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Everything posted by Kuhe

  1. It says Kotf 2.1 offical server lol - make sure you set the list of servers to Kotf 2.1
  2. How about these? http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Mods/Single%20Player/117862/
  3. That's good to know, had fun yesterday
  4. Putting the mod in my folder right now, I'll be on the server soon
  5. Any release date for single player? - I'm sure singleplayer was the main reason kotf was created
  6. Are you trying to make thexan? that looks like his outfit
  7. It would be awesome to have a Peragus map for Jedi Academy, but then again it would be awesome to have all maps from kotor 1&2 in academy xDD
  8. He said hes uploading it so hopefully soon xD
  9. These skins look awesome! Any news on when you are going to release them?
  10. Nah, my PC is fine, anyway I found out the problem, thanks anyway circa
  11. Instead of asking to delete the topic why can't you just simply mark it as answered? xD
  12. It only works if I play Jedi Academy on a low resolution and if I play on widecsreen (1080p) it crashes xD
  13. is there any way to play on this map? even on multiplayer my game crashes openjk or without
  14. When I load up the map in Singleplayer it says 'Couldn't Find A Spawn Point' any help?
  15. Ok, thanks alot! lets hope he finds the files
  16. Has this question been answered before or something?
  17. You should release this skin, it looks amazing
  18. The NPCS also seem to follow you on the map instead of attacking you, also the effects might have been removed in the pk3
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