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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. Wow another release? Awesome. Too bad my Jamme doesn't work now because of the black screen issue with jka. But I've always had that, and somehow fixed it, but anything that uses openJK causes it again xD. Anyway, NICE! UNLIMITED MACHINIMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  3. I'm too weak! Ah, Oh, Don't kill me, pleeee.... imagine rosh saying that lol.
  4. This is only a small setback in our plans. Soon, JKHub will fall to the darkside. ONCE MORE THE SITH WILL RULE THIS WEBSITE! And...we shall have, peace...
  5. JKHub, is being re-organized, into a galactic empire!!!!
  6. Hmm...internet download manager! Best download manager I've ever used, better than Orbit, Free Download Manager, or Bitcomet! It's only a 30 free trial, but it's worth it. Has a site grabber, you can filter what files you want, and how many levels in the base site. It also is a good download accelerator, I've gotten 5 times my download speed with this thing! (just my personal experience xD)
  7. Nice! Timescale and music! Now all that's needed is a cvar to change whether game chat is displayed while the camera is active... ?
  8. Hey @@MartinJ! As far as I know, ::JEDI:: is still around. I've also seen RPG preservation around, and possibly rpg_continuum. Check the server list, they are there, but often aren't populated.
  9. If I had UNLIMITED POWAH!!!!! unlimited bandwidth I'd be willing to help do it. But I don't right now .
  10. There are so many @@Circa...so many...if we could at least focus on getting all the maps, that would be a start.
  11. We must move quickly. We must take all the files off of jk3files! If they are not all taken, it will be, civil war against filefront.
  12. Good....GEWD! Make sure to have some city traffic, and ships flying over the map once in awhile xD.
  13. Or rather "Jedi Academy Fanspansion Pack" ... That sounds awful.
  14. Yep you can, I've been doing it for awhile xD.
  15. Yep...just lots and lots of grans...
  16. We need a JKHub group photo.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mandalorian
    3. katanamaru


      Well since we live all over the world this could be difficult.

    4. Onysfx


      Greenscreen!...is there a greenscreen JKA map? Lol.

  17. Onysfx

    We need money

    Was actually referring to his teeth xD.
  18. Onysfx

    We need money

    Woot were doing well! We donate because of our love of the site. And the people it's brought together. Even Palpatine agrees:
  19. When I had a friend play JKA, he ended up killing rosh. He told me: "Then I ended up going back to the academy and killing all the jedi". I thought, woot, that sounds awesome...but no...it turned out to be just going to korriban and stealing the scepter...
  20. I'm currently making an MBII palpatine montage.

  21. Nice. Might as well make zombie stormtroopers from the book "Death Troopers" xD
  22. Does this jamme work with MBII demos as well?
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