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Everything posted by Smoo

  1. A new modding contest would be nice, the contests always motivates me to finish something in time haha Yeah great videos! Be cool to get a new one now that it's easier to make HD videos
  2. looks like a force unleashed clone
  3. steamed hams mod when?
  4. I sometimes read through all new posts each day, there is still quite alot of activity on here considering how old the games are
  5. May need to run as administrator and/or run in compatibility mode
  6. if you use ja+ / ja++ or eternaljk client mod i think you'll be able to see all the sabers
  7. Mostly played Jedi Academy lol and For Honor since it had a star wars event on where you swords were like lightsabers. Also watched some of the movies but nothing much else though..
  8. All your screenshots etc are broke
  9. Smoo

    Makermod on JA++

    Is the source outdated? I just can't get the current version to load
  10. I remember I first came to this website during 2011/2012 because the original masterlist was down, and jkhub has an alternative. Oh, look it's happening again this year. Haha!
  11. Smoo

    Aeri Here

  12. Yes I've played some of those, played the first one in japanese too and understand some of it haha
  13. Smoo

    Secret Santa 2018

    that is pretty
  14. Smoo


    so prettyful
  15. Nice snowy map we should have a play on that for xmas
  16. https://jkhub.org/forum/155-console-commands-cvars/
  17. Yeah, it was cancelled though sadly
  18. you need to do something like g_allowemote 1 I forget what it is on OJP, i'll check (It might be ojp_allowemote 1)
  19. 素晴らしいアニメ!
  20. Awesome news! Was always hyped about this mod
  21. おめでとうございます~ (Congratulations)
  22. What did your parents have against Star Wars?
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