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    The Demiurge's Pain Matrix
  • Interests
    Being stupid
  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
    General Modding
  • Gaming Specialty
    Moviebattles 2
  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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  1. Wonderful work! Lags my game a bit, but I think it's pretty enough to use anyway
  2. The first thing Luke did was put on his dad's pants
  3. Amazing effect! I can't wait to spend hours trying to figure out how you did it
  4. Every year we need a new Vader
  5. Love seeing some Lord of the Rings content on here
  6. I have ported like 40 models into this game in the last few months and this was what I chose to upload.
  7. 25 downloads

    Replaces main menu video with Victoria Monét - Power of Two (From "Star Wars: The Acolyte"/Visualizer Video) Adds Victoria Monét - Power of Two song from Season 1 Episode 7 of The Acolyte to the main menu of the game
  8. SWEET! Okay, so I got it exported, now all I gotta do is fix these damn weights. Thanks a million @mrwonko!
  9. I have no clue in all of heaven and earth what I'm even doing wrong. All the weights are done, the little white things are all connected right, everything is named correctly. This is just frustrating at this point. In this dropbox file I have the full model. The model .glm and .blend with the textures. If anyone is interested in a Kotor customization pack, that's what this is supposed to be the start of. Whether it ever gets done is up to whether I can figure this out. Idk, maybe someone talented will just do it someday lol https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xy8knuqkj0620o95z6wob/jedikotor.zip?rlkey=oxy9qg5y4272412o87leo4z41&st=yy4d5x20&dl=0 This is the error I get upon exporting. Don't know what this means.
  10. Absolutely glorious. Galaxies is one of my all time favorite Star Wars games, glad to see someone still loves her
  11. Possible, but I couldn't tell you which mod. The Vader model I saw working with another mod I tried, and it seemed to have something to do with his scale. I tried this with Mara and Ben, but no dice with either of them.
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