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Everything posted by Sturg29

  1. Sturg29

    Interview: SiLink

    oh for what he has done for the website thats why he was interviewed lol ok thought it was bc of his skill <.< i am aware he has none :0
  2. shots fired lol
  3. no need to go postal lolz
  4. lol
  5. and also a simple google search for modified jamp.exe will give you hundreds of them with cheat fixes xD just saying
  6. hate to bust yourr bubble but cg_fov works on any server running any mod lol
  7. looka awsome xD bit james bondish but i useing my name is katarn kyle katarn jawa shaken not stirred lol
  8. >,> anyone know why pred site is down can't find the latest lugormod :"( >,>
  9. all i do is yellow fan spam liol
  10. is it not true? makermod on there best day had maybe 3 servers ever lugormod has clocked in at what like 17 clans lol
  11. desann is already the ult warlord js
  12. amazing skins xD
  13. part from t2_rancor xD
  14. putting up a screen shot of 5 people on a server isent proof its not dead and sora is so desp for friends he will hang with anyone lol lugormod has taken over maker mod sorry
  15. holy fuck your lil binger from lm im fso sturg long fuckin time holy shit nice seeing you lol
  16. single saber yellow style spam fan cxD
  17. so it is fixed o0 weapon x wanted to to play it while ago lol
  18. redid this one myself rift is a awsome map :0
  19. jedi junkies that brings back memories xD
  20. have you tried lugormod its more complex and alot better quests stashs bmodels etc etc etc only thing is only people with builder admin can build instead of just anyone lol
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