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Status Replies posted by Onysfx

  1. Playing Coop of Dark Forces II with some friends. Jesus, Yun was hard.

  2. R.I.P in peace GameSpy

  3. Playing Coop of Dark Forces II with some friends. Jesus, Yun was hard.

  4. Just letting everyone know, I am leaving on a camping trip today and I will return sometime on Sunday. So if you don't see me around, that's why.

  5. PHILOSOPHY PROMPT: Speaking as one of them, I really kind of HATE freshmen in high school...(most of them. some are ok.)

  6. PHILOSOPHY PROMPT: Speaking as one of them, I really kind of HATE freshmen in high school...(most of them. some are ok.)

  7. "I saw a sound, well-reasoned argument in an internet comment, and it made me reconsider my position." -- Nobody, ever

  8. makermod site has been down for days X(

  9. I like how NSA does something CRIMINAL, but it will still never be touched.

  10. I like how NSA does something CRIMINAL, but it will still never be touched.

  11. I seem to have some trouble quoting posts. Anyone have an idea why?


  13. I'm curious, is there some kind of rainbow lightsaber mod for this game? I'm not talking about that silly colour changing script, but a rainbow decal lightsaber


  15. I love ladies =) All of them.

  16. I love ladies =) All of them.

  17. I love ladies =) All of them.

  18. I love ladies =) All of them.

  19. Changed server from Makermod to ClanMod.

  20. I'm so glad that the JKA and JK2 community is taking full advantage of the source codes release!

  21. Changed server from Makermod to ClanMod.

  22. UNLIMITED PO- oh it's 11:24 PM...I, I, I, I-can't, huld on any longah...

  23. Happy Mothers Day

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