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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. This was posted back in 2007 on youtube, earlier when it first came out on another site, and meant to be humorous xD
  2. I'm assuming almost all of you have seen this, but for those who haven't: I have beat the hack myself, getting further than the guy in the video, but it gets MUCH harder after that lol.
  3. I agree with this. Only being able to see the shortcut to one post for all those mod projects....ya eezstreet is right.
  4. I don't really have any machinima editing skills, but I'm a pretty good actor/player. Would be willing to take part in it .
  5. I agree with therfiles. There are so many projects that never see the light of day because without releasing a demo, the jedi take ovah.
  6. It's 2:54 AM right now....I, I, I, I-can't, hold on any longa....

    1. CaptainChar


      we dun got da powar captin

  7. Good, very good. Looks a bit bare, but I suppose Ord Mantell is supposed to look like that .
  8. You...want me to stop...don't you? The hate is swelling in you now...my computer is defenseless...take your virus...use it...hack me down with all of your hatred, and your journey towards the darkside will be complete! Oh so your going to use the videos...how big in filesize do you think they'll come to?
  9. Good....GOOD....GEWD!!!!!!!!!! UNLIMITED POWAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11...and skiffs

    1. CaptainChar


      "This is Halloween everyone make a scene"

  11. Was just thinking, when I first saw the topic, "Witch Hunt" it made me instantly think of the Salem Witch Trials xD.

  12. Oh, I almost forgot to ask, is force jump going to be an actual forcepower like in DF2? I liked the force jump way better in DF2, much more realistic.
  13. Onysfx


    I agree with Barricade, he should have a slight orange, but ONLY SLIGHTLY.
  14. Phase II? Nice. Clonetrooper: Phase I armor looks better though! Clonetrooper 2: But Phase II is more confortable!
  15. Thanks for the new release! My one suggestion still stands for the camera mode. Could you include a cvar to allow the player to turn player chat on or off while in camera mode? Thanks .
  16. You know I can't model xD. I meant KOTOR as Circa said.
  17. Perhaps I'll give it a try when I can .
  18. Onysfx

    Sith Council v2

    Ah yes, the good old sith council. I played on this map alot back in the old days xD.
  19. Already tried, old computer wouldn't run it properly. I doubt my new one would either, it has the same lack of support for openGL and what not. EDIT: I may try later perhaps. Is there some sort of demo I could download somewhere?
  20. I've never played KOTOR (Even though I want to, believe me), and that droid looks really nice!
  21. Onysfx


    1. Onysfx


      Read this, Obama is taking ovah!

    2. CaptainChar


      to quote Discord "Looks like we're due for a good ol storm of chaos"

  22. Kill him. Kill him now.... DO IT.
  23. There was Star Wars: Nightfall roleplay, but it's gone now, not sure what happened to it... I see people on RPG Continuum when I go on jka, you could try there. Don't know the website, just seen the server on the list xD. Oh and:
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