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Everything posted by Barricade24

  1. My Jedi Knight/Dark Forces collection is once again complete.

  2. Big Steam sale on Star Wars games!

  3. I assume he is referring to the point where Kyle drops down a ventilation tube down to where the exchange couplings are located. Ideally, it wouldn't make a lot of since of Imperials to just jump down there for maintenance purposes. So I agree that another route down would be a nice touch.
  4. Another member who has grown up with and loves Dark Forces? Well then, a pleasure it is! It just so happens that the DFMod has, howbeit unofficially, been started back up again. Depending on far this mod goes, it is highly possible that we will a see a Phase II and Phase II Darktrooper come to light. I should also mention that Lt. Claim of the MBII boards has in fact ported the Phase III Darktrooper into Academy and while that file cannot specifically be hosted here, when he does actually upload it somewhere , you will probably be able to download and use it.
  5. Incidentally, @@Teancum let me know if you want your own section in the Mod Project Forums.
  6. That's pretty neat! It certainly captures MOTS pretty well. However, "Gravity is a harsh mistress" is going to get old pretty fast as would the "Whoa!" Aside from that, I really like what I see. I should note that Jedi Knight Galaxies has the ideal models for the Bryar, Bowcaster, Sequencer Charges, and probably some other weapons too, that could be used in the mod. Would probably take a bit of converting to get it set up just right, but they would be a great asset.
  7. Just when you think you've got all your Stormtroopers just right, you decide to do more. UGH!

    1. Kessno


      When you've got all the Stormtroopers just right.



    2. Barricade24
  8. Feel free to use this: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2091-enhanced-protocol-replacement/
  9. Since DT is in fact doing his own Phasma, I question if we really need two.
  10. I've decided to pull the ROTJ Stormtrooper for the time being. I have something a little different in mind that will better fit the quota of Stormtroopers.
  11. The light gray officer guy could easily be based off the AT-ST Driver in the Imperial Army Trooper pack. All you would really need to do is get a hat onto that model and you would be good to go. As far as the black officer goes, The Dark Pastime has one in the works. https://jkhub.org/topic/3199-navy-crewmantrooper-technician/
  12. There's actually two: one on Fest and one in Ramsees Hed.
  13. One of my all time favorite maps. Simple but cool.
  14. Significant Update. The new version of the TFU Stormtrooper has been released. It features the new model improvements that I posted earlier as well as some much better pictures to go along with it. The old original file has been discarded as well as some of my other files such as the Airborne Trooper, Commander Cody, and Captain Rex as there is a newer Clone model coming, my other older Clone works will likely be removed in time as well. You can also check out the new Shadow Bike here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2828-imperial-shadow-bike/
  15. Just so you are aware, this level has some trouble being played in Single Player due to file name that is above the maximum amount of allowed characters.
  16. Wow. I really love the look of light side Ben.
  17. There is a model of one floating around. Here: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Models/Star%20Wars/19363/ The Dark Pastime is also has Bothan as I recall, but I have no idea when that would be released.
  18. Frankensteining that should be extremely simple.
  19. You mean have the Shadow Bike replace the swoop or the standard Speeder Bike replace the swoop.
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