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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. xD. That's part of the fun. Of course I suppose it wont be too much fun when real threats are formed, and DDOSERS and what not. But to be quite honest, I don't think the jka community is THAT BAD.
  2. Is pugmod on this site? If not, can we get it on here? Free roam camera in recorded demo's is awesome.
  3. An interesting idea. We need more servers where the jk community can come together, but also branch off into many clans so that the entire community isn't just gathered in one place, that's how communities die...I think.
  4. villian? Not familiar with that npc. EDIT: Oh wait, you mean a player spawning npcs, I gotcha! xD.
  5. I agree. We tried spawning npcs, but for some reason JAplus disallowed us to load up /devmap, so we couldn't use noclip, notarget, or d_npcfreeze. In the end, we just kept it the way it was xD.
  6. Exactly. A good FPS engine with an RPG would make a hell of a mod, instead of the classic, "Shoot, get hit, shoot, get hit thing, while standing in one place".
  7. Indeed it will. Hopefully much better. xD. We were shooting at things that weren't even there lol.
  8. Heh nice you posted it xD. Obviously, we did a very sloppy job on it, but it was fun none the less! xD. And I thought the lightning was the flamethrower....
  9. Will be interested to see how this turns out xD.
  10. I think it is, of course I'm not 100 percent sure. Some parts look the same, but others different, although it could be just me. The filesizes are only 1MB difference, although one is a zip so they might be the same size. I'm not 100 percent sure though. @@Circa Almost forgot: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/developer/Toshik;25239 All maps by this guy. His RPG base attack map is a great coop map, although quite difficult xD.
  11. http://www.dgs-clan.eu/download/gamedata/base/cloudcity.pk3 Cloud city we need! Made by livingdeadjedi.
  12. That's a shame. It just wouldn't be the same unless it was ported .
  13. What about porting the map over? That's what they did in those videos.
  14. Onysfx

    Spanki's Mace Windu

    This windu in MBII. EDIT: Unless he already is xD.
  15. Looks pretty good, except for the human merc, his head looks awful .
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