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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. why, WHY(??!?!?!) does every Kyle model have those black armpits???!?!?!! please, someone, explain it to me! the rest of the skin\ model is great though
  2. aye, that's what I was going for did you know that all the aero effects actually consumed ram and slowed down the computer?
  3. pretty cool, looks so Galactic Battlegrounds\ JKA i'd only suggest the ring have some physics or something, but that's a minor issue
  4. how many jedi survived Order 66 in the new canon anyway? Obi-Wan, Yoda, Kanan, the Head Inquisitor (though turned to the Dark Side), Ahsoka (though left the order before that) and who else?
  5. why not Kanan? in the show, he was made Knight by the jedi-ghosts (though it wasn't exactly official, but then again, neither was Luke since there was no official Order left anyway), and he taught Ezra, which kinda makes him a master. only way this could be retconned is if Kanan died or leaves the light side.
  6. how do I post a pic from my computer on here?
  7. pretty cool, though the shuttle is a bit out of place
  8. Oh, that's what you meant. You're right, in fact. So you're saying Jar Jar is preferable to rip-offs? what last words? the 'there is another' line?
  9. well, at least he looks more or less the part...um...sorta... oh...well that'd be interesting to see...
  10. i didn't get the 'reference\ nostalgia stuff' part - what's that about? and why are you concerned?
  11. I actually liked it. Too bad there wasn't dismemberment at least
  12. the stormies' armor looks too bubly for my taste, also, don't you think it'd be better to give them some dramatic pose? because it looks kinda like 'um...he just cut that guy down?'
  13. Ok, it might not be what you want to hear\ read, but do work on your dueling. I'm not saying this because I want to be an ass, just some constructive criticism.
  14. I don't get what the big deal with the spoilers is, take that 'international' trailer for instance - so what, the whole world can have spoilers while 'murica gets to keep all the surprises and excitement? Or what, americans are that sensitive? Also: Aren't you excited? We're gonna be jedi see the movie in just a few weeks!
  15. pretty nice, only problem is, Beskar is lightsaber resistant :\
  16. KOTOR 1&2 are still among of the best SW stories out there!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      K2, the restored content mod is a must though.

    3. Ping


      It does a fair job of improving K2, but there is still plenty that is lacking and some of the restored parts are just pretty weak. However, if Obsidian had finished the game the way they intended for it to be like, it might have stood a chance against K1.

    4. the_raven


      @Ping, well, to each their own

  17. not really sure what they're supposed to be (other than models), but me likey
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