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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. Well if your going to go for Makashi... SURELY YOU CAN DO BETTAH!
    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Mandalorian


      Australia is watching America in confusion and our politics are ridicolous.


    3. Onysfx


      Luckly I live in Canada but...soon the jedi will come to take ovah this country too.

    4. Mandalorian


      Execute order 66? I would help someone if they need it regardless of what authority says.


  2. Been playing Tales of Phantasia for the snes that last few days. Almost beat it now...the battles are quite repetitive xD.

  3. OJP has coop, but it's incomplete, and still quite buggy. AT LEAST coop is possible, halo CE and non syncing AI anyone? xD.
  4. 0 kills and 26 deaths in MBII. Proof that the jedi are taking ovah.

  5. Onysfx


    @@Circa has been trying to take ovah since he acquired staff powers. @@Paradox EDIT: Oops, I meant @@thund
  6. You heard of taris_rp? It's made by the same guy. Very good map.
  7. @@RancorSNP It's not on coruscant, but what about this map? http://jkhub.org/files/file/315-ord-mantell-rp/
  8. Onysfx


    Nice. Good...GEWD!
  9. I understand your pain. Did I tell you about the black screen issue I had with jka? No one could help me solve it, nowhere on the internet had the solution. I updated drivers, Re-installed jka, applied the windows 7 fix, EVERYTHING! But nothing helped. Then accidentally, and I'm not quite sure how, I solved the problem. Basically, I prayed everyday for the solution, and finally it came. Of course, I still have the same black screen problem with OpenJK, and anything that uses it. Edit: One other thing you can do. Try running MBII as administrator, or NOT running it as admin. See if that helps...might not, but worth a shot.
  10. LOL! I now realize your were responding to the user Ping, but when I first read that I thought you were referring to the players ping being higher, therefore it wouldn't make sense to play on an Asian server because of the lag xD. Oh shoot @@lukex, I almost forgot:
  11. Try joining a server. Are you able to do that? And I have no idea what the problem is unfortunately .
  12. He must have TASed that. He must have! That's insane! xD. This video shows what it really means to have UNLIMITED POWAH.
  13. Heh, Sidious takes whatever advantage is given to him. I'm guessing they took this out because they wanted sidious to appear all powahful, and not show signs of weakness.
  14. For me, it's always been difficult to fit into an RP. The best way though, is to find another newbie RPer like yourself, and stick together. That way you don't feel alone .
  15. Nice, but perhaps you could review more community maps instead of raven? Perhaps less known community maps? That would be nice
  16. Lol @@Circa, I just knew you or someone else would respond like that! But no really, throwing your saber in MBII or OJP is dangerous.
  17. What stupid jedi would throw his saber during a fight? Lol. But they should still include saber throw. People may want to use it yet.
  18. If the emperor says "THE JEDI ARE TAKING OVAH!" at least once in rebels, I'll be happy .
  19. I personally love this idea! I thought OJP was a decent saber system but this...this is awesome. The only problem with it is movement of course. What if a player gets 90 degrees to your side? What then? The current saber system in OJP and MBII looks so glitching bad, it seems like the player isn't blocking anything at all lol.
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