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  1. I do somewhat feel sad, at how the internet has changed. No longer do most people use forums, now it is all on discord. If you want status updates on mods, most of it will be on the discord servers. 

    Things in the world have changed so much, but I'm glad to see this community is still here. I do believe the JKA community needs one more mod. A mod that is based around Base JKA, and works to preserve as many of it's maps, models, and other content as best as possible. To preserve it's content for future generations who stumble upon this game, they should have a mod with all it's content ready to go. Only mod I know that comes close to that is KoTF 2.1 by Fire Phoenix (galactic legacy is focusing more on only star wars now).

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Onysfx


      I understand, and I may come back to Galacy Legacy later on, I'm still checking it every once in awhile. I just didn't agree with removing country academy, I really liked that map. I do agree wtih removing the MBII maps though.

    3. Linken


      Yeah I really liked Country Academy too, that was one I didn't personally agree with removing

    4. NumberWan


      Discord is for PM for me for the most part, but I like browsing forums. And they are definitely better than most of the social networks, which require a lot more from you. While forums (for me) are a place to get the info more directly without all the popularity mechanics and likes/dislikes, views count, etc. which are common for other platforms.

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