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Everything posted by Smoo

  1. Awesome news! Was always hyped about this mod
  2. おめでとうございます~ (Congratulations)
  3. I passed everything for the semester! Just 6 subjects left for my degree.

  4. What did your parents have against Star Wars?
  5. yeah had that for a while, very nice
  6. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/promo/star-wars-may-the-4th-sale/
  7. I don't see Activision anywhere though Developer: Raven Software , Aspyr (Mac) Publisher: LucasArts, Aspyr (Mac), Lucasfilm, Disney Interactive when buying from steam anyway
  8. lol the devs don't get paid for it anymore i'm pretty sure
  9. hows everyone going this month

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. the_raven


      What are you studying in uni? :)

    3. Smoo


      Bachelor of IT

    4. the_raven


      Cool. I'm a Master of Political Science myself :D

  10. did you put openjk.exe in base or something? it should go in GameData
  11. I like all types of anime but DBZ was the first other than pokemon and digimon and was hooked. Actually started watching when Goku first became super sayain
  12. yeah theres also vegeta, piccolo, majin buu and broly skins awesome video still
  13. ja++ is open source and that has it so can port it to makermod source
  14. Yeah pretty much but also changed some of the logos also.
  15. Version beta1


    Japanese Patch/Overhaul mod for Jedi Academy beta1 -===- Instructions -===- Place .pk3 files into base. To enable go into Setup then Sound and Change Text to nihongo (will be in kanji) To have Japanese names or Japanese in chat. It only works as binds at the moment. Make a .cfg but change encoding to Japanese Shift-JIS before adding the japanese characters then save. In game type /exec configname.cfg An example cfg will be bundled in the zip file! ジェダイ・アカデミー日本語版パッチ/オーバーホールMOD -===- 使い方 -=== -===- .pk3ファイルをBASE置にきます。 設定」→「サウンド」→「テキストを日本語に変更(漢字になります)」で有効になります。 日本語の名前やチャットで日本語を使うことができます。今のところ、バインドでしか使えません。 .cfgを作成し、日本語の文字を追加する前にエンコーディングを日本語のShift-JISに変更して保存します。ゲーム内で /exec configname.cfg と入力してください。 cfgの例はZIPファイルに同梱されています。 -===- Known Bugs -===- Console can sometimes break if you open before you join in a server. Stull looking for a fix but you try /clear or changing language to English then back to Japanese. -===- Testers -===- Special thanks to those for testing: Dubby, HiddenSpy, BI_uNT, Saito Hajime, TriForce, Padatwo
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