I was wondering if there was a way to stop the friendly Npcs from following you, as its annoying when I change my playerteam to enemy and try to fight the rebels they just keep trying to move and follow me, is there anyway to change it?
This map works fine on multiplayer but it crashes on singleplayer, with or without OpenJK I also removed my mods from the base folder but it still crashed when I load the map on singleplayer, any help?
Install openJK for Jedi Academy, thats how I fixed this error, I hope it fixes your error aswell Here's a link about it which includes download links if you read on: https://jkhub.org/topic/2220-frequently-asked-questions/
It's good that the download links are back btw I love that you added a Kotor Pack in there! (don't know if it was in there before) but it has really awesome characters! Your awesome Jeff