Everything posted by Barricade24

  1. On an unrelated note, I used to have that dancing Jar Jar.
  2. We got to see if we can get that Veers stuff onto the Haps officer. That would look perfect!
  3. Pretty sweet job! One thing I have not noticed is that a lot of the really thin parts seem to be transparent from another side. Such as the head tail wrappings.
  4. *Attempts to think up amusing Rosh quote* ... gets nothing.
  5. For future reference, please don't report a file that has the: "ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR". It is a temporal error that does not in anyway indicate something is wrong with a file.

    1. Circa


      Temporal? lol

    2. Barricade24


      Seems to come and go. Not really sure what it is.

    3. Ramikad


      You're not thinking fourth-dimensionally! :D

  6. Tested. I can personally confirm the file does work. Make sure that you have no other animation replacement files on that could be conflicting with this file or trying placing a few "Z"s at the beginning of the file name.
  7. I hate doing these... But I guess it's coming along all right all things considered.
  8. Approved. Take your troopers and make them swim! Or chill in a hot tub... Which ever you prefer.
  9. You can snag it here: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Models/Weapons/Guns/46437/
  10. Enjoy. Optional SP support included. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2646-holiday-special-boba-fett/
  11. Holiday Special Boba Fett is now available. Optional SP support is included. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2646-holiday-special-boba-fett/ Enjoy.
  12. Version 1.0


    This a reskin based off of Corto's Boba Fett model, which was significantly updated by Mandalorian. This skin job aims to recreate Boba Fett as he is seen in the Holiday Special. He bares a significantly different color scheme from what you are commonly used to. Optional sp support is included in case you want to use this character in the campaign. No team skins are included in this pack but optional SP support is included. Npc name is -hsfett
  13. Holiday Special Fett should be up by tomorrow.
  14. Well let's run down the list: Han Solo - Already being worked on by DT so I would leave that one off. Luke Skywalker - He would be an interesting choice but there have been a lot of takes on him already. Princess Leia - I would be tempted to vote on this one as she has so many outfits but then again there are some pretty good versions of her out there already. Ki-Adi Mundi - I feel that Psyk0Sith has already done an excellent version of the character. That is unless of course your referring to his extra outfits but even so I feel there are more prominent characters that could be done. Poe Dameron - I think my vote might have to go to him as he hasn't quite gotten a definitive version just yet Obi-Wan - Again, I feel that there are versions of this character that are quite well done and really don't need another version. Nien Nunb - I would like to see him made at some point. With that said though, I would love to see a new Scout Trooper or Snowtrooper or some enhanced Imperial unit from the original trilogy that could use an update.
  15. The First Order should be using pin up art of Phasma.

  16. I have been wanting a female Stormtrooper for a long time.
  17. I haven't started out on the prototype version yet, but the holiday special version is coming along well.
  18. Yes, Phasma has the Flame Trooper groin plate. I haven't get around to adding the depressions in there yet.
  19. The only main one so far is Starkiller Base. http://jkhub.org/files/file/2593-base-mb2-duel-on-the-starkiller-base-ep7/
  20. I'll probably take a crack at it at some point.
  21. Avatar works perfectly with this comment.
  22. It really isn't mine to release and as I have said what's used in the picture is simply a saber file giving the illusion of an actual weapon. "For show only" sort of speak. It doesn't function as an actual gun.
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