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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. @@therfiles, @@ChalklYne and I can grant you powah beyond your wildest dreams...all you have to do, is give us staff powers.
  2. Onysfx


    A quick suggestion: The idle animation should be changed specifically for the npcs to do a hand gesture rather than just looking around.
  3. Onysfx


    Love the keyboard in the hotel! Looking good! But if the jedi take ovah this mod then....
  4. Would be better if you posted the exact maps you wanted. Regardless, all of those should be on JKHub anyway xD.
  5. Dark forces of course! I know it's already a game, but it sounds awesome.
  6. Very nice. Very nice. Don't let the jedi take ovah the map and crash it.
  7. Anyone gonna help hidden? Kirby would be a nice edition to JKA. By the way, I was just playing MBII, and the jedi kept taking ovah. Just to let everyone know.
  8. I can't stand listening to that narration voice in the video!
  9. Oh yeah those, xD. I always wondered what one was doing in the tower...it almost killed me, even at full armor and health.
  10. No, they should call it: Star Wars Episode VII: THE JEDI ARE TAKING OVAH!
  11. There is MBII, not quite as free roaming as KOTF though, but the models better updated than KOTF, but they still need to change the darn clone model, as well as the arc troopers. As well, I would recommend movie duels 2. Has tons of maps and models, and allows you to play in the movies, episodes I to III only though. UNLIMITED POWAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Edit: Dammit, eezstreet beat me to it.
  12. I certainly hope it is, even perhaps including kyle katarn. If they bring back the old actors....I MEAN THEY ARE TOO OLD! Don't bring them back! Not offense to old age or anything, it's just they look completely different.
  13. Onysfx

    We need money

    If I had money, I would contribute xD. I certainly will in the future though. lol, love how there is 911 members registered...xD.
  14. True true, it was at times hard to control. But you gotta admit, it was pretty cool.
  15. Seen it done on makermod, so I assure you, my resolve has nevah been strongah! it is possible. EDIT: ^ What he said above ^
  16. So this is only for JK2? Sad face. Oh well, something like this could probably be easily ported to jka anyway .
  17. True, but older mods could be archived. And things could be....squished together a little more right? xD.
  18. I have no idea what kind of thing your making, but this idea is epic! If your doing this with mirrors... Then the next thing you know, you'll be making twisted hallways xD.
  19. Oh jka jump. Was hoping for that charge jump type thing, although it was kinda hard to control, it was awesome xD.
  20. Onysfx


    Nice nice! Glad to hear about the bike level but...you wouldn't mind improving the physics of the swoop and making it a little slower would ya? xD
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