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  1. I have had a sudden change of heart regarding the sequel trilogy. If push had come to shove, I truly wish they were never made. Truly nothing has and nothing ever well recapture the magic of the Original Trilogy. Those movies...there is something truly special about them.

    1. eezstreet


      Well yeah. These new movies are being made pretty much strictly for profits only, whereas with the original trilogy (and to a lesser extent the prequels) they were made to tell George's story.

    2. Noodle


      I've always felt that ROTJ gave the perfect ending to the franchise and the sequels have undermined that heavily. If they had done a trilogy unrelated to the skywalker legacy or just spin offs like Rogue One it'd have been better and I'm sure wouldn't have left a bitter taste in so much people.

    3. Seven


      I think Luke really was cheated in TLJ, as well as Leia. If what we saw in the movie is an example of what's to come than I will be extremely disappointed. You can tell how much of the movie was just about selling toys, pillows and backpacks as well, what with Phasma and the Porgs. I don't know, about two years ago it felt like it was the best time ever to be a star wars fan, but maybe not.

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