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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. Are you threatening me master jedi?
  2. That weapon ready animation looks absolutely ter- oh wait it's a WIP xD. Nice, very good.
  3. Look very interesting. Good....gewd....GEWD!!!!!! UNLIMITED POWAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  4. You are not on a romance mission, YOU ARE PART OF THE REBEL ALLIANCE AND A TRAITOR!
  5. I restarted the router and it fixed the problem. Thanks for your help Darth Futuza, Circa, and eezstreet. But the real truth is, Anakin saved me and stopped the router from taking ovah.
  6. @@Darth Futuza Tried the ipconfig stuff, didn't work. Unfortunately, right now I can't disconnect my router, I wish I could. I also tried running xfire, it won't connect to the server either. I pinged AOD_pandemonium, and got a reply, so that is working. But whenever I try to connect ingame jka, I'll just get the "Awaiting connection...1...2...3...4...5...
  7. Hey I need some help. Just recently, less than 12 hours ago, my internet has been acting weird, for no apparent reason. I can still browse chrome and what not just fine. But now, I can no longer connect to jka servers or MBII servers. Same with Halo CE, I can't get a list of any servers. I can't download anything with utorrent, nor can I connect to any servers on project64k online. I can still download things normally from chrome, watch youtube videos, but I can't do any of those things I just mentioned. Luckily, I can load up a list of master servers on project64k. However, for every single one of them, even the american servers, the ping is 1000m/s, and I can't connect to any of them. I tried doing the same things I mentioned above on another laptop in my house, but ended up with the same results. I don't understand what's going on. Can anyone help? My ISP is bell, if that means anything.
  8. Good....GEWD! "I have said it many times (not really), Circa is the most gifted staff member on jkhub I have ever met...I see him becoming the greatest of all members..."
  9. @@Amxtt https://www.dropbox.com/s/m6fh5hydne2hlyr/Palpyv2.png
  10. Wow nice. So B16 was the earliest public version...
  11. 5 years. My earliest memories of jka were losing every saber duel I engaged in, and building tons of cool stuff on makermod. Those were the days, makermod was more populated then.
  12. God darnit, there are so many luke skins! Too many jedi!
  13. https://www.dropbox....lyr/Palpyv2.png
  14. This would be hillarious. Now we just need palpatine to scream "UNNNNLLLLLIIIIIMMMMMMMIIIITTTTTEEEDDDDDDD PPOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" at full volume in MBII.
  15. https://www.dropbox.com/s/m6fh5hydne2hlyr/Palpyv2.png
  16. I never play with bots, but I could see the use for this xD.

  18. https://www.dropbox.com/s/m6fh5hydne2hlyr/Palpyv2.png (For you vargus92) Welcome to jkhub! I would say here and moviebattles are the most active jka communities right now. jk3files is practically dead, but not quite. There are still many files from that site that need to be on this site, so I hope it continues to live as long as possible.
  19. In DF2, I had bad aim on my first run through nar shaddaa, so I constantly found myself switching to melee. Will you be including grappling? Possibly even advanced melee combat somewhat like in MBII? Or are you going to stick to authentic melee at the moment?
  20. I don't care which is which, to me they all look uglier than when Palpatine fried himself. (No offense Raven)
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